How to convert Jupyter markdown to PDF via latex - latex

I am trying to convert my Jupyter Notebook markdown to a PDF via latex on mac. I get the following error:
nbconvert failed: xelatex not found on PATH, if you have not installed xelatex you may need to do so. Find further instructions at
I have installed MacTex, so what I need should be on my computer, but I'm not that competent with file paths and the like yet to sort out what's going on. Could anyone help?

VS Code allows you to export a Jupyter notebook to PDF:
Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code
Opening your notebook in VS Code might at least let you do the PDF export.


Latex does not work in Google Drive in Linux via gnome-online-accounts

I installed google drive to Linux Mint 20 via gnome-control-accounts following instructions from here:
I have some Latex files in google drive. When I open them via gnome-control-accounts, the paths look very odd: instead of my original "myfile.tex" it is some abracadabra like this:
When I open the file with TexMaker, it gives an error
Could not start the command.
pdfLatex-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
I believe this happens because of the odd path name under which my tex files are saved.
How to solve this?
Merci beaucoup.
P.S. I also installed google-drive via ocamlfuse following instructions from here: .
It does run the latex files, but it works only in online mode, and you have to mount the disk manually each time you start your computer.

removing the date from a PDF-Latex output through IPython Notebook conversion

How can I remove the date from a PDF-Latex output through IPython Notebook conversion? I have tried removing so many packages in the Latex document but the date doesn't seem to be removed
Download the IPython/Jupyter ipynb file as (la)tex file. Open the tex file and add the line
just before
Then compile the tex file with with pdflatex.

How to generate opencv documentation in pdf from OpenCV doc dir

In OpenCV source dir, there is a doc dir. But, this dir contains no pdf files. How can I get files like "opencv_tutorials.pdf", "opencv_cheatsheet.pdf"?
You need doxygen for this. You can install it from and then run the doxygen executable on the This should generate documentation files in html, pdf (if you have latex installed), etc.
Note that you'll probably find all the tutorials and PDFs you'll need online as well. Using these generated files have the risk of being outdated very soon.

How can I use my Ipython notebook code and output to within Latex (specifically in the Lyx GUI)

I have an Ipython notebook here and want to use it within the Lyx GUI so I can make a Latex document
import pandas as pd #importing packages
import os as os
#pd.describe_option() #describe options for customizing
#pd.get_option("display.memory_usage")#setting some options
os.getcwd() #current working directory
So you want to convert your Notebook into tex code? This can be done from the commandline as follows:
ipython nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to latex
You can read more about this here

Doxygen - latex issue

I need some hel regarding doxygen. I have a c++ code and i want to generate the pdf documentation using doxygen. The problem is that doxygen runs, produces the html output as expected, but the refman.tex file isnt generated (it generates the "d" folders and the doxygen.sty file). I have activated the "GENERATE_LATEX" option on the configuration file and there is no visible error on the console...
Im running doxygen on ubuntu 12.10 x64 and i have texlive 2012/Debian (latest available).
Any help will be very much appreciated.
