rrt_exploration rviz no map received error - ros

I have to use rrt exploration for a project, but whenever I run the rrt exploration lauch files and the rrt exploration tutorials launch files, I get a 'no map received' error in the Map topics. What is the solution to this? Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 Ros Kinetic(Ubiquity Robotics version)


Followed Gazebo Model Plugin Tutorial however there is a Black Screen in Gazebo

Followed Gazebo tutorial (http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=plugins_model&cat=write_plugin) however when typing all the commands Gazebo appears like this
Here is the output from running the server command
And here is the output from running the client command
Can you guys please assist me with how to fix this problem?
I had to change the sdf version from 1.4 to 1.5 and now it works

build substrate ink contract

I trying to create a substrate smart contract by following the tutorial as described in https://substrate.dev/substrate-contracts-workshop/#/0/setup. I have installed all the dependencies on Windows 10 OS. However, the process fails after completing 3 steps ( [3/5] Optimizing wasm file) with the following error message.
"ERROR: Access is denied. (os error 5)"
Please help me in resolving this error.
Maybe try an admin console? But ideally developing in WSL2 is best if you can. You'll have a lot less trouble that way.

How to Get Hyperledger Indy Running on Ubuntu 16.04 or Windows or PlayWithDocker

Other than the example/demo from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llwfb5Ut5sg&t=2823s => https://github.com/swcurran/education/tree/master/LFS171x/indy-material/nodejs
I can not seem to get Hyperledger Indy (SDK or Node) succefully up and running from any of the guides:
- https://indy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ OR
-https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk OR
-https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node#about-indy-node OR -Any guide on Medium.com or a google search.
On either my Ubuntu 16.04 OS, my Windows OS or Play With Docker online.
A common error is that the "libindy dependancy is not found" - but https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk#installing-the-sdk always fails as well.
Has anyone recently and successfully done so? Any tips to get started developing would also be greatly appreciated.
There is an easy way to get a local Indy network , please try

Running ROS Inside of Pepper

we are currently working on Pepper 2.5.10 and ROS Kinetic. We want to run ROS with our own applications inside the robot. We have tried some of the ROS projects with Pepper robot, but all of the applications run in our computer. We are thinking to install and run ROS inside of Pepper, do you think this is a practical way to do or do you have any other suggestion for this task.
Thanks for your suggestions.
You can check these links for cross compilation (compile on you pc and send it to Pepper):
or this one to use gentoo prefix (install useful tools like catkin_make or emerge on the pepper's head so compile directly on the robot) :

Using Github Project in Docker

I'm working on face detection project and trying to use this github project.
But the issue is I'm using windows system and have difficulties installing modules used in this project. I can use a VM, install linux and use it. But can I use docker to call the project from github and work with it? If yes, how to do it? I tried to read about it, but hardly got any materials.
Thank you!
