Rails devise signup with JWE token payload - ruby-on-rails

I need to create functionality where other microservice creates a link to my app with JWE token as a params in which is encrypted json user params e.g.:
json_payload = {
email: 'test#test.com',
external_id: '1234'
The flow should be:
user gets the url generated by different app with JWE token as params (e.g. http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up/?jwe_token=some_gigantic_string_123)
enter that url
under the hood Rails app creates new user based on encrypted params
after successful user creation redirect that user to the edit page
So as you see, the user shouldn't notice that there was an account creation but the first page it will see is the password edit.
Am I not doing some sort of antipaternity here with below code? Please take a look:
class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
# GET /resource/sign_up
def new
return redirect_to(new_user_session_path) unless params[:jwe_token]
json_payload = JWE.encrypt(payload, rsa_key)
payload = JSON.parse json_payload
user = User.new(user_params)
if user.save
redirect_to generate_password_url(request.base_url, user)
redirect_to new_user_session_path, alert: 'Something went wrong'
def generate_password_url(base_url, user)
path = edit_password_path(user, reset_password_token: fetch_token(user))
def fetch_token(user)
I assume that if user creation is to be handled by a link I have to use new method. Am I not creating an antipattern here? Is there any other way to do so?


function logic for password verification using bcrypt that is getting a double render error

working on a Passwords_Controller that allows the password to be changed, also validates if the user is using same password, or if they are trying to use different password, and another password to confirm. I have it set to "redirect_to" to my dashboard controller that lands them back to be the page to enter the password again before user is updated with new password.
currently I am getting a DoubleRenderError. I have some "puts" with extrapolation see if the logic is passing through the controller and rendering I'm new to rails, so i'm not exactly sure if its my redirect statements that are stopping the validation of old pw, new password - confirm password logic in my controller, or I have too many if statements that is forcing the controller to do double render.
(output of on the terminal with statements for error)
Redirected to
is this working asdf <~~ test username
is this also working $2a$12$d5WadQunMyww2r4lnmqgveoXaq6WO6hNXvsG/h3RxqUxGFCp6tnWm
Redirected to
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 738ms (ActiveRecord: 9.1ms | Allocations: 6474)
AbstractController::DoubleRenderError (Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action. Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution of the action, so if you want to exit an action after redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...) and return".):
this is my password controller
require 'bcrypt'
class PasswordsController < ApplicationController
include BCrypt
def passwordchanged
def update
user = current_user;
#user entered correct password
if user.authenticate(params[:password])
helpers.flash_message :danger, "current password doesnt match"
redirect_to '/dashboard'
puts "#{user.authenticate(params[:password])}"
puts "is this working #{params[:new_password]}"
puts "is this also working #{Password.new(user.password)}"
#if new password is the same as new password, doesnt not save
if Password.new(user.password) == params[:new_password]
helpers.flash_message :danger, "new password can't match current password, please try again"
redirect_to '/login'
puts "#{redirect_to '/login'}"
#if new password doesnt match confirm password
if params[:new_password] != params[:new_password_confirm]
helpers.flash_message :danger, "password, password confirm needs to match"
redirect_to '/dashboard'
puts "#{params[:new_password] != params[:new_password_confirm]}"
#create a new password and save the user ID
user.password = params[:new_password]
helpers.flash_message :success, "change successful, logout for new session"
redirect_to '/passwordchangesuccess'
this is my Application Controller
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper_method :current_user
def current_user
User.find_by(id: session[:user_id])
def authenticate_user!
redirect_to '/login' unless current_user

Devise - how to check if reset password is token is valid

I'm trying to figure out how I can check if a user reset token is valid BEFORE loading the reset password form. The issue is, currently users don't find out until after they submit.
Here is what I have
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
before_action :check_valid_token
def check_valid_token
resetCode = (params['resetCode'])
reset_password_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(self, :reset_password_by_token, resetCode)
user = User.find_by(reset_password_token: #reset_password_token)
if user == nil
redirect_to root_path
This doesn't work and I can't find much documentation.
Devise reset password token will be stored as hashed value. You need to decode it.
def check_valid_token
token = Devise.token_generator.digest(User, :reset_password_token, params['reset_password_token'])
user = User.find_by(reset_password_token: token)
This method will return, true or false
I would do something basic, like this:
def check_valid_token
#user = User.find_by!(reset_password_token: params[:token])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
redirect_to root_path
so you will have #user instance if token fits and if not it will redirect user to the root_path. You can also add some message before redirecting, like
flash.now[:error] = "Some message here"

Use API to authenticate in Rails

I currently have a Rails application that is connected to an existing SQL database. I am using Devise for my user management, however the pre-existing User table in the database uses a very customized password encryption method.
There is a web service I can connect to that passes a JSON object with the login information to authenticate whether it is valid or not, and I have to manage my own session and everything after that.
I attempted to follow "Railscast #250", and combine it with Devise and some Stack Overflow searches, but things are not going very well.
This is what I have now, but it isn't doing anything, and I just don't feel like I am on the right track with this.
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def new
def create
post_params = {
"RuntimeEnvironment" => 1,
"Email" => params[:session][:email],
"Password" => params[:session][:password]
user_params = RestClient.post 'http://some.ip/WebServices', post_params, :content_type => "json"
user = User.authenticate(user_params)
if user
session[:user_id] = user.user_id
redirect_to root_path
flash.now.alert = "Invalid Username or Password"
render "new"
This is the JSON Object returned if there is a successful login:
And what is returned for a failed one:
{"Success":true,"ErrorMessage":"","ResponseString":"","LoginResultData":{"FailMessage":"Invalid email address","ResultCode":1,"User":null}}
Is there a way where I can use Devise's session management while connecting to the API?
You can still authenticate through Devise using the email and password that the user provided. The RestClient would just be like a double check: just make sure that there are no routes that the user can authenticate through besides going through the RestClient. You can check this by doing rake routes.
For checking whether the result code was valid, you can do some JSON parsing as follows:
authentication_response = RestClient.post 'http://some.ip/WebServices', post_params, :content_type => "json"
json_authentication_response = JSON.parse(authentication_response)
result_code = json_authentication_response["LoginResultData"]["ResultCode"]
if result_code == 0
# Authenticate
# Don't authenticate

Are Cookies in Rails Site based (app based)?

I have decided to deal with sessions in my application on a cookie level, so I have a session controller that looks like:
module Xaaron
class SessionsController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
user = Xaaron::User.authenticate_user(params[:user_name], params[:password])
if sign_in(user)
if params[:remember_me]
cookies.permanent[:auth_token] = user.auth_token
cookies[:auth_token] = user.auth_token
flash[:notice] = "Welcome back, #{user.first_name}."
redirect_to root_path
flash[:alert] = "You have entered incorrect credentials."
redirect_to login_path
def destroy
redirect_to root_path
My application is kind of a "gate keeper" application so the user can login into say site.com and from there go to product1.site.com, their information such as user name, api key, all that jazz is shared between these two apps via promiscuous gem.
How ever my question is:
is the cookie created in site.com viable for use in product1.site.com thus allowing me to use specific helper methods such as: current_user in product1.site.com to see if said user is logged in?
The purpose for this is that if user A is not signed into site.com they cannot access product1.site.com
RFC 6265 has the answer in section If the cookie domain attribute is set to dom.ain, then the cookie is sent by the user agent when making requests to dom.ain, www.dom.ain, sub.dom.ain, and other subdomains of dom.ain. You can control the cookie domain attribute via the domain key in the cookies hash, like this
cookies.signed[:secure_session] = {domain: 'dom.ain', value: "#{user.salt}#{user.id}"}

Authenticating with Devise in a Facebook Canvas

I am creating a Canvas Facebook application. In this canvas i want to show a built with rails (v.3.2.8) application, which authentication part is managed by Devise 2.1.2. I followed the Facebook documentation on Server side Authentication.
My canvas url is a controller action which do the following :
- get the facebook signed_request, decode it, redirect to the facebook authorization request page
- once the user authorized the application, and the facebook token is sent back to my canvas url, I fetch the User infos, save them in my User model and sign in the user with devise.
My problem is : even after i signed in the user, what i see in the canvas chrome is signed-out page only. Even if the user is correctly saved in the DB, the sign_in step doesn't work, when i check the session, it is empty ?
Can anyone help me on this please ? Thanks. Here is the code of the canvas action :
def canvas
#encoded_sig, #payload = params[:signed_request].split('.')
#payload += '=' * (4 - #payload.size.modulo(4))
# Decode the signed_request parameter
#signature = Base64.decode64(#encoded_sig)
#datas = JSON.parse(Base64.decode64(#payload))
# TODO Check Encoding Algorithm
# TODO Check Signature
if( !#datas.has_key?("user_id") && !#datas.has_key?("oauth_token") )
#oauth_url = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?client_id=#{#facebook_config[:app_id]}&redirect_uri=#{#facebook_config[:canvas_page_url]}&scope=email,user_location,user_relationships"
# render
user_datas = FbGraph::User.me(#datas["oauth_token"]).fetch
#user = User.find_by_email(user_datas.email)
if #user.nil?
#user = User.new(first_name: user_datas.first_name, last_name: user_datas.last_name, email: user_datas.email , password: SecureRandom.hex(10), terms: true, fb_uid: user_datas.raw_attributes[:id], access_token: #datas["oauth_token"])
#user.create_coachee_profile(name: user_datas.name, gender: user_datas.gender, location: '', language: user_datas.locale, relationship_status: user_datas.relationship_status, user_id: #user.id)
sign_in(:user, #user)
redirect_to user_coachee_profile_url(current_user.id)
sign_in(:user, #user)
redirect_to root_url
