How to check this sequence element is equal to that sequence element in Dafny - dafny

I have 2 sequences a:seq and b:seq, I wonder if we use the function, how we can determine that the element at this index in seq a is equal to element at this index in seq b
function test(s:seq<nat>, u:seq<nat>): nat
ensures |s|>0
ensures |u|>0
ensures |s| == |u|
// Code
method Testing()
var sys:seq<nat> := [4,2,9,3,1];
var usr:seq<nat> := [1,2,3,4,5];
assert test(sys, usr) == 1
// The element at the index 2 of sys and usr are equal, so it have 1 element that match in both 2 sequence
Because of the function I could not create a while loop, so I can not do the basic logic on that, so I wonder if there's something that fit the requirement.

After researching and working by Python to find the recursion in Python, finally I found the answer for this:
function bullspec(s:seq<nat>, u:seq<nat>): nat
requires |s| > 0
requires |u| > 0
requires |s| == |u|
var index:=0;
if |s| == 1 then (
if s[0]==u[0]
then 1 else 0
) else (
if s[index] != u[index]
then bullspec(s[index+1..],u[index+1..])
else 1+bullspec(s[index+1..],u[index+1..])

This is a wonderful problem to solve with Dafny.
Let me state the problem in clear:
Given two sequences of the same length, find the first index at which these sequences are equal. Otherwise return the length of the sequences.
That formulation makes it possible to not require that sequences are non-empty.
Thus, we can start with the following definition
function bullspec(s:seq<nat>, u:seq<nat>): (r: nat)
requires |s| == |u|
// Ensures r is either a sequence index or the sequence length
ensures r <= |s|
// All the elements before r are different
ensures forall i: nat | i < r :: s[i] != u[i]
// Either r is the sequence length or the elements at index r are equal
ensures r == |s| || s[r] == u[r]
Now, if you manage to prove this function, you will have prove that this function does what you want it to do.
To obtain the body of the function, you usually have to check whether the sequence if empty. In our case, we can return 0, which is the length of the sequence.
if |s| == 0 then 0 else
If the sequence is not empty, then we can compare the first elements. If they are equal, then we return the index 0
if s[0] == u[0] then 0 else
Otherwise, what happens if we recurse into bullspec(s[1..],u[1..])? We will obtain an index that is offset by 1 ! So we only need to add 1 to it.
1 + bullspec(s[1..],u[1..])
With this, you can verify that your function does exactly what you intended it to do.


Can dafny assert cope with "! false"

The final commented out assert will not validate but when run the if statement above will prints.
ohb= true
ohx= false
palin(xe) == false
ohx ==false
function method palin(a:seq<int>) :bool {
forall i:int :: (0<=i && i<(|a|/2)) ==> a[i]==a[|a|-i -1]
method Main() {
var xe:seq<int> := [0,1,2,3,0];
var se:seq<int> := [0,1,2,1,0];
var ohb := palin(se);
var ohx :bool := palin(xe);
print "ohb= ",ohb,"\n";
print "ohx= ",ohx,"\n";
assert palin(se);
if (palin(xe) == false) {print "palin(xe) == false\n";}
if (!ohx) {print "ohx ==false\n";}
//assert !ohx;
A failing assert means the verifier cannot automatically find a proof. If you think the property holds, you need to write the proof (or part of the proof).
For your program, proving that something is not a palindrome comes down to showing a position that violates the palindrome property. In terms of logic, you're trying to prove the negation of a forall, which is an exists, and to prove an exists you'll need to supply the witness for the bound variable i.
In your example, the following suffices:
predicate method palin(a: seq<int>) {
forall i :: 0 <= i < |a| / 2 ==> a[i] == a[|a| - i - 1]
method Main() {
var xe := [0,1,2,3,0];
var se := [0,1,2,1,0];
var ohb := palin(se);
var ohx := palin(xe);
print "ohb= ", ohb, "\n";
print "ohx= ", ohx, "\n";
assert palin(se);
if palin(xe) == false { print "palin(xe) == false\n"; }
if !ohx { print "ohx == false\n"; }
assert !ohx by {
assert xe[1] != xe[3];

attempt to compare a number with nil

I'm having issues with the below error:
esx_glovebox_sv.lua:138: attempt to compare number with nil.
Line 138 is third in RAW data below
function(plate, type, item, count, max, owned)
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
if type == "item_standard" then
local targetItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
if targetItem.limit == -1 or ((targetItem.count + count) <= targetItem.limit) then
local coffres = (store.get("coffres") or {})
for i = 1, #coffres, 1 do
if coffres[i].name == item then
if (coffres[i].count >= count and count > 0) then
xPlayer.addInventoryItem(item, count)
if (coffres[i].count - count) == 0 then
table.remove(coffres, i)
coffres[i].count = coffres[i].count - count
text = _U("invalid_quantity"),
type = "error",
queue = "glovebox",
timeout = 3000,
layout = "bottomCenter"
If I understand your post correctly "line 138" points to the third line in your posted code snippet, which would be:
if targetItem.limit == -1 or ((targetItem.count + count) <= targetItem.limit) then
The error means, that one of the values you are working with is nil and therefore can't be compared to a number. In your case this can only be targetItem.limit.
If each targetItem should have a limit and count value, the issue is somewhere else in your code.
Instead of throwing an error you can simply check for the existance of the value by adding additional checks:
if type == "item_standard" then
local targetItem = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
-- Make sure that targetItem and targetItem.limit aren't nil.
if targetItem and targetItem.limit then
if targetItem.limit == -1 or ((targetItem.count + count) <= targetItem.limit) then
Short explanation: In Lua both nil and the boolean value false represent a false value inside of a logical expression. Any other value will be treated as true. In this case you'll skip the nested if-statement if either targetItem or targetItem.limit are nil.

Is the following Lua iterator stateless?

I'm confused with the concepts of stateless iterators. As an exercise I write an iterator to print all non-empty substrings of a given string. The code is as follows.
local function iter(state, i)
local str = state.str
if type(str) ~= "string" or str == "" then return nil end
if state.ending > #str then return nil end
local start = state.start
local ending = state.ending
if start == ending then
state.ending = ending + 1
state.start = 1
state.start = start + 1
return string.sub(str, start, ending)
function allSubstrings(str)
return iter, { str = str, start = 1, ending = 1 }, nil
for substr in allSubstrings("abcd123") do
I use a table { str = str, start = 1, ending = 1 } as the so-called invariant state, but I have to change the fields in this table in the iter local function. So is this iterator stateless or with complex states? If it's not stateless, is there a way to implement this functionality with a stateless iterator?
Thank you.
The PIL-chapter about stateless iterators states:
As the name implies, a stateless iterator is an iterator that does not keep any state by itself. Therefore, we may use the same stateless iterator in multiple loops, avoiding the cost of creating new closures.
In code that means that both for loops in:
f, s, var = pairs( t )
for k,v in f, s, var do print( k, v ) end
for k,v in f, s, var do print( k, v ) end
should produce the same output. This only works if neither the invariant state s nor any upvalues of the iterator function f change during the iteration, or else the second for loop would have different starting conditions than the first loop.
So, no, your iterator is not a stateless iterator because you change the invariant state during iteration.
There is a way to make your iterator stateless (and the popular Lua library luafun uses this technique extensively): keep all mutable state in the loop control variable var (even if you need to allocate a fresh table in each allocation step):
local function iter( str, var )
if type( str ) ~= "string" or str == "" then return nil end
if var[ 2 ] > #str then return nil end
local start, ending = var[ 1 ], var[ 2 ]
if start == ending then
return { 1, ending+1 }, string.sub( str, start, ending )
return { start+1, ending }, string.sub( str, start, ending )
function allSubstrings2( str )
return iter, str, { 1, 1 }
for _,substr in allSubstrings2( "abcd123" ) do
print( substr )
Drawbacks are that the first iteration variable var (the loop control variable) has no useful meaning for the user of the iterator, and since you have to allocate a table for each iteration step, "avoiding the cost of creating new closures" for another loop doesn't matter much.
luafun does it anyway, because it does not have the ability to recreate an iterator tuple (it is passed via function arguments from outside code), and for some algorithms you absolutely need to run the same iteration multiple times.
An alternative to this approach would be to concentrate all mutable state in the "invariant state" s (all upvalues to f must be immutable), and provide a way to copy/clone this state for later iterations:
f, s, var = allSubstrings("abcd123")
s2 = clonestate( s )
for str in f, s, var do print( str ) end
for str in f, s2, var do print( str ) end
This is still not a stateless iterator, but it is more memory-efficient than the stateless iterator with heap-allocated loop control variable, and it allows you to restart an iteration.
This is not a stateless iterator, and is indeed an iterator with complex state.
In stateless iterators there is only one control variable, and it should be treated as a pure value throughout the iterator.
You could consider using closures to implement this. Not quite stateless, but does use upvalues over table lookups, which should be more efficient.
local function allSubstrings (str)
if type(str) ~= "string" or str == "" then
return function () end -- NOP out on first iteration
local length = #str
local start, ending = 1, 1
return function ()
if ending > length then return nil end
local st, ed = start, ending
if start == ending then
ending = ending + 1
start = 1
start = start + 1
return string.sub(str, st, ed)
for substr in allSubstrings("abcd123") do
PIL book calls that 'Iterators with Complex State'

Total sum from a set (logic)

I have a logic problem for an iOS app but I don't want to solve it using brute-force.
I have a set of integers, the values are not unique:
How can I get a subset from it with these 3 conditions:
I can only pick a defined amount of values.
The sum of the picked elements are equal to a value.
The selection must be random, so if there's more than one solution to the value, it will not always return the same.
Thanks in advance!
This is the subset sum problem, it is a known NP-Complete problem, and thus there is no known efficient (polynomial) solution to it.
However, if you are dealing with only relatively low integers - there is a pseudo polynomial time solution using Dynamic Programming.
The idea is to build a matrix bottom-up that follows the next recursive formulas:
D(x,i) = false x<0
D(0,i) = true
D(x,0) = false x != 0
D(x,i) = D(x,i-1) OR D(x-arr[i],i-1)
The idea is to mimic an exhaustive search - at each point you "guess" if the element is chosen or not.
To get the actual subset, you need to trace back your matrix. You iterate from D(SUM,n), (assuming the value is true) - you do the following (after the matrix is already filled up):
if D(x-arr[i-1],i-1) == true:
add arr[i] to the set
modify x <- x - arr[i-1]
modify i <- i-1
else // that means D(x,i-1) must be true
just modify i <- i-1
To get a random subset at each time, if both D(x-arr[i-1],i-1) == true AND D(x,i-1) == true choose randomly which course of action to take.
Python Code (If you don't know python read it as pseudo-code, it is very easy to follow).
arr = [1,2,4,5]
n = len(arr)
SUM = 6
#pre processing:
D = [[True] * (n+1)]
for x in range(1,SUM+1):
#DP solution to populate D:
for x in range(1,SUM+1):
for i in range(1,n+1):
D[x][i] = D[x][i-1]
if x >= arr[i-1]:
D[x][i] = D[x][i] or D[x-arr[i-1]][i-1]
print D
#get a random solution:
if D[SUM][n] == False:
print 'no solution'
sol = []
x = SUM
i = n
while x != 0:
possibleVals = []
if D[x][i-1] == True:
if x >= arr[i-1] and D[x-arr[i-1]][i-1] == True:
#by here possibleVals contains 1/2 solutions, depending on how many choices we have.
#chose randomly one of them
from random import randint
r = possibleVals[randint(0,len(possibleVals)-1)]
#if decided to add element:
if r != x:
#modify i and x accordingly
x = r
i = i-1
print sol
The above give you random choice, but NOT with uniform distribution of the permutations.
To achieve uniform distribution, you need to count the number of possible choices to build each number.
The formulas will be:
D(x,i) = 0 x<0
D(0,i) = 1
D(x,0) = 0 x != 0
D(x,i) = D(x,i-1) + D(x-arr[i],i-1)
And when generating the permutation, you do the same logic, but you decide to add the element i in probability D(x-arr[i],i-1) / D(x,i)

Lua Array shuffle not working

I was working on a script to randomize the data inside of my array but I get and error
that says
unexpected symbol near "#"
When I go to that line, and I remove the "#" I get
attempt to perform arithmetic on local `n' (a table value)
Here is my shuffle function
function shuffle(array)
local array = array
local n = #array
local j
local random = math.random
for i=n-1, 1, -1 do
j = random(i)
array[j],array[i] = array[i],array[j]
return array
and here is what I am trying to randomize
for name,character in pairs(new_players) do
if (character.inside == true and character.death == 0) then
local player = getPlayerByName(name, map_copy)
if (player ~= nil) then
Here is my array
new_players= { }
new_players[charName] = { death = 0, inside= true }
Any help? If i am doing something completely wrong?
1) Try change charName from string to a number.
2) For shuffle you can use this code:
function swap(array, index1, index2)
array[index1], array[index2] = array[index2], array[index1]
function shuffle(array)
local counter = #array
while counter > 1 do
local index = math.random(counter)
swap(array, index, counter)
counter = counter - 1
If your Lua version is < 5.1 then there is no # operator. Use table.getn instead:
local n = table.getn(array);
(Update) Note that your function, while it does shuffle the items around, it does not really shuffle all elements. Also since you reduce the range with each iteration, you will almost certainly swap the first 10% of your array around multiple times. Now swapping them multiple times is not bad by itself, but that you are, by comparison, almost never swapping the other elements is.
So one option to solve this would be to always use the same range for your random variable. And I would go even further and select two random indexes to swap:
function shuffle(array)
local n, random, j = table.getn(array), math.random
for i=1, n do
j,k = random(n), random(n)
array[j],array[k] = array[k],array[j]
return array
The other option would be to select random elements from the source array and put them into a new output array:
local rnd,trem,getn,ins = math.random,table.remove,table.getn,table.insert;
function shuffle(a)
local r = {};
while getn(a) > 0 do
ins(r, trem(a, rnd(getn(a))));
return r;
