Token has not changed - parsing

I'm trying to parse a website.
It is a service: a field for you to enter and a button.
I logged in, opened the Chrome developer tools, Network panel / Fetch/XHR subpanel and saw which request is sent when I press the button.
The request was like:
I copied the request as cURL, tried in Postman. Working.
Then I logged in with another email. Tried.
But the token has not changed. Could you comment on that? I expected it to change.


Account linking with actions on google

I am facing an issue regarding account linking in Actions on Google:
I am able to authenticate the user and access his email address and username however after this how can I redirect the user back to the google assistant and close the browser where he was authenticated?
Any help will be appreciated!
Update: Hey Prisoner thanks a lot for that.
I did what you said and yeah now it does redirect to but without result_code=SUCCESS when I test it in the simulator.
The link is:
Now if I type talk to... again it shows me the message you need to link your account!
In the device the browser automatically closes and it shows SIGNING_IN however when I type an intent it is not recognized.
It would be great if you could point me in the right direction! (I am not sure but I might be at the token exchange stage that you mentioned, but I don't have a clue how to proceed!)
Update 2: As requested the entire flow that I am following:
This is the URL that I receive from debugInfo:******_dev&scopes=email&return_url=
When I paste this in the browser the request that I receive at the authorization endpoint is:
('response_type', 'code'),
('client_id', ****'),
('redirect_uri', '****'),
('scope', 'email'),
('state', ' CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)')
The response (redirect_url) that I send back:**********
When it reaches my endpoint again the request arguments are:
('code', '4/***********')
Now I am able to access the email address and other details
The url that I redirect to from here:****?code=abcdefgh&state=CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)
This redirects me to :
Edit 3: I checked the network logs:
I also added /token/google as the token URL in AoG. It is detected in heroku however I never receive this request in my code.
Note: I am using python flask and hosting my app on heroku
Once you have authenticated the user, you'll need to return a temporary auth code back to Google. Later, Google will exchange this auth code for an access token and a refresh token, but you're not there yet. The important part is that this code needs to be unique and that, later, you'll be able to recognize what user it is for. The code should be valid for a limited time - 10 minutes is a generally accepted time frame.
In the request Google sent to you as part of the login, they've provided a redirect_uri and a state as parameters. You'll need to use these in your reply. (state can be anything - you shouldn't care what it is, you're just going to send it back with your redirect. Its purpose is to improve security by preventing replay attacks.)
Verify that the redirect_uri has the form
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is... you guessed it, the ID of your project. You can find this in the cloud console.
You'll then redirect the user to this URL with a few additional parameters:
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is as noted above, AUTHORIZATION_CODE is the code you've generated, and STATE_STRING is the value of the state parameter that you were sent in the request.
For details, you can see

Instagram oauth api gives { "code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "No matching code found." }

I am working on an application that integrates with Instagram API to access the user information. I successfully fetch the Access Token using the authorize url but unable to fetch the userId using access_token url:
i am tried both the endpoints:
with the post body as:
(The data in the request is modified), But i am getting the follwing
"code": 400,
"error_type": "OAuthException",
"error_message": "No matching code found."
I have seen tons of queries and questions but could not find any solution to the problem.
The couple of questions i have is:
1) is the field code in the URL is same as access_token, if not how could i get the code field's value.
2) is there any other mechanism(API) to fetch the user details given the username is not known.
Please help me as i am completely stuck and running out my deadlines.
For me unchecking Disable implicit OAuth in instagram developer -> manage clients fixed the issue
I found that using either form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded works fine. The most important is the code you get from redirect uri is only used by one request. It means you could request the access token once for the code. If the you request more than one time with same code, you'll get the error like this:
code: 400,
error_type: "OAuthException",
error_message: "Matching code was not found or was already used."
Wish you all the best ;)
Try to urlEncode the redirect_uri param to
And your code param contains the "." character which might be a error.
might caused the problem
"error_message": "No matching code found."
"5dc92c4d15ea4a4ea1b0d33eaf0eef19" seems to be the correct code
I got same error. It seems that instagram's spam system disable user's access to any non-official application. Just change user's password. In my case it was help.
Also try create another application.
From my answer to another question
It looks like users get more than one code, and you see first code, but need second. Try relogin users, if you gets error. User will not see instagram page with confirm button, just redirections.
Possible algorithm of error:
1. User click auth link.
2. Get first code.
3. User click auth link (twice, redirection problem, public auth system, etc.)
4. Get another code (even on the same client_id, redirect_uri).
5. You get first code.
6. But first code already doesn't exists.
The problem is here that need redirect url set as http://localhost/signin-instagram
signin-instagram part is very important
So go to ->Manage Client-> Security -> Valid redirect URIs set with that end http:/../signin-instagram
Off late instagram python snippet fails due to missing content-type HTTP header
response, content = http_object.request(url, method="POST", body=data,headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
adding application/x-www-form-urlencoded worked for me
I will mention what worked for me.
Step 1. Generate a new client secret from you panel.
Step 2. Follow the step 1 mentioned here to obtain the code again.
Step 3. Send the request again with the changed parameters.
Make sure you are logged in the browser when you send the request. You will get the required response.
Go into Facebook for Developers > Your app. Click on "Roles" and add an Instagram test-account under "Instagram Testers".
Log into and go to: Settings > Security > Apps and Websites, where you will accept the test invitation.
Prepare your URL link, which you will paste into the web browser. Make sure to use a valid redirect URI from "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" from the Instagram Basic Display settings.
If you did everything right, the Instagram tester account for the app, will have the option to gain access to user_profile,user_media. Continue the process to get the code which you can exchange for a short-lived access token.

Facebook OpenGraph API: Can I Silently Send a Request from One User to Another?

How do I send a facebook app requests from one mobile user to another using the Graph API?
I have looked at facebooks documentation but the only options I have found are to A) send an app to user message from the app (which I can't get working) or B) to use the request dialog, which doesn't seem to let me send a request to a single user.
FB has instructions for how to build a custom "Multi-Friend Selector" but apparently not for mobile.
I have tried using HTTP POSTing to ...
with POST data set to
message='Test Message'
but I get
WWW-Authenticate: OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_request" "(#2) Failed to create any app request"
I have also tried in the Graph API Explorer but I get the same thing.
I don't want to send these messages to users that have installed the app and I don't mind the user having to provide confirmation for the FBFrictionlessRecipientCache. Also, my app is in Sandbox mode, but I only need to send the requests to the other developers.
I am looking for anything that will let me do multi-friend selectors or ask for lives, or get help from a friend, like I see in several mobile games these days.
You can use presentRequestsDialogModallyWithSession from FBWebDialogs.
You must specify a "to" parameter to identify the recipient, and you must use the FBFrictionlessRecipientCache.
The "to" parameter identifies the recipient. It stops the select user dialog from appearing.
The first time you send the request to each recipient the user will have to grant permission. After that, the FBFrictionlessRecipientCache will allow the request to be sent relatively silently (a dialog pops up briefly and goes away by itself).

Console application using the YouTube Data API

I'm about to build a console application that needs access to the authenticated YouTube Data API. Calling the API's themselves is not a problem, I know quite well how to make and process HTTPS requests.
I've already gotten the API key and the Client ID. No problems there, either.
The problem is the authentication.
I've checked here:
On the "Installed applications" tab, in step two, it instructs on how to set up a url to call to do the authentication step. All good so far. But before programming anything, I thought I'd try and see what that url does in the browser.
Turns out it just displays a login prompt. Well how about that. That won't work in this kind of console application. The idea is, presumably, that the user is somehow shown this webpage and be instructed to login and allow access. Then, somehow, by some kind of magic perhaps, the access token is sent back to my console application.
Two things I'm not quite sure about:
1) How do I prompt for the username and/or password in the console app and send that to the authentication URL?
2) How would I get the access token back from it?
The biggest problem is that the API seems to require a browser... Which isn't there. My console application will (eventually) run unattended, so starting up a browser and displaying a webpage and doing nothing until it returns a code, is out of the question. I need to somehow supply the authentication page a username/password and get back the code right away.

Facing issues while trying to receive Real Time Updates from Facebook

I have a Mvc-facebook Application. I have configured my Facebook-Sample app in the Facebook Site.
Purpose of Sample Facebook App
Whenever I make some change in the first Name. Facebook should send the changes to my Web-Server in the form of JSon.
I have successfully configured the Subscription.
Facebook sent the token. Matched it with my code and my code sent the same token to Facebook. It's very good so far.
Issues 1 - In my Web-Server, I have Fiddler installed. When Facebook sends token to my Web-Server IIS, Fiddler is not showing the request.
Issue 2 - when I made some changes in my First Name, Facebook is not sending the data to my Web Server.
Please tell me what is missing in these issues.
public void Verify(FacebookClient fb)
var verifiedResult = new FacebookSubscriptionVerifiedResult();
public void ReceiveUserUpdates(object subscription)
In my Web-Server, I have Fiddler installed. When Facebook sends token to my Web-Server IIS, Fiddler is not showing the request.
Well, that does not sound as if your debugging/monitoring was successful, does it? You say before, that Facebook has actually sent you the token.
Find other means of debugging, f.e. have a look into the server’s access log.
when I made some changes in my First Name, Facebook is not sending the data to my Web Server.
If you deduce that the same way as you did above, then you probably deduced wrong …?
Be aware, that the POST requests Facebook sends for Realtime Updates are not in the “normal” format you would expect from f.e. an HTML form post, that means not as Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Use wireshark to check what is sent, that will give you a correct view. Just capture everything and check http protocol.
