YouTube API get current shorts video title/duration/position - youtube

player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
It works, but not for shorts. Any idea how to get these info with shorts videos?
Edit: it seems that document.title does the trick.
But is there any way to get duration and position then? getDuration and getCurrentTime do not seem to work on shorts.


Read HLS Playlist information to dynamically change the preferredBitRate of an Item

I'm working on a video app, we are changing form regular mp4 files to HLS, one of the many reasons we have to do the change is that we hace much more control over the bandwidth usage of videos (we load lots of other stuff in our player, so we need to optimize the experience the best way).
So, AVFoundation introduced in iOS10 the ability to control the bandwidth using:
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:self.urlAsset];
playerItem.preferredForwardBufferDuration = 30.0;
playerItem.preferredPeakBitRate = 200000.0; // Remember this line
There's also a configuration introduced on iOS11 to set the maximum resolution of the item with preferredMaximumResolution, So we're using it, but we still need a solution for iOS10 devices.
Well, now we have control over the preferredPeakBitRate that's nice, but we have a problem, not all the HLS sources are generated by us, so, let's say we want to set a maximum resolution of 480p when you're not connected to a wifi network, today I don't have way to achieve that, not always I'm going to be able to know how much bandwidth needs the 480p source for the selected HLS playlist.
One thing I was thinking about is to read the information inside the m3u8 file, to at least know which are the different quality sources that my player can show and how much bandwidth needs everyone.
One way to do this, would download the m3u8 playlist as a plain text, use a regex to read the file and process this data, well, I'm trying to avoid that, I think that this should far less difficult.
I cannot read this information from the tracks, because a) I can't find the information, b) the tracks are replaced dynamically when changing the quality, yeah 1 track for every quality level.
So, I don't know how I can get this information, I've searched google, stackoverflow and I can't find this information, does any one can help me?
Here's an example for what I want to do, I have this example playlist:
And I just want to have that information available on an array inside my code, something like this:
NSArray<ZZMetadata *> *metadataArray = self.urlAsset.bandwidthMetadata;
NSLog(#"Metadata info: %#", metadataArray);
And print something like this:
<__NSArrayM 0x123456789> (
<ZZMetadata 0x234567890> {
trackId: 1
neededBandwidth: 314000
resolution: 228x128
codecs: ...
<ZZMetadata 0x345678901> {
trackId: 2
neededBandwidth: 478000
resolution: 400x224

Youtube API: Include whether or not video has captions in a request to get related video of a video

The videoCaption=closedCaption request parameter is not working at all (try it out yourself here: Is there any way around this FLAW in the Youtube API?
This works fine for me, here are the parameters I used:
part: id,snippet
q: puppies
type: video
videoCaption: closedCaption
Which returned the following video ids:
All of which have closed captions. Then I searched for ones with none, and to give an example:
It has none. Perhaps there is an error in your code or a weird combination of your parameters to lead to this issue.

How to get all of the HLS variants in a master manifest from a AVAsset or AVPlayerItem?

Given an HLS manifest with multiple variants/renditions:
Is it possible to get an array of the three variants (with the attributes such as bandwidth and resolution) from either the AVAsset or AVPlayerItem?
I am able to get the currently playing AVPlayerItemTrack by using KVO on the AVPlayerItem, but again, it's only the track that's actively being played not the full list of variants.
I'm interested in knowing if the asset is being played at it's highest possible quality, so that I can make a decision on whether the user has enough bandwidth to start a simultaneous secondary video stream.
To know which variant you are currently playing, you can keep a KVO on AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntryNotification and by looking at AVPlayerItemAcessLogEvent in the access log, you can tell current bitrate and any change in bitrate.
AVPlayerItemAccessLog *accessLog = [((AVPlayerItem *)notif.object) accessLog];
AVPlayerItemAccessLogEvent *lastEvent =;
if( lastEvent.indicatedBitrate != self.previousBitrate )
self.bitrate = lastEvent.indicatedBitrate
As far as knowing the entire list of available bitrates, you can simply make a GET request for the master m3u8 playlist and parse it. You will only need to do it once so not much of an overhead.
New in iOS 15, there’s AVAssetVariant

PrimeFaces p:media tag for using youtube

I have used PrimeFaces for playing a youtube video from url.But there is a problem in this tag.Some of the youtube links are playing but some of them are not playing.For example;
this video is playing but this video is not playing.Here is the code;
< p : media value = "" width="600"
you need to check the link. The video link which it plays has some modifications. Its not exactly the same as the one you're trying to play.
Observe the strings after .com
You need to replace the string in proper format to make it play.

How can I find out the current TS segment during a HLS(m3u8) playback in iOS?

An HLS (m3u8) file references mpeg-ts files. During its playback in iOS' AVPlayer, how can i determine the currently playing mpeg-ts URI?
If your looking for a reference to the URI of the currently downloading TS, it's not available. You can get the URI of the stream for the current bit-rate by looking at the current AVPlayerItem's -accessLog.
[[[player currentItem] accessLog] events]
It's an NSArray of AVPlayerItemAccessLogEvent's.
But it's not going to give you the URI of the TS per se. You may just have to calculate the current TS by where the playhead is currently at in relation to the duration as well as the segment size.
