Check if docker remote registry is running and can accept image - docker

It is possible to check if docker remote registry is online and can accept image push?
I am having issues when I am logged in remote registry but i am unable to push image sometimes. Therefore I would like to obtain the info earlier then after I create image with docker build.


Docker registry mirror

I'm trying to set a docker mirror to be the default mirror to pull/push images.
As per documentation I already set the file /etc/docker/daemon.json with the following:
"registry-mirrors": ["https://localregistry"]
Then I try the following:
docker login localregistry
docker pull localregistry/image:tag > it works
docker pull image:tag > doesn't work
I'm always getting "no basic auth credentials error" from the docker daemon, but from the registry log I get err.code="manifest unknown" err.detail="unknown tag"
Any idea?
I'm using docker version 19.03.08
docker login localregistry
First, I hope this is changing the name for the question, because the registry name localregistry will not work...
docker pull localregistry/image:tag > it works
The fact that this works indicates that you likely have a registry name with a . or : in the hostname. Otherwise docker would try to pull localregistry/image:tag from the localregistry user on Docker Hub.
docker pull image:tag > doesn't work
This should always work, failures should be transparent to the user if it's really a mirror of Docker Hub. What happens is it resolves that name to, first tries to pull from localregistry/library/image:tag, and any error falls back to a pull from Docker Hub, and any error there finally shows to the user.
Most likely the issue is that you didn't include library as the repo name for your image in the local registry.
If you are using this to include images that don't exist on Docker Hub, then I would skip the mirror and simply refer to the mirror explicitly. Doing otherwise creates many opportunities for nonintuitive failures that aren't easy to see. E.g. a stale image can be pushed to your mirror in place of an upstream image, and Docker will stop pulling updates from upstream. And because any mirror errors fall back to Hub, if you use an image name that you have no control over upstream, someone else could take that name on Hub and begin injecting unknown or even malicious images into your server.
If this doesn't answer your question, then I'd recommend using your question with actual image names and error messages from the logs showing what specifically failed (you can mask out part of the registry name of necessary).

docker push doesn't use the correct repository and fails

I'm trying to push a docker image to an Azure container repository and even after successfully "logging in" the push command tries to push it to and then fails.
Note: I am using Windows 10 Pro and have set up docker to to use the minikube docker dameon
How do I tell docker push to use my Azure container repo?
See the output:
You must tag your image with the Docker Registry URL and then push like this:
docker tag design-service
docker push
Note: The correct term is registry and not repository. A Docker registry holds repositories of tagged images.

Awaiting gcloud docker -- push

Im building a deployment script in nodejs, with 1 part being calling the gcloud cli through require('child_process').spawn(...); to push the already build docker images. i execute the following command:
gcloud docker -- push myImage
This all works great, the images gets uploaded. But the problem is that gcloud docker opens a new process to push my image and the process i spawned, closes before the pushing of the image is done.
Problem is, I want to delete the builded images locally, directly afterwards.
I've been looking in the gcloud docker documentation but i don't see any argument for this.
Is there a way to know that the process of uploading the images was completed?
i did find a way to do it only through docker but i'd like a universal solution (both working on windows and linux environments)
After some more research on the google documentation, i found this authentication page
They tell you to create a service account and use the json private key you get as token to use into docker login. This way you don't need an oauth token for your automated services, but you can use this json key instead.
You can check all the images by running this command:
[sudo docker images]
Take a note of the "IMAGE ID" it will used when Tagging and deleting the image.
When you build a docker images, tag it before By running this command:
[docker tag "IMAGE ID"{the Google Container Registry path}:{version} ]
You can push any built image by running this command:
[gcloud docker -- push{the google container registry path}:{version}].
When pushing you will notice that list of container are pushed to your Google Container registry see the example below:
$ sudo gcloud docker -- push{the google container registry path}:{version}
The push refers to repository [{the google container registry path}]
43d35f91f441: =================> Pushed
3b93beb428bf: Layer already exists
629fa6a1373d: =================> Pushed
0f82335d5733: Layer already exists
c216b39a9ab6: Layer already exists
ccbd0c2af699: Layer already exists
38788b6810d3: Layer already exists
cd7100a72410: Layer already exists
v1: digest: sha256:**************************************************************** size: 1992
You can check all the images by running this command:
[sudo docker images]
Take a note of the "IMAGE ID" of the image you need to delete.
Run the command :
[sudo docker rmi "IMAGE ID"].
If the image doesn't allow to be deleted, you have to stop the container that is still running and prune the docker
[sudo docker container stop "the container ID"]
[sudo docker container prune]
Then you can delete the image.

Docker show current registry

In docker, how can one display the current registry info you are currently logged in? I installed docker, if I now do docker push, where does it send my images?
I spend over 30min searching this info from Google and docker docs, and couldn't find it, so I think it deserves its own question.
There's no concept of a "current" registry - full image tags always contain the registry address, but if no registry is specified then the Docker Hub is used as the default.
So docker push user/app pushes to Docker Hub. If you want to push it to a local registry you need to explicitly tag it with the registry address:
docker tag user/app localhost:5000/user/app
docker push localhost:5000/user/app
If your local registry is secured, you need to run docker login localhost:5000 but that does not change the default registry. If you push or pull images without a registry address in the tag, Docker will always use the Hub.
This issue explains the rationale.
The way docker images work is not the most obvious but it is easy to explain.
The location where your images will be sent to must be define in the image name.
When you commit an image you must name it [registry-IP]:[registry-port]/[imagepath]/[image-name]
If you already have the image created and you want to send it to the local registry you must tagged it including the registry path before you push it:
docker tag [image-name] [registry-IP]:[registry-port]/[image-name]
docker push [registry-IP]:[registry-port]/[image-name]

Unable to see images built through docker remote api's in docker cli result

Docker remote api v1.6.:
I am using it to POST and build dockerfile. I can see my newly built images in the json image list output by same remote api, . During build i'm also tagging it with repository name,
To push this so generated image on the registry am using docker cli. But the reply from docker cli says
"No such id...".
Since am using docker cli to pull images as well i can't pull it as well.
Please help solving this sync issue in reflecting changes make through docker remote api's into docker cli result?
