Auto comment bot on twitter - twitter

I need you guys' help to do something please
I need to make a bot that comment a post on twitter, and I need it to count from 70000 to 90000
Each comment should be like that "(number) #RockLee"
Can one of you guys give me the script for that or tell me how to do it please, it will be really appreciated, from the bottom of my heart.


Trying to build a bot that listens for it's own name to be tagged

I've been playing with the reddit API and I'd really like to make a bot that listens for someone to tag it in a comment, and then responds with a comment.
I've been looking through the docs here but haven't found what I'm looking for.
I've seen other bots do this in the past so I feel it must be possible.
If someone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
If you use PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper), then you can use the redditor.inbox class to track "mentions".
Otherwise, AFAIK mentions are just another item in your inbox.

Method of integrating a certain persons Twitter account into iOS App

In my app so far, I have to implement all the Twitter posts from a certain individual into a table view, and it automatically updates when the person tweets a certain post. Is it possible to mention a certain individual e.g. #John.. If it is possible, how can I do it? If not just let me know and I will delete this question as it could be too ambitious. Thanks!
I don't quite understand what you mean. I do a little!
There is a quick and easy way of doing this! One easy way is to use Twitters own SDK called Fabric. See Here
See this link for the timeline stuff and integration to your app Documentation
This should help you out!
P.S. Let me know how you get on!

Creating a wall where people can post comments

I'm not exactly sure what this is called and so I'm not sure how to search for it on google correctly. I tried searching: "How to create a facebook wall swift", "A page where everyone can comment on swift", and "how to make a wall with users being able to post stuff swift". The most results were about Taylor Swift and making a fake Facebook profile. Though some may find this helpful, I, on the other hand, did not :(
So this is what I am trying to accomplish. I want to create a "wall" (I'm sure there is a better terminology for this) where users can post comments. So it's not like a facebook wall where you can post only on another user's "wall". I want a universal wall where any user can post a comment. Could anybody point me to the right direction?
Maybe some part of the Parse documentation or, perhaps, another Stack Overflow post?
This is not swift but C# but at least it can point you to the right direction:
It is using C#, MVC, and SignalR. You might want to look up especially this thing called SignalR because people use it to make the wall thing like you said, for instantaneous, real time communications like wallposts and comments.
I recommend using Parse for you backend database. Its super simple and very powerful. You can find some great tutorials for it too. Here's one that's relevant Swift & Parse Twitter like App

How do you create a new order in paypal here from an iOS homescreen webapp?

I am aware that PayPal Here can be accessed via an iOS URL scheme similar to: "paypalhere://takePayment?arguments".
I don't know what this URL scheme is but people have already been able to do what I am trying to do, a sample can be read here: at line 171.
I just want to open paypal here and at the very least pass the total and receive a pass/fail callback. Now if you know how to create an entire order (product name,price,quantity), that would be even better!
Please help me out! I haven't been able to figure it out from reading this ViewController and it looks like it's the only thing that hints at how to get it done. Thanks in advance!
Check this comment:
It has 2 documents that may be of use to you.

I need a Twitter widget that isn't hideous

I need a Twitter widget that isn't chunky and disgusting like the official one ( and more like this one on some guy's blog (
I've checked his source, obviously - and it appears to be part of the Google Friend Connect service, which seems like it aims to solve a lot of problems I just don't have. And by that I mean it's bloated as hell.
Please advise.
Okay, ultimately I determined that I had enough CSS control over the stock widget to make do. If anyone has a better solution though I'd still like to hear it.
I dont know if this helps but u can check the post to twitter app from here:
and here
Hope it helpes:)
