Strange Transparent View Appears Beneath Textfield in Mac Catalyst App - ios

I'm in the process of creating a Mac Catalyst app from my existing iOS app. My problem is this strange transparent view that appears beneath my secure textfields. It appears when the textfield gets the focus by clicking into it, entering one or more characters and deleting every character in the textfield. This does not happen on iOS. The app is all UIKit and Swift no SwiftUI involved.
In the first image you can see there's a character in the textfield.
The second I delete it, this strange view appears. I can not remove this view by clicking somewhere else within the app's window. I can remove it, however, by switching to another app or by hitting the escape key.
In the third image you can see another instance of this transparent view/panel/window on a white background where it can be seen more clearly.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to capture it in Xcode's "Dubug View Hierarchy" since the view is gone the second the app goes to the background.
User rene seems to have the exact same problem but he's using SwiftUI which I don't.
I read through posts regarding similar issues and they seem to be solved by telling the secure UITextField that its "textContentType" is ".oneTimeCode" or anything else except ".password" but that idea didn't help me with my problem. I tried setting the "textContentType" and I tried setting the "keyboardType" as well. Both approaches failed solving my problem.
I have the impression that the OS is trying to present me the "passwords" feature so that I don't have to type in a password but this is only a theory since I don't see the grayish view saying "Passwords".
User Eddie Ed mentions a similar problem but hasn't gotten any answers yet.
Maybe it's simply a bug with Catalyst, I don't know. I haven't filed a radar yet. Hopefully, you helpful people have an idea or encountered and solved this problem one way or another. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


iPhone web application : the virtual keyboard opens unexpectedly

I am having a very weird issue on an iPhone and I would like to have suggestions on the best way to troubleshoot. My web application works fine for a moment then suddenly all text fields and buttons will have no effect, but only to open the virtual keyboard.
For example, a "delete" button which used to display a "yes/Cancel" modal will only make the keyboard open, the modal won't show up... When I reload the page, everything is working as expected again.
I am testing with an iPhone 6 and Chrome.
Did someone already encountered an issue like that?
I have absolutely no idea how to track down this behaviour and all suggestions are welcomed, What do you suggest I should look in priority?
This issue was coming from a bug in a version of Chrome I was using at that moment (I have no idea which one, since my phone has regular automatic updates).
I strongly advise to have always at lease two different platforms when testing websites!

Storyboard corruption on file open

I am having a problem where my content is repeatedly being shifted to the right in the storyboard for multiple view controllers when I open the project. I have done nothing at this point, simply opened it. Further, undoing the modifications through git does nothing. I fix the problems and go about my day adding new features... the apps run fine in the phone and appear normal in the storyboard. However, when I open the project the next day, same thing happens and I have to fix everything again. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and what was your resolution to the problem?
I figured out what the problem was. On my first View Controller, I had some labels that had somehow become set to a width of zero. After I fixed them, and embedded them in a stack, the problem resolved itself. I have no idea how this screwed up several other view controllers; however, fingers crossed, the corruption hasn't happened again since I fixed it.
Well apparently there is just some display bug in Xcode. When I click on a new size class and click back, the elements are restored to their correct size. This was maddening, but apparently it's working fine now if I do this quick fix.

Tabbed bar app does not show any content

I'm in the early stages on an app and I haven't written any code yet so sorry for lack of it in this post. When I open the app, it shows the tabbed bar at the bottom with my pages I've set up but the actual pages are black. Cant figure out how to get around this. Is anyone familiar with this kind of issue?
I'm using storyboard and I started from an empty project.
Also forgot to mention I get an error message in the log that says Two-stage rotation animation is deprecated. This application should use the smoother single-stage animation.
I'm currently looking into remedying that issue but if anyone knows I'd appreciate an answer here as I assume it coincides with my current issue.

Force UIKeyboardAppearance Reload

I'm working on an iOS app that uses dark keyboards. One such keyboard is affiliated with a UITextView. I create the UITextView and play around with it for a bit and every thing works as it should.
The problem occurs when I dismiss the keyboard and then click the home button and dismiss the app into the background. By reopening my app, I return to the screen on which I just was. When I click on the UITextView, it gives it firstResponder status and the UIKeyboard reappears.
If you check the properties of the UIKeyboard, the appearance is still set to dark but for the first second the keyboard is on the screen it shows as light.
Does anyone know how to force a refresh of the keyboard between the app entering the foreground and the keyboard being displayed?
I do not believe there is anything you can do at this time to fix this. I had a simple project I had just done to send in a bug report to Apple, but it didn't fail in the demo project as it does in my code. I was going to toss that project away when I saw your problem.
So I have verified that even in the very latest unreleased Xcode and iOS beta this still happens. But, since I had the project already, I did enter a bug report on it with the demo project so Apple can see it for themselves.
15586497 "Keyboard flashes from white to dark under one specific test"
If you want to enter your own bug you can say its a dup of the number above, then no need for a demo project.
IMHO, these things do get fixed, but not for a while - maybe iOS 8 if you're lucky, so I think you're just going to have to live with it, or switch to using a white keyboard.

User cannot bring up keyboard when tapping in uitextfield

I have a user who cannot bring up the keyboard when she taps in the textfield of my iPad app. There are over 100 users who have no trouble doing this, and I cannot find a way to reproduce her problem (I've observed everything working correctly on 12 different devices). She insists that she has tapped in the text field and that nothing happens. Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
I welcome your thoughts on this one. Thanks!
UPDATE: Another user has just reported a similar problem. While initially I thought this may be a PEBKAC, but since two independent people are having the same issue, that is becoming less likely.
Does she have long fingernails? Does she tap with her index finger, but allow her middle finger to touch the screen at the same time? Does she drag a bit when she taps?
Can somebody else using her device get the keyboard to appear?
I wouldn't consider it a code problem until you eliminate user error.
If it is a code problem, check that some other view isn't overlapping your textfield and intercepting touches.
Does she have a Bluetooth keyboard connected?
From one of the users:
I updated the software from 3.2.2 to
the latest version 4.1.1 and did a
firmware update. The app works fine
Odd, since I back tested it, but at least the problem is resolved at last.
UPDATE: The second user also confirms that this solution worked. I'd love to hear if anyone else experienced similar issues.
