Im sending in data through post and get a png back in the response. Convert it to base64 so i dont have to save the file. The image is a qr code and it seems to suffer from some quality loss since iPhones cant seem to scan it, androids are fine.
Ive tried setting some encoding settings but that didnt do anything.
The data seems to be read correctly but im guessing that the center logo is to choppy to be read by the iphones.
Any ideas?
Public Sub updateSwish()
Dim getPrice As Integer = 100
Dim data As String = "{'format':'png','size':300,'message':{'value':'test','editable':false},'amount':{'value':" + Total.ToString + ",'editable':false},'payee':{'value':'123456789','editable':false}}"
Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(data)
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12
Dim s As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("")
Dim enc As UTF8Encoding
Dim postdata As String
Dim postdatabytes As Byte()
enc = New System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
postdata = json.ToString
postdatabytes = enc.GetBytes(postdata)
s.Method = "POST"
s.ContentType = "application/json"
s.ContentLength = postdatabytes.Length
Dim myresponse As HttpWebResponse
Dim returnval As System.Drawing.Image
Using stream = s.GetRequestStream()
stream.Write(postdatabytes, 0, postdatabytes.Length)
End Using
Using mStream As New MemoryStream()
Dim imgByte As Byte()
myresponse = CType(s.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
returnval = Image.FromStream(myresponse.GetResponseStream(), True, True)
returnval.Save(mStream, returnval.RawFormat)
imgByte = mStream.ToArray()
Dim base64String As String = Convert.ToBase64String(imgByte, 0, imgByte.Length)
imgSwish.Src = "data:image/png;base64," & base64String
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Me.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "ex", "alert('" + ex.Message + "');", True)
End Try
End Sub
Turns out that the provider had a v2 coming out due to problems from iphones. The code was fine all along, and the base64 conversion worked as it should. I tried doing the same project i PHP and got the same result.
The problem should not the base64 encoding in here. Encodings do not change the data itself, it just represents it in an other format. Like a substitution cipher called ROT13 you can change the representation of your plaintext of
You can play with this behaviour with a lot of online tool like this one. Therefore BASE64 must not be the problem here. (You can also test your generated image before the encode and decode, this will be problematic as well for some products to be read.)
The line where you specify the data
Dim data As String = "{'format':'png','size':300,'message':{'value':'test','editable':false},'amount':{'value':" + Total.ToString + ",'editable':false},'payee':{'value':'123456789','editable':false}}"
seems suspicious. This is quite a lot of characters to be encoded in a QR code if the size variable refers to the pixel size. The minimum size I can read with that size of data is at least 400px*400px sized. What I see from your code it should work if you can increase the size to generate somethig like this image:
TL.DR.: increase the resolution of your QR code for your large data, to allow every platform to read the QR code in a reliable manner or simply change the generator.
How and why a non-English word is converted to weird characters like پاکستان to پاکستان, is there any way back to get پاکستان from پاکستان. It happens in browser shown code and received requests at server
I get lot of requests at my Non-English content (urdu) website with urls like
I tried to know what that means but search engines don't help. I tried things like
Decode this 'mystring'
What ecoding is this 'mystring'
I thought it might be corrupted/spam url, from this link
Weird characters in URL
Problem explanation/example
But when I viewed one my js file in browser (while having look on working js file). It is showing me same wired characters in browser, even at localhost
'pakistan': {'eng': 'Pakistan', 'ur': 'پاکستان'},
//But actually source code for above line is following
'pakistan': {'eng': 'Pakistan', 'ur': 'پاکستان'},
But in browser its showing me following for same line,
My knowledge
I only know about Encoding/Decoding, which seems unrelated here with best of my knowledge as?
encodeURI and decodeURI in JS or quote and unquote in python and same for other languages. But what they do for me is only
`پاکستان` to `%D9%BE%D8%A7%DA%A9%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86` and vise versa
Why needed?
I don't want to miss the requests received with those malformed urls, there must be some things to undo as all browsers chrome/firefox/edge showing those characters same, If their translation/conversion method and result is same then there should be some technique available to reverse it as well
Thanks to Giacomo Catenazzi and then I be greatful to the following answer
How to decode cp1252 string?
A very custom and still imperfect solution to my problem.
This algo needs to be improved Only by experiment I came to know, this algo works as its not working for me when string is long or including - (hyphens)
So I made changes according to my requirement and its working fair enough, so that I could guess what the actual string was.
import re, itertools
from lxml.builder import unicode
def specific_my_required_processing(received_string):
starting_characters_in_encoded_string_in_my_case = ['Ø', 'Ã', 'Ù', 'Ù', 'Ú']
arr = received_string.split('-')
res = []
missed = []
for string_item in arr:
decoded_string = guess_decode_string_without_hyphens(string_item)
if decoded_string and decoded_string[:1] not in starting_characters_in_encoded_string_in_my_case:
missed.append({string_item: decoded_string})
resulting_urdu_string = '-'.join(res)
print('\n\nResult', resulting_urdu_string)
print('\nCould not be decoded', missed)
def guess_decode_string_without_hyphens(s):
encodings = ['cp1251', 'cp1252', 'utf8']
for steps in range(2, 10, 2):
for encs in itertools.product(encodings, repeat=steps):
r = s
for enc in encs:
r = r.encode(enc) if isinstance(r, unicode) else r.decode(enc)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
if re.match(u'^[\w\sа-яА-Я]+$', r):
res = str(r)
print('Encoding => ', encs, ' Conversion = ' + s + ' => ' + res)
return res
sample_encoded_string = 'اسلام-آباد-Ûائیکورٹ-ای-ÙˆÛŒ-ایم-قانون-سازی-کالعدم-قرار-دینے-Ú©ÛŒ-درخواست-نامکمل-قرار'
I have the following code:
I get the following output from print:
bytearray(b'{"ssid": "mySSID", "password": "myPASSWD"}\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff')
What I want to do is get the json in buff. What is the correct "Python-way" to do that?
buff is a Python bytes object, as shown by the print output beginning with b'. To convert this into a string you need to decode it.
In standard Python you could use
Note that without specifying errors=ignore you would get a UnicodeDecodeError because the \xff bytes aren't valid in the default encoding, which is UTF-8; presumably they're padding and you want to ignore them.
If that works on the ESP8266, great! However this from the MicroPython docs suggests the keyword syntax might not be implemented - I don't have an ESP8266 to test it. If not then you may need to remove the padding characters yourself:
textLength = find(buff, b'\xff')
text = buff[0:textLength].decode()
or simply:
text = buff[0:buff.find(b'\xff')].decode()
If decode isn't implemented either, which it isn't in the online MicroPython interpreter, you can use str:
text = str(buff[0:find(buff, b'\xff')], 'utf-8')
Here you have to specify explicitly that you're decoding from UTF-8 (or whatever encoding you specify).
However if what you're really after is the values encoded in the JSON, you should be able to use the json module to retrieve them into a dict:
import json
j = json.loads(buff[0:buff.find(b'\xff')])
ssid = j['ssid']
password = j['password']
I have a set of RDL reports hosted on the report server instance. Some of the report renders more than 100,000 records on the ReportViewer. So that it takes quite long time to render it on the Viewer. So, we decided to go with Export the content directly from the server based on the user input parameters for the report as well as export file format.
Main thing here, I do not want the user to wait until the export file available for download. Rather, User can submit the action and can proceed to do other works. In the background, the program has to export the file to some physical location. When the download will be available, the user will be informed with some notification about the exported file.
I found the way in this Link. I need to know what are the ways to achieve the above mentioned functionality as well as how to pass the input parameters for the report. Pl suggest me.
Note: I was using XML as datasource for the rdl reports.
I found something useful and did the coding like the below,
string path = ServerURL +"?" + _reportFolder + "ReportName&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF";
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(path);
string reportParametersQT = String.Empty;
req.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
WebResponse response = req.GetResponse();
Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
string enCodeFileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("fileName.pdf", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
// The word attachment in Addheader is used to directly show the save dialog box in browser
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + enCodeFileName);
Response.BufferOutput = false; // to prevent buffering
Response.ContentType = response.ContentType;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
I am able to download the exported file. But need to save the file in physical location instead of downloading. I dont know how to do that.
Both of these are very easy to do. You essentially just pass the parameters in the URL that you're calling, for example for a parameter called "LearnerList" you add &LearnerList=12345 to the URL. For exporting, add an additional paramter for Format=PDF (or whatever you want the file as) to get the report to export as a PDF instead of generating in Report Viewer.
Here's an example URL:
Read these two pages, and you should be golden:
I have an application that builds an HTML email. Included in the content is an encoded URL parameter that might, for example, contain a promotional code or product reference. The email is generated by a Windows service (essentially a console application) and the link, when clicked is handled by an MVC web site. Here is the code for creating the email link:
string CreateLink(string domain, string code) {
// code == "xyz123"
string encrypted = DES3Crypto.Encrypt(code); // H3uKbdyzrUo=
string urlParam = encrypted.EncodeBase64(); // SDN1S2JkeXpyVW890
return domain + "/" + urlParam;
The action method on the MVC controller is constructed as follows:
public ActionResult Index(string id) {
string decoded = id.DecodeBase64();
string decrypted = DES3Crypto.Decrypt(decoded);
In all our testing, this mechanism has worked as expected, however, now we have gone live we are seeing around a 4% error rate where the conversion from base-64 fails with the following exception:
The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or a non-white space character among the padding characters.
The id parameter from the url 'looks' OK. The problem appears to be with the EncodeBase64/DecodeBase64 methods that are failing as DecodeBase64 method returns a 'garbled' string such as "�nl����□��7y�b�8�sJ���=" on the failed links.
Furthermore, most of the errors are from IE6 user agents leading me to think this is a character encoding problem but I don't see why.
For reference, here is the code for my base-64 URL encoding:
public static string EncodeBase64(this string source)
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source);
string encodedString = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(bytes);
return encodedString;
public static string DecodeBase64(this string encodedString)
byte[] bytes = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(encodedString);
string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
return decodedString;
Any advice would be much appreciated.
To recap, I was creating a URL that used a base-64 encoded parameter which was itself a Triple DES encrypted string. So the URL looked like http://[Domain_Name]/SDN1S2JkeXpyVW890 The link referenced a controller action on an MVC web site.
The URL was then inserted into an HTML formatted email. Looking at the error log, we saw that around 5% of the public users that responded to the link were throwing an "invalid base-64 string error". Most, but not all, of these errors were related to the IE6 user agent.
After trying many possible solutions based around character and URL encoding, it was discovered that somewhere in the client's process the url was being converted to lower-case - this, of course, broke the base-64 encoding (as it is uses both upper and lower case encoding characters).
Whether the case corruption was caused by the client's browser, email client or perhaps local anti-virus software, I have not been able to determine.
The Solution
Do not use any of the standard base-64 encoding methods, instead use a base-32 or zBase-32 encoding instead - both of which are case-insensitive.
See the following links for more details
Base-32 - Wikipedia
MyTenPennies Base-32 .NET Implementation
The moral of the story is, Base-64 URL encoding can be unreliable in some public environments. Base-32, whilst slightly more verbose, is a better choice.
Hope this helps.
It looks like you were really close. You had an extra zero coming back from your encyrpted.EncodeBase64() function.
Try this:
string data = "H3uKbdyzrUo=";
string b64str = Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
string clearText = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(b64str));
This is an interesting issue. My guess is that IE 6 is eating some of the characters.
For example, the length of the string that you included "ywhar0xznxpjdnfnddc0yxzbk2jnqt090" is not a multiple of four (which is a requirement for FromBase64 to work
But if you were to pad that string until it's length is a multiple of four ("ywhar0xznxpjdnfnddc0yxzbk2jnqt090" + "a12") then that works.
The MSDN documentation says that one ("=") or two ("==") equal characters are used for padding to/fromBase64 methods and I suspect IE 6 is truncating that from the string that you send.
This is total speculation but I hope it helps.
I have a D program with Tango and I'm trying to uncompress a gzipped string. Unfortunately I don't have A stream to it, but the compressed data is stored in a char[]. How can I uncompress it using tangos I need another char[] with the uncompressed data.
I've been trying this for hours now. I'm not very familiar with tango.
Thank you
Edit: my code looks something like this:
char[] rawData; // decoded data goes here
Array array = new Array(e.value[4..(e.value.length-3)]); // e.value is a char[]
// array slice, castet to char[] is "H4sIAAAAAAAAA2NkYGBgHMWDBgMAjw2X0pABAAA="
// array.readable returns 40 (matches the above string)
// decoded string is expected to be 33 repeatitions of "AQAAAAEAAAABAAAA"
// followed by "AQAAAA=="
auto reader = new ZlibInput(array);
ubyte[1024] buffer;; // throws Z_DATA_ERROR
well, nevermind. It appears, the guy who designed this file format compressed the data, before he encoded it with base64. I tried to decompress still base64 encoded data.
When I decoded the string with base64 and used gzip on the resulting ubyte array, it did the trick!
sorry about that.