Use Vaadin badge in lit element - vaadin

I'm trying to use vaadin badges in lit element.
The documentation is mentioning to "To use these classes in your application, enable them in your theme’s theme.json" but I don't have such a file so it is really confusing to me. Most of the documentation focuses on Java so I am guessing this is where the confusion comes from. So far I have only installed some components via NPM.
I tried to create a frontend/themes/common-theme/theme.json file anyways, but without success so far.
Here is how my element looks like at the moment :
import {LitElement, html} from 'lit';
import '#vaadin/vertical-layout';
import '#vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '#vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/badge.js';
export class PaymentLink extends LitElement {
static properties = {
version: {},
link : { Object}
constructor() {
render() {
return html`
<span theme="badge">Pending</span>
customElements.define('payment-link', PaymentLink);
Could someone please show me the light? Here is a stackblitz example :

The #vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/badge.js module only exports the styles, just importing it will not automatically create a style tag with the respective CSS. With Vaadin Flow or Hilla applications that can done automatically by configuring said theme JSON file.
If you want to use badge standalone in a Lit app, the best approach is probably to add the badge styles to the styles of your root / application Lit component:
import { badge } from '#vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/badge.js';
class MyLitApp extends LitElement {
static get styles() {
return [badge, /* ...other app styles */]
Note that if one of your components using badge uses a shadow root, then you need to add the badge styles to that component in the same manner.


How to make UI receive scroll events

In my vaadin application I need to implement a fixed header, that changes size depending on the scroll position of the UI.
While there are geters for scroll position in Vaadin 8, there seems to be no functionallity implemented to listen for scroll events. So I tried to implement a JavaScript connector, that just informs the server-side UI, that the user has scrolled, so the server-side UI can then notify the Header as a scrollListener.
So far thats what I planned, but I just can't find out, how to implement my connector in a way that it.
is active after the site got requested by a Client.
is able to call my server-side UI.onScrollEvent() method.
Does anyone know, how the described behavior could be implemented?
Thank you for your help in advance.
After I ran into a few issues with implementaton of a custom widget to achieve, I went for a different approach, using extensions in a vaadin-sense. Here is the truncated code for what I did.
(Vaadin requires the client-side connector code shown later in this post to be in a Widget package. I'm not entirely sure if the server-side component has to be in one too, but for conformity reasons with the usual widget-skeleton I put it into one)
So in the package for the widget:
import com.vaadin.server.AbstractExtension;
import com.vaadin.ui.UI;
public class ScrollUI extends AbstractExtension {
private ScrollUIServerRpc rpc = new ScrollUIServerRpc() {
public void onScroll() {
//do whatever you need for your implementation
public ScrollUI() {
public void extend(UI ui) {
as usual the .gwt.xml file in the package folder, nothing special here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.5.1//EN" "">
<inherits name="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" />
In the package for the client-side code to be compiled to JavaScript:
import com.vaadin.shared.communication.ServerRpc;
public Interface ScrollUIServerRpc extends ServerRpc {
public void onScroll();
And finally the connector for the extension:
import com.vaadin.client.ComponentConnector;
import com.vaadin.client.ServerConnector;
import com.vaadin.client.communication.RpcProxy;
import com.vaadin.client.extensions.AbstractExtensionConnector;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
public class ScrollUIConnector extends AbstractExtensionConnector {
ScrollUIServerRpc rpc = RpcProxy.create(ScrollUIServerRpc.class, this);
protected void extend(ServerConnector target) {
final Widget ui = ((ComponentConnector) target).getWidget();
ui.addDomHandler(new ScrollHandler() {
public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event) {
}, ScrollEvent.getType());
Now don't forget to compile the Widgetset and everything is good to go to be used for your actual UI like all other vaadin extensions:
public class MyUI extends com.vaadin.ui.UI {
protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
ScrollUI scrollUI = new ScrollUI();
//everything else that needs to be done
//everything else that Needs to be done
I hope this was helpfull for anyone with a similar issue.
I have done this once few years ago by extending the layout component that wrapped the part of UI where I needed this. In GWT there is… which can be used in DOM handler. So yes, GWT provides suitable client side event. I then used RPC call to server side, where I triggered the corresponding server side event, which I could listen in other parts of the app. The code is not public, but there is LazyLayout add-on that has similar type of implementation, which you could check as reference for your implementation.

Microsoft Fluent Design transparency [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Microsoft Fluent Design for Web (CSS framework) [closed]
(7 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How to create a Microsoft Fluent Design transparency with CSS or other tools? I like this design language and want to add some elements to my webpage.
Use one of the Github projects that implement Fluent Design in ReactJS:
For example:
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Theme as UWPThemeProvider, getTheme } from "react-uwp/Theme";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";
export class App extends React.Component<void, void> {
render() {
return (
themeName: "dark", // set custom theme
accent: "#0078D7", // set accent color
useFluentDesign: true, // sure you want use new fluent design.
desktopBackgroundImage: "" // set global desktop background image
<MyComponent />
<App />,
import * as React from "react";
import Button from "react-uwp/Button";
export default class MyComponent extends React.Component<void, void> {
render() {
return (
<Button tooltip="Mini Tooltip" />
React-UWP Example
Microsoft Fluent Material
You can use this library for Reveal Effect in Fluent Design System.
And you need to wait for the backdrop-filter CSS supported for background blur effect (Safari and Edge support -webkit-backdrop-filter).

How to set autocomplete="off" in vaadin

Is it possible to set HTML5 attribute autocomplete="off" on TextField in Vaadin 7?
I've searched but found no way to set attributes on text fields or just hint browser to disable native autocompletion on input fields in some other way in vaadin.
I think the only way if you use javascript:
TextField tf = new TextField();
"document.getElementsByClassName('xyz')[0].setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')");
Extend the TextField...
package com.example;
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField;
public class MyTextField extends TextField {
// do other customization here as needed
...and - what's the key point here - its client-side Connector
package com.example.client;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.VTextField;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.textfield.TextFieldConnector;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
public class MyTextFieldConnector extends TextFieldConnector {
public VTextField getWidget() {
VTextField vTextField = super.getWidget();
return vTextField;
Don't forget to recompile the widget set.
If you use the Viritin add-on, you can now use the HtmlElementPropertySetter class to wrap your TextField component and use that to set the "autocomplete" element property to "off". You could also use the MTextField component that comes with Viritin and just create it as follows:
MTextField username = new MTextField("Username")
This is an extension to #Wojciech Marciniak's answer. His approach worked for me, but I want to note a couple or three modifications I had to do in order for it to work as of 2017/11/28.
1) autocomplete="off" don't seem to work anymore nowadays; at least not on Chrome. Instead, you can use autocomplete="new-password", which works on Chrome 62.0.3202.94 windows 64 bits. I also noticed some inconsistent behaviour with this attribute, as NOT always works - sometimes a list with choices for passwords will show up on the component (specially until you refresh a couple of times, etc.).
2a) Instead of extending the component, you may want to overwrite it by creating the com.vaadin.client.ui.(component)field package in your project, then put the modified (component) file in it (in my case I was modifying PasswordField) in case you want all your instances of this component to not remember passwords. The final class source should look like this:
package com.vaadin.client.ui.passwordfield;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.VPasswordField;
import com.vaadin.client.ui.textfield.TextFieldConnector;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.Connect;
import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField;
public class PasswordFieldConnector extends TextFieldConnector {
public VPasswordField getWidget() {
VPasswordField vTextField = (VPasswordField) super.getWidget();
return vTextField;
So this way you don't need any other class extending TextField (or PasswordField).
2b) If you want to allow some fields to remember passwords and other that don't, you can extend the component and use your preferred component accordingly. You can keep your connector class as in 2a) but remember to name it something like CustomPasswordFieldConnector, and it should also #Connect with that CustomPasswordField.class, put that class wherever it fits in your project and remember to add the proper import for it in the connector in case it's needed. This class is just a dummy one - you can leave its contents empty in case you don't need any extra functionality (but remember it should extend the proper (component)Field; PasswordField in the example).

Vaadin : How to change favicon?

How can I change favicon of my pages in Vaadin ? I would like to change favicon of my pages but I have no idea where is the place to change it ? Has somebody experience on it ?
First, create a theme directory: /WebContent/VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme
Then, put your custom favicon.ico in this directory. You also need to set theme property in your application :
public class MyNewApplication extends Application {
public void init() {
Here is a more detailed version of the similar Answer posted by Greg Ballot. My Answer here relates to Vaadin 7, current as of 7.5.3.
Custom Theme
In Vaadin 7.5, you can drop your favicon graphics image file into your own custom theme. If using the Vaadin plugin for various IDEs (NetBeans, Eclipse) or the Maven archetypes, a custom theme named mytheme should have already been created for you. Drop your image file into that mytheme folder.
The main part of your Vaadin 7 app, your subclass of UI, must specify that it uses your custom theme. Again, if using the IDE plugins and/or Maven archetype, this should have already been configured for you. The easiest way is an Java Annotation on the UI subclass.
#Theme ( "mytheme" ) // Tell Vaadin to apply your custom theme, usually a subclass of the Valo or Reindeer theme.
#Title ( "PowerWrangler" ) // Statically specify the title to appear in web browser window/tab.
#SuppressWarnings ( "serial" ) // If not serializing such as "sticky sessions" and such, disable compiler warnings about serialization.
#Push ( PushMode.AUTOMATIC ) // If using Push technology.
public class MyVaadinUI extends UI
Favicon Usage/Behavior Not Standard
Remember that favicon behavior is not standardized. Favicons developed haphazardly, mostly out of a sense of fun. The exact behavior depends on the particular browser and particular server. Other than the particular folder location, none of this is special to Vaadin.
Image File Formats
Originally the ICO file format was used exclusively. Since then most browsers have evolved to accept any of several formats including JPEG, TIFF, and PNG.
Image Size/Resolution
Originally favicons were intended to be very small bitmap icons. Some browsers have made various uses of the favicon in situations where you may want to provide a higher-resolution image. But remember that smaller files load faster without keeping your users waiting.
Favicon File Name
Some browsers or servers may handle other file names or name extensions, but I've found it easiest to name my file exactly favicon.ico -- even if using a different format! I usually use a PNG file but name it with the .ico extension. While I cannot guarantee this practice works one every server and browser, I’ve not encountered any problem.
Existing Favicon File
Recent versions of Vaadin have included a Vaadin-related icon in a favicon.ico file in a configured project. So you must replace that file with your own. In Vaadin 7.5.3 the file contains four sizes, the largest looking like this:
Older versions did not add a file, so you drop in your own.
IDE Screen Shots
Here are a pair of screen shots. One is the project (logical) view in NetBeans 8, while the other is a files (physical) view.
In case of custom icon name (Vaadin 7):
public class MyServlet extends VaadinServlet implements SessionInitListener {
protected void servletInitialized() throws ServletException {
public void sessionInit(SessionInitEvent event) throws ServiceException {
event.getSession().addBootstrapListener(new BootstrapListener() {
public void modifyBootstrapPage(BootstrapPageResponse response) {
.getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "shortcut icon")
.attr("href", "./VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme/custom.ico");
.getElementsByAttributeValue("rel", "icon")
.attr("href", "./VAADIN/themes/mynewtheme/custom.ico");
public void modifyBootstrapFragment(BootstrapFragmentResponse response) {
It is better to use the BootstrapListener as a static nested class: link
Vaadin 23.x (plain spring/war application, no springboot!):
Derive an implementation of
#Theme(value = "mytheme")
#PWA(name = "My application", shortName = "MyApp", iconPath = "icons/favicon.ico" )
public class AppShellConfiguratiorImpl implements AppShellConfigurator {
public void configurePage(AppShellSettings settings) {
settings.addFavIcon("icon", "icons/favicon.ico", "16x16");
And put your favicon.ico into src\main\webapp\icons (in order that it is encluded in <war-root>/icons/favicon.ico)
A servlet container (3.0 plus, e.g. Tomcat 8.5) will pick up this class automagically and load it.

Polymer-Dart Equivalent Functions

I'm trying to work through a Google I/O codelab for the Material Design Web App, but port it to the Dart language.
I'm at the step where you toggle the drawer, but I can't figure out the dart equivalent.
The JS code to toggle the drawer looks like this:
Polymer('codelab-app', {
toggleDrawer: function() {
I have tried the following in my CodelabApp class, but I get a NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'togglePanel'
class CodelabApp extends PolymerElement {
CodelabApp.created() : super.created() {}
void toggleDrawer() {
my button element properly fires, but I can't figure out how to call the drawer's togglePanel method. <paper-icon-button icon="menu" on-click="{{toggleDrawer}}"></paper-icon-button>
any help or direction to the proper docs would be greatly appreciated.
This has been fixed in recent versions:
Updating the polymer and core_elements libraries works as expected.
While attempting to commit my own fix to this, I discovered a temporary workaround that works in my case. Maybe will work for you :)
Add the following to the top of your file:
import 'dart:js' show JsObject;
_js(x) => new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(x);
Then change your custom tag code:
class CodelabApp extends PolymerElement {
CodelabApp.created() : super.created() {}
void toggleDrawer() {
For reference I found this solution by reading through the code here:
