TypeError: provider.send is not a function in anchor - anchor

I'm looking at this https://book.solmeet.dev/notes/intro-to-anchor written according to the code in the textbook:
TypeError: provider.send is not a function when await provider.send()
import * as anchor from '#project-serum/anchor';
import { Program } from '#project-serum/anchor';
import { AnchorEscrow } from '../target/types/anchor_escrow';
import { PublicKey, SystemProgram, Transaction } from '#solana/web3.js';
import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, Token } from "#solana/spl-token";
import { assert } from "chai";
describe('anchor-escrow', () => {
// Configure the client to use the local cluster.
const provider = new anchor.getProvider();
const program = anchor.workspace.AnchorEscrow as Program<AnchorEscrow>;
let mintA = null;
let mintB = null;
let initializerTokenAccountA = null;
let initializerTokenAccountB = null;
let takerTokenAccountA = null;
let takerTokenAccountB = null;
let vault_account_pda = null;
let vault_account_bump = null;
let vault_authority_pda = null;
const takerAmount = 1000;
const initializerAmount = 500;
const escrowAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const payer = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const mintAuthority = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const initializerMainAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const takerMainAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
it("Initialize program state", async () => {
// Airdropping tokens to a payer.
await provider.connection.confirmTransaction(
await provider.connection.requestAirdrop(payer.publicKey, 10000000000),
// ⚠️ An error has occurred here
await provider.send(
(() => {
const tx = new Transaction();
fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
toPubkey: initializerMainAccount.publicKey,
lamports: 100000000,
fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
toPubkey: takerMainAccount.publicKey,
lamports: 100000000,
return tx;
then run anchor test
Warning: cargo-build-bpf is deprecated. Please, use cargo-build-sbf
cargo-build-bpf child: /Users/yjy/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin/cargo-build-sbf --arch bpf
Error: Function _ZN13anchor_escrow9__private8__global8exchange17hb34dfff05db149f5E Stack offset of 4096 exceeded max offset of 4096 by 0 bytes, please minimize large stack variables
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.34s
Found a 'test' script in the Anchor.toml. Running it as a test suite!
Running test suite: "/Users/yjy/Documents/Code/solana/anchor-projects/anchor-escrow/Anchor.toml"
yarn run v1.22.18
warning package.json: No license field
$ /Users/yjy/Documents/Code/solana/anchor-projects/anchor-escrow/node_modules/.bin/ts-mocha -p ./tsconfig.json -t 1000000 'tests/**/*.ts'
1) Initialize program state
✔ Initialize escrow
✔ Exchange escrow state
✔ Initialize escrow and cancel escrow
3 passing (598ms)
1 failing
1) anchor-escrow
Initialize program state:
TypeError: provider.send is not a function
at /Users/yjy/Documents/Code/solana/anchor-projects/anchor-escrow/tests/anchor-escrow.ts:45:20
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (tests/anchor-escrow.ts:28:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
How can I solve this problem?

It looks like send doesn't exist, but you can use sendAndConfirm if you want to confirm the transction too, or sendAll if you just want to send. That takes an array of Transactions, so you can do:
const tx = new Transaction();
fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
toPubkey: initializerMainAccount.publicKey,
lamports: 100000000,
fromPubkey: payer.publicKey,
toPubkey: takerMainAccount.publicKey,
lamports: 100000000,
await provider.sendAll([{tx, signers: [payer]}]);


Solana keeps showing "baseAccount not provided error" Whats missing?

I'm trying to call my solana contract from my frontend app.
Even though I added the baseAccount. Solana complains it's not added. Whats going on?
const baseAccount = Keypair.generate()
async function createNFT({ nftPrice, nftRoyalty, nftInfo }) {
// console.log('image', image)
// const added = await client.add(image)
// console.log(
// '`https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/${added.path}`',
// `https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/${added.path}`
// )
const provider = await getProvider()
const program = new Program(idl, programID, provider)
const price = new BN(nftPrice * 10 ** 9)
const result = await program.rpc.mintNft(
accounts: {
baseAccount: baseAccount.publicKey,
user: provider.wallet.publicKey,
systemProgram: SystemProgram.programId,
signers: [baseAccount],
console.log('result', result)

Is there a limitation in number of context which can be opened in Playwright?

We are trying web crawl and get contents from multiple pages. I am taking the advantage of async API with Promise ALL which can execute requests in parallel.
Is there a limitation on the number of contexts which can be opened parallel?
const fs = require('fs');
let browser;
const batch_size = 4; // control the number of async parallel calls
(async () => { // main function
let urls = [];
urls = fs.readFileSync('./resources/input_selenium_urls.csv').toString().split("\n");
browser = await chromium.launch();
let context_size = 0;
let processUrls = [];
let total_length = 0;
for (let i=0;i<urls.length;i++,total_length++) {
if ((context_size==batch_size)||(i==urls.length-1)){
await Promise.all(processUrls.map(x => getHTMLPageSource(x)));
context_size = 0;
processUrls = [];
} else {
await browser.close();
async function getHTMLPageSource(url) {
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
let response = {}
try {
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
response = {
url : url,
content: await page.title(),
error : null
catch {
response = {
error : "Timeout error"
return response;
Browser contexts are cheap to create, but it's not clear whether there is a hard-coded limit on them from the docs perhaps the limit might depend on the browser you chose and your OS resources. I think you might only be able to find out by creating a lot of contexts.

Failed to complete negotiation with the server: TimeoutException after 0:00:02.000000: Future not completed Dart

I am struggiling with this error - SEVERE: 2022-08-16 16:01:01.915620: Failed to complete negotiation with the server: TimeoutException after 0:00:02.000000: Future not completed
If there any chance to prevent it? I get a big pile of data and I don't want my websocket connection to fail and I need to wait until it is all done. As I understand it is not a backend issue (or, may be, I wrong, because I have searched a lot and any solutions dosen't work for me).
My code is like that:
Future<List> fetchAllBugStuff() async {
Logger.root.level = Level.ALL;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
print('${rec.level.name}: ${rec.time}: ${rec.message}');
final transportProtLogger = Logger("SignalR - transport");
Logger? logger;
final httpConnectionOptions = HttpConnectionOptions(
accessTokenFactory: () => SharedPreferenceService().loginWithToken(),
headers: defaultHeaders,
logger: transportProtLogger,
logMessageContent: true,
final hubConnection = HubConnectionBuilder()
options: httpConnectionOptions,
await hubConnection.start();
List fixation = [];
if (hubConnection.state == HubConnectionState.Connected) {
await hubConnection
.then((value) => fixation = value as List);
hubConnection.keepAliveIntervalInMilliseconds = 10 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
hubConnection.onclose(({error}) {
Logger.root.level = Level.SHOUT;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
print('${rec.level.name}: ${rec.error}: ${rec.message}');
// print(fixation);
return fixation;

Getting Puppeteer timeouts often on 'await browser.newpage'

I inherited a script to manage a deploy of Salesforce code to multiple orgs in one go, to ensure all orgs are on the same version. The code is maintained in a Github respository and the final step is the update of the main branch, so the deploy therefore has to be successful for all orgs before it updates the main branch. Currently we have 32 orgs for which the deploys run simultaneously (with more to be added).
The final step after the code has deployed successfully is to check all the Salesforce to Salesforce connections and mappings, since all the orgs update a 'hub' org. It is in this step that I've started getting Puppeteer timeouts. Sometimes it completes, sometimes it fails. It seems to be getting worse in that I have to rerun it 2 or 3 times to get it pass without timing out. I'm not experienced in Node or Puppeteer or scripts like these so don't know how to stop this happening. I've tried increasing the timeout from the default 30000 to 90000 but even then it fails sometimes so that is not a solution, obviously.
Interestingly a few of us have also been having problems lately with Chrome being dreadfully slow and timing out just in the browser (we run on the latest version of Chrome) and I read that Puppeteer uses Chrome. I tried googling but haven't found anything that helps me hence posting this query here.
I would appreciate any help to sort this out because running it multiple times for each deploy is not a viable solution, especially with the length of time it takes to complete.
This is the function from where it sets the timeout.
async function checkDifferencesForConnectionSafely(
argv: Config,
browser: Browser,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
const page = await browser.newPage();
page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(90000); // added this but it still times out
try {
console.log(`Checking ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`);
await checkDifferencesForConnection(argv, page, connection, changes);
console.log(`Finished ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`, e);
throw e;
} finally {
await page.close();
And this is the called function where I believe the timeout happens:
async function checkDifferencesForConnection(
argv: Config,
page: Page,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
await page.goto(connection.url);
const subscribedObjects = await getSubscribedObjects(page);
for (const object of subscribedObjects) {
await gotoObject(page, object);
const fields = await getSubscribedFields(page);
let changesMade = false;
for (const field of fields) {
field.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (field.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = field.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: field,
await selectMapping(page, field, newValue);
changesMade = true;
} else if (!field.value) {
const options = field.options.map((o) => o.name);
throw new Error(
`No value for ${connection.name} -> ${object.name} -> ${field.name}, ` +
`options: ${options.join(", ")}`
if (!argv.skipPicklists) {
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
await gotoObject(page, object);
changesMade = false;
const pickListMappings = await getPicklistMappingLinks(page);
for (const pickListMapping of pickListMappings) {
try {
await pickListMapping.click();
} catch (e) {
`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name} -> ${object.name} -> ${pickListMapping.id}`,
throw e;
const picklistValues = await getPicklistValues(page);
for (const picklistValue of picklistValues) {
picklistValue.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (picklistValue.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = picklistValue.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: picklistValue,
await selectMapping(page, picklistValue, newValue);
changesMade = true;
await savePicklistMapping(page);
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
This is the error thrown (after running 2hrs 40min!)It is close to the end of the process so has completed most of the org checks at this stage. It doesn't always fail in the same place or on the same org checks so the timeout is not related to a specific connection.
The full script is here:
import puppeteer, { Browser, Page } from "puppeteer";
import { flatten } from "lodash";
import yargs from "yargs";
import pAll from "p-all";
import {
} from "../page-objects/sf2sf-home.page-object";
import {
} from "../page-objects/sf2sf-connection.page-object";
import {
save as saveSubscribedFields,
} from "../page-objects/sf2sf-subscribed-fields.page-object";
import { SClusterConfig } from "../s-cluster-config";
class Config {
configFile: string;
clusterConfigFile: string;
dryRun: boolean;
strict: boolean;
concurrency: number;
skipPicklists: boolean;
constructor() {
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const argv: any = yargs
.describe("config-file", "The file configuring the SF2SF sync.")
.alias("config-file", "c")
.default("config-file", "./sf2sf.config.json")
.describe("cluster-config-file", "The file configuring the SF2SF sync.")
.alias("cluster-config-file", "f")
"don't make any changes, just print what you're going to do."
.default("dry-run", false)
.describe("strict", "Prevents associations from being unassigned")
.default("strict", false)
.default("concurrency", 10)
.describe("skip-picklists", "Skip assigning the picklists")
.default("skip-picklists", false).argv;
this.configFile = argv["config-file"];
this.clusterConfigFile = argv["cluster-config-file"];
this.dryRun = argv["dry-run"];
this.strict = argv["strict"];
this.concurrency = argv["concurrency"];
this.skipPicklists = argv["skip-picklists"];
interface SubscribedFieldUpdate {
connection: Connection;
connectionObject: ConnectionObject;
connectionField: SubscribedField;
newValue?: SubscribedFieldOption;
async function checkDifferencesForConnection(
argv: Config,
page: Page,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
await page.goto(connection.url);
const subscribedObjects = await getSubscribedObjects(page);
for (const object of subscribedObjects) {
await gotoObject(page, object);
const fields = await getSubscribedFields(page);
let changesMade = false;
for (const field of fields) {
field.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (field.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = field.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: field,
await selectMapping(page, field, newValue);
changesMade = true;
} else if (!field.value) {
const options = field.options.map((o) => o.name);
throw new Error(
`No value for ${connection.name} -> ${object.name} -> ${field.name}, ` +
`options: ${options.join(", ")}`
if (!argv.skipPicklists) {
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
await gotoObject(page, object);
changesMade = false;
const pickListMappings = await getPicklistMappingLinks(page);
for (const pickListMapping of pickListMappings) {
try {
await pickListMapping.click();
} catch (e) {
`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name} -> ${object.name} -> ${pickListMapping.id}`,
throw e;
const picklistValues = await getPicklistValues(page);
for (const picklistValue of picklistValues) {
picklistValue.isStrict = argv.strict;
if (picklistValue.selectedValueNeedsUpdate()) {
const newValue = picklistValue.newValue();
connectionObject: object,
connectionField: picklistValue,
await selectMapping(page, picklistValue, newValue);
changesMade = true;
await savePicklistMapping(page);
if (!argv.dryRun && changesMade) {
await saveSubscribedFields(page);
async function checkDifferencesForConnectionSafely(
argv: Config,
browser: Browser,
connection: Connection,
changes: SubscribedFieldUpdate[]
): Promise<void> {
const page = await browser.newPage();
try {
console.log(`Checking ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`);
await checkDifferencesForConnection(argv, page, connection, changes);
console.log(`Finished ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Failed ${connection.username} -> ${connection.name}`, e);
throw e;
} finally {
await page.close();
(async (): Promise<void> => {
const argv = new Config();
const { clusterConfigFile, concurrency } = argv;
const clusterConfig = await SClusterConfig.fromPath(clusterConfigFile);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({});
const connections = flatten(
await pAll(
(username) => (): Promise<Connection[]> =>
loginAndGetConnections(browser, username)
{ concurrency }
).filter((conn) => conn.isActive);
const differences: SubscribedFieldUpdate[] = [];
await pAll(
(connection) => (): Promise<void> =>
{ concurrency }
const result = differences.map(
({ connection, connectionObject, connectionField, newValue }) => ({
username: connection.username,
connection: connection.name,
object: connectionObject.name,
field: connectionField.name,
oldValue: (connectionField.value && connectionField.value.name) || "",
newValue: (newValue && newValue.name) || ""
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, " "));
await browser.close();

Run firebase cloud function when a key is a specific value

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var IAPVerifier = require('iap_verifier');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.verifyReceipt = functions.database.ref('/Customers/{uid}/updateReceipt')
.onWrite(event => {
const uid = event.params.uid;
var receipt = event.data.val();
var client = new IAPVerifier('IAP_secretkey')
client.verifyAutoRenewReceipt(receipt, true,function(valid, msg, data){
console.log(' RECEIPT');
if(valid) {
console.log('VALID RECEIPT');
console.log('msg:' + msg);
var strData = JSON.stringify(data);
console.log('data"' + strData);
const newReceiptRef = admin.database().ref('/Customers/{uid}/');
newReceiptRef.update({'receiptData1': data});
const recVerRef = admin.database().ref('/Customers/{uid}/');
newReceiptRef.update({'updateReceipt': 0});
// update status of payment in your system
console.log('INVALID RECEIPT');
console.log('msg:' + msg);
var strData = JSON.stringify(data);
console.log('data"' + strData);
This is my node js cloud function. The possible values for 'updateReceipt' are 0 and 1. Is it possible to run the cloud function only when the value is 1?
There is no way to only trigger the function when a specific value is present.
I can think of two options:
Write the nodes to a different branch depending on the updateReceipt value.
Add an if to your code.
The second options is definitely the simplest:
exports.verifyReceipt =
.onWrite(event => {
const uid = event.params.uid;
var receipt = event.data.val();
if (receipt.updateReceipt === 0) {
var client = new IAPVerifier('IAP_secretkey')
Alternatively, you can keep the updated receipt in a separate branch from the new receipts. That way you can trigger a function separately for just the new receipts.
