Is Data Vault modelling appropiate for small teams? - data-warehouse

I am building a Data Warehouse from scratch. I am alone in the company, so everything will be implemented by me. My experience with Data Vault is zero.
Some information on the net claims that building Data Vault, is not recommended for low-resouce teams like mine.
The question would be wether to implement Data Vault or just go with a traditional approach (Kimball). I know you can also do both together. But my doubt is wether to implement Data Vault or not.
I would like to know if the statement that Data Vault is not appropiate for small teams is justifiable or not.
Thank you in advance
I read tons of articles and attended webinars. Most did not mention that Data Vault was inappropiate for small teams. Probably because they assume the teams are not a 1-person team


What type of database should I use in diary app in ios?

It is also the first time to develop,
I want to make a diary app, but I don't know which database to use because I don't have basic knowledge of the database.
When I click on the calendar, I would like to post on that date
And I also need a picture that needs to be imported.
I can look for it even if I post this. I think it would be the fastest to ask. Thank you for reading my POST and hope everyone who reads has a nice day
Quick Answer: I would recommend persisting data on the users device instead of a cloud based database by using Core Data for the following reasons:
The content may be private or sensitive in nature, keeping it on the device is safer
Media attachments can become costly at scale, saving to device removes that burden from the developer
some cons of this route include the following:
Potential loss of Analytics by not using a cloud database such as Google Firebase
Cloud storage can be backed up in case the user loses their device (assuming they are not backed up via iCloud)
For a more thorough answer I recommend you provide more in terms of your objectives and audience.

Asp.Net MVC signal R chat messages saved in a document db or Azure table

A Sql Server DB in Azure seems inefficient and expensive if the chat messages blow up my db with lots of data when users chat with each other.
Is there a better Azure solution where I can still save data associated with the message (ex. from id, to id, timestamp, etc).
Being unfamiliar with Document DB and Azure Tables, what's the difference and would one of these be a good solution? Or is there a better solution? Maybe Sql Azure Federations?
Currently I use a blob for storing images, but that doesn't seem like a good solution for chat messages.
Azure Tables are nice and cheap. It'll allow you to search by partition and ID within partition - everything else is not indexed and can't be searched through easily. If you only need to get your chats retrieved by user/date - that can work nicely.
Cosmos DB is a lot more flexible than Azure Tables but a lot more expensive with a lot more hidden costs - like performance as a cost. And having to pay per collection, even if you don't use it.

Need advice on syncing data between iOS devices in one app

I built an in-house app for selling tickets and checking-in students to our High School dances. At the moment the app can scan a QR code with the student's information and add their name to either a "Sales" list or "Check In" list. Then the app can export these lists to a CSV file and we compile all the data.
App works perfectly as expected. NOW I want to be able to sync data between multiple devices so that every device will see an up to date Sales and Check in list. The check in list is most important because then our faculty chaperones can all see who has arrived to the dance in real time. I figured I would need to build a server to hold all the data as opposed to on the individual devices like I am doing now (CoreData). Can anyone please give me guidance or advice as to where to go from here? I am using Swift and developing for iOS 10.
I would just answer the general approach to tackle this problem since the implementations would largely be depending on many factors (what database technology is available, the platform of the server, etc.)
You are absolutely right, you need a server to hold the data. Technically speaking, it is a database that holding the data. Thus, you need a database running on your server (there are tons of selections here: Maria DB, SQL Server, Mongo DB, etc.).
Next, you need to build a web service on top of the database so that the iOS app can interact with the database (add/delete/update/read rows). Web service is a very common layer in full-stack application since you normally don't access the database directly.
Finally, you need to guard your web service with some sort of authentication. I.e. you don't want any random person out there to be able to access your web service without permission. There are many implementations out there to secure your web service and you should be able to google that easily.
Firebase might be the easiest solution. Its pretty simple to setup, and its pretty simple to set up data persistence when you go off line. I'm big on trying to stick with the built in Apple services, but Firebase is hard to beat for simple apps.
Take a look at CloudKit, or perhaps Firebase or Azure, as services that will provide a back end server for you, and give you a tested SDK to build against.

What is the best way to sync data among a small number of users in swift?

As the header indicates, I am looking for the simplest way to sync user-generated data (Integers, Booleans, NSDates, etc) among a small number of individuals (at this point, I am just thinking of sharing data between two people). Within the app, users can populate an array with instances of a custom object and this data is used to populate a UITableview. Assuming all users in the select group have synced their devices they should all see the same data in the tableview.
My original idea was to write to a json file in a shared Dropbox or Google Drive folder. After looking around online, however, I found that this method is likely to lead to data corruption. Cloudkit only allows public or private (single account) syncing, nothing in between. I have seen some posts that recommend using Parse, but that service is now on its way out.
Does anyone know of a (preferably free) way to do this?
You have several options:
CloudKit databases - CloudKit's database system has the concept of a public database which does exactly what you want. It's fairly easy to use as well, and is "free" with an Apple developer account. The only downside is that it's for Apple devices only (AFAIK).
Firebase - Google's Firebase is basically identical to CloudKit in concept and features, but runs on multiple platforms. It is tied to the Google ecosystem, so your uses all need to provide a Google account to use it, but that's a small issue these days.
Realm - from a pure usability perspective, Realm is BY FAR the easiest data storage solution I've seen on iOS. However, it's sharing functionality is currently limited, CloudKit support is scheduled but currently all there is is this. If you only need local storage for now, then definitely keep this on your list.
No matter which engine you choose, users would be limited to certain views of the data through your own code. I would suggest that you save every record with a username of the creator, and then have another table containing read/write permissions, so for instance, the entry for "maurymarkowitz" has "bobsmith,ronsmith,jonsmith". You can retrieve these entries on login and then use them as the inputs to the query-by-example both systems use for getting records.
Thanks for all of the helpful responses. I ended up using cloudkit/coredata and it serves my purpose just fine. I simply used the public option and gave each set of users who are sharing data with each other a unique identifier, which is appended to any records they upload. When a user syncs their data with the cloud the application performs a query for only those records that contain the user's identifier. This way, multiple users can sync data among themselves even though they do not share an iCloud account.

Best BAAS for sharing private database records between users?

In essence, I'm building a private journaling app for iOS using Swift that will have a social feature. When creating a new entry, the user can choose to share the entry with specified friends from a friends list. The friend will receive a notification of the new entry, and it will be added to their own journal. The friend can later choose to accept or deny addition of the entry from their personal journal after review. Users won't be able to see each other's journals, they will only be able to share(add) entries to their friend's journals.
While I'd prefer to use iCloud, CloudKit won't allow me to share the entry records between users if I store them in a private database, and the information will be too sensitive to plop into the public database. CKRecordZones would be helpful, but they are only available for organizing a private database, so they will do me no good with sharing entries.
Can the privatized entry sharing I want be accomplished through Parse or perhaps another service I'm unaware of? Or will I have to build a custom backend to accomplish this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
I think below links can solve your problem:
iOS 8 data sharing between users
How to share Core Data between multiple users?
ios share data between users
Read all 3 questions and right answers of them.
CloudKit would be the easiest when you are ok with limiting it to Apple devices only. If you wan tot make a quick start with that, then try out EVCloudKitDao
Until now the logical choice for this kind of apps was Parse. It's easy to implement and has a lot of features.
Amazon just released a new AWS Mobile Hub that looks very promising. It integrates with all AWS services, is very powerful and now also easy to use.
You could also use Microsoft Azure Mobile Service. It looks like it has similar features as AWS.
Of course there are more less known environments that also might work in your case but I think it would be wiser to stay with one of the above 4 well known choices.
Which of these you should pick is more or less a personal choice. They can all do what you want. If it's the best use for you depends on your use case.
