How to have different input and output sizes for a Drake system - drake

I am trying to write a system that takes as input the state of a free body and gives as output the desired state of a revolute joint.
Hence the input port should take a vector of size 13 and the output port should give a vector of size 2.
For now, I just want to extract one value from the input state, so I tried something like this:
ball_state = Variable("ball_state")
desired_theta_system = builder.AddSystem(SymbolicVectorSystem(input=[ball_state], state=[], dynamics=[], output=[ball_state[6], 0]))
However, this did not work, as the ball_state variable is not subscriptable.
How can I do this? Do I need to derive LeafSystem?

You could certainly write a small LeafSystem, but you could accomplish this one with a MatrixGain system (e.g. with D =
[0, ..., 0, 1, 0, ...] ;
[0, ... 0].


How does correlation work for an even-sized filter in this example?

(I know a question like this exists, but I wanted help with a specific example)
If the linear filter has even dimensions, how is the "center" defined? i.e. in the following scenario:
filter = np.array([[a, b],
[c, d]])
and the image was:
image = np.array([[0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0]])
what would be the result of correlation of the image with the linear filter?
Which of the elements of the even-sized filter is considered the origin is an arbitrary choice. Each implementation will make a different choice. Though a and d are the two most likely choices for reasons of similarity of the two image dimensions.
For example, MATLAB's imfilter (which implements correlation, not convolution) does the following:
f = [1,2;4,8];
img = [0,1,0;1,1,1;0,1,0];
ans =
14 13 4
11 7 1
2 1 0
meaning that a is the origin of the kernel in this case. Other implementations might make a different choice.

Simple RNN example showing numerics

I'm trying to understand RNNs and I would like to find a simple example that actually shows the one hot vectors and the numerical operations. Preferably conceptual since actual code may make it even more confusing. Most examples I google just show boxes with loops coming out of them and its really difficult to understand what exactly is going on. In the rare case where they do show the vectors its still difficult to see how they are getting the values.
for example I don't know where the values are coming from in this picture
If the example could integrate LSTMs and other popular extensions that would be cool too.
In the simple RNN case, a network accepts an input sequence x and produces an output sequence y while a hidden sequence h stores the network's dynamic state, such that at timestep i: x(i) ∊ ℝM, h(i) ∊ ℝN, y(i) ∊ ℝP the real valued vectors of M/N/P dimensions corresponding to input, hidden and output values respectively. The RNN changes its state and omits output based on the state equations:
h(t) = tanh(Wxh ∗ [x(t); h(t-1)]), where Wxh a linear map: ℝM+N ↦ ℝN, * the matrix multiplication and ; the concatenation operation. Concretely, to obtain h(t) you concatenate x(t) with h(t-1), you apply matrix multiplication between Wxh (of shape (M+N, N)) and the concatenated vector (of shape M+N) , and you use a tanh non-linearity on each element of the resulting vector (of shape N).
y(t) = sigmoid(Why * h(t)), where Why a linear map: ℝN ↦ ℝP. Concretely, you apply matrix multiplication between Why (of shape (N, P)) and h(t) (of shape N) to obtain a P-dimensional output vector, on which the sigmoid function is applied.
In other words, obtaining the output at time t requires iterating through the above equations for i=0,1,...,t. Therefore, the hidden state acts as a finite memory for the system, allowing for context-dependent computation (i.e. h(t) fully depends on both the history of the computation and the current input, and so does y(t)).
In the case of gated RNNs (GRU or LSTM), the state equations get somewhat harder to follow, due to the gating mechanisms which essentially allow selection between the input and the memory, but the core concept remains the same.
Numeric Example
Let's follow your example; we have M = 4, N = 3, P = 4, so Wxh is of shape (7, 3) and Why of shape (3, 4). We of course do not know the values of either W matrix, so we cannot reproduce the same results; we can still follow the process though.
At timestep t<0, we have h(t) = [0, 0, 0].
At timestep t=0, we receive input x(0) = [1, 0, 0, 0]. Concatenating x(0) with h(0-), we get [x(t); h(t-1)] = [1, 0, 0 ..., 0] (let's call this vector u to ease notation). We apply u * Wxh (i.e. multiplying a 7-dimensional vector with a 7 by 3 matrix) and get a vector v = [v1, v2, v3], where vi = Σj uj Wji = u1 W1i + u2 W2i + ... + u7 W7i. Finally, we apply tanh on v, obtaining h(0) = [tanh(v1), tanh(v2), tanh(v3)] = [0.3, -0.1, 0.9]. From h(0) we can also get y(0) via the same process; multiply h(0) with Why (i.e. 3 dimensional vector with a 3 by 4 matrix), get a vector s = [s1, s2, s3, s4], apply sigmoid on s and get σ(s) = y(0).
At timestep t=1, we receive input x(1) = [0, 1, 0, 0]. We concatenate x(1) with h(0) to get a new u = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0.3, -0.1, 0.9]. u is again multiplied with Wxh, and tanh is again applied on the result, giving us h(1) = [1, 0.3, 1]. Similarly, h(1) is multiplied by Why, giving us a new s vector on which we apply the sigmoid to obtain σ(s) = y(1).
This process continues until the input sequence finishes, ending the computation.
Note: I have ignored bias terms in the above equations because they do not affect the core concept and they make notation impossible to follow

Transforming MPSNNImageNode using Metal Performance Shader

I am currently working on replicating YOLOv2 (not tiny) on iOS (Swift4) using MPS.
A problem is that it is hard for me to implement space_to_depth function ( and concatenation of two results from convolutions (13x13x256 + 13x13x1024 -> 13x13x1280). Could you give me some advice on making these parts? My codes are below.
let conv19 = MPSCNNConvolutionNode(source: conv18.resultImage,
weights: DataSource("conv19", 3, 3, 1024, 1024))
let conv20 = MPSCNNConvolutionNode(source: conv19.resultImage,
weights: DataSource("conv20", 3, 3, 1024, 1024))
let conv21 = MPSCNNConvolutionNode(source: conv13.resultImage,
weights: DataSource("conv21", 1, 1, 512, 64))
1. space_to_depth with conv21
2. concatenate the result of conv20(13x13x1024) to the result of 1 (13x13x256)
I need your help to implement this part!
I believe space_to_depth can be expressed in form of a convolution:
For instance, for an input with dimension [1,2,2,1], Use 4 convolution kernels that each output one number to one channel, ie. [[1,0],[0,0]] [[0,1],[0,0]] [[0,0],[1,0]] [[0,0],[0,1]], this should put all input numbers from spatial dimension to depth dimension.
MPS actually has a concat node. See here:
You can use it like this:
concatNode = [[MPSNNConcatenationNode alloc] initWithSources:#[layerA.resultImage, layerB.resultImage]];
If you are working with the high level interface and the MPSNNGraph, you should just use a MPSNNConcatenationNode, as described by Tianyu Liu above.
If you are working with the low level interface, manhandling the MPSKernels around yourself, then this is done by:
Create a 1280 channel destination image to hold the result
Run the first filter as normal to produce the first 256 channels of the result
Run the second filter to produce the remaining channels, with the destinationFeatureChannelOffset set to 256.
That should be enough in all cases, except when the data is not the product of a MPSKernel. In that case, you'll need to copy it in yourself or use something like a linear neuron (a=1,b=0) to do it.

How to convert a single word into vector for neural network input

I am new to ML and thinking about one simple hello world problem as a practice of using ANN. Here is the problem, say I have a training data set with English name and its corresponding gender:
I would like to build a model to predict the gender of name. Since the input to ANN must be a form of vector, I am thinking to convert a name into a vector with a number of features same as the longest name in the data set (i.e. 10) and then put A=1, B=2, ... , Z=26, and null=-1 to the vector.
For example:
ALEX will be [1, 12, 5, 24, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
The output layer will be {0, 1} which represent either male or female.
It sounds quite strange to me. Is it a good way to feed a single word into ANN like this?
Use one-hot encoding. This means you have a large input size, but it has proven to work. Using A=1, B=2, Z=26 gives the network the impression that B is closer to A than Z is to A, and it requires a lot of hidden nodes to map the function.
With one-hot encoding:
A: [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
B: [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Z: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
none: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
So it requires 26 inputs per letter.

OpenCV Threshold Type

I have a question about OpenCV's example on Basic Thresholding as provided in the link below:
I am slowly beginning to understand the code and have tried out an example too. However I am confused about a part of the code regarding thresholding operations. How does the thresholding function know which threshold operation to use?
This is where it is called:
threshold( src_gray, dst, threshold_value, max_BINARY_value,threshold_type);
I get that the last parameter "threshold_type is how it knows which threshold operation to use(eg. binary, binary inverted, truncated etc.) However in the code, this is all that is assigned to threshold_type:
int threshold_type = 3
As it is only assigned an int value of 3. How does the Threshold function know what operation to give it? Could someone explain it to me?
You should avoid using numeric literals to call the method of OpenCV instead use the constant variable defined in the opencv namespace, However it won't create any difference in output, but it makes the code more readable, So deciphered set of inputs to the cv::threshold() method are:
According to this table you are using thresholdType == THRESH_TOZERO
