forth implementation with JIT write protection? - forth

I believe Apple has disabled being able to write and execute memory at the same time on the ARM64 architecture, see:
See mmap() RWX page on MacOS (ARM64 architecture)?
This makes it difficult to port implementations like jonesforth, which keeps generated code and the code to generate it (like the built-in assembler in jonesforth.f) in the same segment.
I thought I could do something like map the user space from start to HERE as 'r-x', and from here to the end as 'rw-'. Then I'd have to constantly remap memory as I compile new words, and I couldn't go and fix up previous words (I believe SCODE would make use of it).
Do you have any advice on how to handle such limitations ?
I guess I should look into other forth implementations that are running on M1 Macs.

A Forth implementation can have a problem with write-protected segments of code only when it generates machine code that should be executable at once. There is no such a problem if it uses threaded code. So it's supposed bellow that the Forth system have to generate machine code.
Data space and code space
Obviously, you have to separate code space from data space. Data space (at least mutable regions of, including regions for variables and data fields), as well as internal mutable memory regions and probably headers, should be mapped to 'rw-' segments. Code space should be mapped to 'r-x' segments.
The word here ( -- addr ) returns the address of the first cell available for reservation, which is writable for a program, and it should be always in an 'rw-' segment. You can have an internal word code::here ( -- addr ) that returns address in code space, if you need.
A decision for execution tokens is a compromise between speed and simplicity of implementation (an 'r-x' segment vs 'rw-'). The simplest case is that an execution token is represented by an address in an 'rw-' segment, and then execute does an additional dereferencing to get the corresponding address of code.
Code generation
In the given conditions we should generate machine code into an 'rw-' segment, but before this code is executed, this segment should be made 'r-x'.
Probably, the simplest solution is to allocate a memory block for every new definition, resize (minimize) the block on completion and make it 'r-x'. Possible disadvantages — losses due to page size (e.g. 4 KiB), and maybe memory fragmentation.
Changing protection of the main code segment starting from code::here also implies losses due to page size granularity.
Another variant is to break creating of a definition into two stages:
generate intermediate representation (IR) in a separate 'rw-' segment during compilation of a definition;
when the definition is completed, generate machine code in the main code segment from IR, and discard IR code.
Actually, it could be machine code on the first stage too, and then it's just relocated into another place on the second stage.
Before write to the main code segment you change it (or its part) to 'rw-', and after that revert it to 'r-x'.
A subroutine that translates IR code should be resided in another 'r-x' segment that you don't change.
Forth is agnostic to the format of generated code, and in a straightforward system only a handful of definitions "know" what format is generated. So only these definitions should be changed to generate IR code. If you relocate machine code, you probably don't need to change even these definitions.


STM32 Current Flash Vector Address

I'm working on a dual OS system with STM32F103, I have two separate program that programmed on different FLASH locations. if both of the programs are the same, the only way to know which of them running is just by its start vector address.
But How I Can Read The Current Program Start Vector Address in STM32 ???
After reading the comments, it sounds like what you have/want is a bootloader. If your goal here is to have two different applications, one to do your main processing and real time handling and the other to just program new firmware, then you want to make a bootloader in your default boot flash space.
Bootloaders fundamentally do a few things, everything else is extra.
Check itself using some type of data integrity check like a CRC.
Checks the application
Jumps to the application.
Bootloaders will also program applications in the app space and verify they are programmed correctly before jumping as well. Colin gave some good advice about appending a CRC to the hex file before it is programmed in flash space to verify the applications.
There are a few things to look out for. The first would be the linker script and this is extremely important. A linker script will be used to map input objects to output objects and then determine based upon that script, what memory space they go into. For both of your applications, you need to create a memory map of how you want both programs to sit inside of the flash space. From this point, you can then make linker scripts for both programs so that a hex file can be generated within the parameters of what you deem acceptable flash space for the program. Each project you have will have its own linker script. An example would look something like this:
LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000 { ; load region size_region
ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00010000 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (RESET, +First)
.ANY (+RO)
RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00018000 { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
This will give RAM for the application to use as well as a starting point for the application.
After that, you can start the bootloader and give it information about where the application space lies for jumping and programming. Once again this is all determined by you from your memory map and both applications' linker scripts. You are going to need to add a separate entry inside of the linker for your CRC and length for a comparison of the calculated versus stored as well. Whatever tool you use to append the CRC to the hex file and have it programmed to flash space, remember to note the location and make it known to the linker script so you can reference those addresses to check integrity later.
After you check everything and it is determined that it is okay to go to the application, you can use some ARM assembly to jump to the starting application address. Before jumping, make sure to disable all peripherals and interrupts that were enabled in the bootloader. As Colin mentioned, these will share RAM, so it is important you de-initialize all used, otherwise, you'll end up with a hard fault.
At this point, the program used another hex file laid out by a linker script, so it should begin executing as planned, as long as you have the correct vector table offset, which gets into your question fully.
As far as your question on the "Flash vector address", I think what your really mean is your interrupt vector table address. An interrupt vector table is a data structure in memory that maps interrupt requests to the addresses of interrupt handlers. This is where the PC register grabs the next available instruction address upon hardware interrupt triggers, for example. You can see this by keeping track of the ARM pipeline in a few lines of assembly code. Each entry of this table is a handler's address. This offset must be aligned with your application, otherwise you will never go into the main function and the program will sit in the application space, but have nothing to do since all handlers addresses are unknown. This is what the SCB->VTOR is for. It is a vector interrupt table offset address register. In this case, there are a few things you can do. Luckily, these are hard-coded inside of STM generated files inside of the file "system_stm32(xx)xx.c" (xx is your microcontroller variant). There is a define for something called VECT_TAB_OFFSET which is the offset in the memory map of the vector table and is assigned to the SCB->VTOR register with the value that is chosen. Your interrupt vector table will always lie at the starting address of your main application, so for the bootloader it can be 0x00, but for the application, it will be the subtraction of the starting address of the application space, and the first addressable flash address of the microcontroller.
/************************* Miscellaneous Configuration ************************/
/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
Internal SRAM. */
/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00 /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
Make sure you understand what is expected from the micro side using STM documentation before programming things. Vector tables in this chip can only be in multiples of 0x200. But to answer your question, this address can be determined by a few things. Your memory map, and eventually, you will have a hard-coded reference to it as a define. You can figure it out from there.
Hope this helps and good luck to you on your application.

boost lockfree spsc_queue cache memory access

I need to be extremely concerned with speed/latency in my current multi-threaded project.
Cache access is something I'm trying to understand better. And I'm not clear on how lock-free queues (such as the boost::lockfree::spsc_queue) access/use memory on a cache level.
I've seen queues used where the pointer of a large object that needs to be operated on by the consumer core is pushed into the queue.
If the consumer core pops an element from the queue, I presume that means the element (a pointer in this case) is already loaded into the consumer core's L2 and L1 cache. But to access the element, does it not need to access the pointer itself by finding and loading the element either from either the L3 cache or across the interconnect (if the other thread is on a different cpu socket)? If so, would it maybe be better to simply send a copy of the object that could be disposed of by the consumer?
Thank you.
C++ principally a pay-for-what-you-need eco-system.
Any regular queue will let you choose the storage semantics (by value or by reference).
However, this time you ordered something special: you ordered a lock free queue.
In order to be lock free, it must be able to perform all the observable modifying operations as atomic operations. This naturally restricts the types that can be used in these operations directly.
You might doubt whether it's even possible to have a value-type that exceeds the system's native register size (say, int64_t).
Good question.
Enter Ringbuffers
Indeed, any node based container would just require pointer swaps for all modifying operations, which is trivially made atomic on all modern architectures.
But does anything that involves copying multiple distinct memory areas, in non-atomic sequence, really pose an unsolvable problem?
No. Imagine a flat array of POD data items. Now, if you treat the array as a circular buffer, one would just have to maintain the index of the buffer front and end positions atomically. The container could, at leisure update in internal 'dirty front index' while it copies ahead of the external front. (The copy can use relaxed memory ordering). Only as soon as the whole copy is known to have completed, the external front index is updated. This update needs to be in acq_rel/cst memory order[1].
As long as the container is able to guard the invariant that the front never fully wraps around and reaches back, this is a sweet deal. I think this idea was popularized in the Disruptor Library (of LMAX fame). You get mechanical resonance from
linear memory access patterns while reading/writing
even better if you can make the record size aligned with (a multiple) physical cache lines
all the data is local unless the POD contains raw references outside that record
How Does Boost's spsc_queue Actually Do This?
Yes, spqc_queue stores the raw element values in a contiguous aligned block of memory: (e.g. from compile_time_sized_ringbuffer which underlies spsc_queue with statically supplied maximum capacity:)
typedef typename boost::aligned_storage<max_size * sizeof(T),
>::type storage_type;
storage_type storage_;
T * data()
return static_cast<T*>(storage_.address());
(The element type T need not even be POD, but it needs to be both default-constructible and copyable).
Yes, the read and write pointers are atomic integral values. Note that the boost devs have taken care to apply enough padding to avoid False Sharing on the cache line for the reading/writing indices: (from ringbuffer_base):
static const int padding_size = BOOST_LOCKFREE_CACHELINE_BYTES - sizeof(size_t);
atomic<size_t> write_index_;
char padding1[padding_size]; /* force read_index and write_index to different cache lines */
atomic<size_t> read_index_;
In fact, as you can see, there are only the "internal" index on either read or write side. This is possible because there's only one writing thread and also only one reading thread, which means that there could only be more space at the end of write operation than anticipated.
Several other optimizations are present:
branch prediction hints for platforms that support it (unlikely())
it's possible to push/pop a range of elements at once. This should improve throughput in case you need to siphon from one buffer/ringbuffer into another, especially if the raw element size is not equal to (a whole multiple of) a cacheline
use of std::unitialized_copy where possible
The calling of trivial constructors/destructors will be optimized out at instantiation time
the unitialized_copy will be optimized into memcpy on all major standard library implementations (meaning that e.g. SSE instructions will be employed if your architecture supports it)
All in all, we see a best-in-class possible idea for a ringbuffer
What To Use
Boost has given you all the options. You can elect to make your element type a pointer to your message type. However, as you already raised in your question, this level of indirection reduces locality of reference and might not be optimal.
On the other hand, storing the complete message type in the element type could become expensive if copying is expensive. At the very least try to make the element type fit nicely into a cache line (typically 64 bytes on Intel).
So in practice you might consider storing frequently used data right there in the value, and referencing the less-of-used data using a pointer (the cost of the pointer will be low unless it's traversed).
If you need that "attachment" model, consider using a custom allocator for the referred-to data so you can achieve memory access patterns there too.
Let your profiler guide you.
[1] I suppose say for spsc acq_rel should work, but I'm a bit rusty on the details. As a rule, I make it a point not to write lock-free code myself. I recommend anyone else to follow my example :)

Why is a process's address space divided into four segments (text, data, stack and heap)?

Why does a process's address space have to divide into four segments (text, data, stack and heap)? What is the advandatage? is it possible to have only one whole big segment?
There are multiple reasons for splitting programs into parts in memory.
One of them is that instruction and data memories can be architecturally distinct and discontiguous, that is, read and written from/to using different instructions and circuitry inside and outside of the CPU, forming two different address spaces (i.e. reading code from address 0 and reading data from address 0 will typically return two different values, from different memories).
Another is reliability/security. You rarely want the program's code and constant data to change. Most of the time when that happens, it happens because something is wrong (either in the program itself or in its inputs, which may be maliciously constructed). You want to prevent that from happening and know if there are any attempts. Likewise you don't want the data areas that can change to be executable. If they are and there are security bugs in the program, the program can be easily forced to do something harmful when malicious code makes it into the program data areas as data and triggers those security bugs (e.g. buffer overflows).
Yet another is storage... In many programs a number of data areas aren't initialized at all or are initialized to one common predefined value (often 0). Memory has to be reserved for these data areas when the program is loaded and is about to start, but these areas don't need to be stored on the disk, because there's no meaningful data there.
On some systems you may have everything in one place (section/segment/etc). One notable example here is MSDOS, where .COM-style programs have no structure other than that they have to be less than about 64KB in size and the first executable instruction must appear at the very beginning of file and assume that its location corresponds to IP=0x100 (where IP is the instruction pointer register). How code and data are placed and interleaved in a .COM program is unimportant and up to the programmer.
There are other architectural artifacts such as x86 segments. Again, MSDOS is a good example of an OS that deals with them. .EXE-style programs in it may have multiple segments in them that correspond directly to the x86 CPU segments, to the real-mode addressing scheme, in which memory is viewed through 64KB-long "windows" known as segments. The position of these windows/segments is relative to the value of the CPU's segment registers. By altering the segment register values you can move the "windows". In order to access more than 64KB one needs to use different segment register values and that often implies having multiple segments in the .EXE (can be not just one segment for code and one for data, but also multiple segments for either of them).
At least the text and data segments are separated to prevent malicious code that's stored inside a variable from being run.
Instructions (compiled code) are stored in the text segment, while the contents of your variables are stored in a data segment, the latter of which never gets executed, only read from and written to.
A little more info here.
Isn't this distinction just a big, hacky workaround for patching security into the von-Neumann architecture where data and instructions share the same memory?

How does a program look in memory?

How is a program (e.g. C or C++) arranged in computer memory? I kind of know a little about segments, variables etc, but basically I have no solid understanding of the entire structure.
Since the in-memory structure may differ, let's assume a C++ console application on Windows.
Some pointers to what I'm after specifically:
Outline of a function, and how is it called?
Each function has a stack frame, what does that contain and how is it arranged in memory?
Function arguments and return values
Global and local variables?
const static variables?
Thread local storage..
Links to tutorial-like material and such is welcome, but please no reference-style material assuming knowledge of assembler etc.
Might this be what you are looking for:
The PE file format is the binary file structure of windows binaries (.exe, .dll etc). Basically, they are mapped into memory like that. More details are described here with an explanation how you yourself can take a look at the binary representation of loaded dlls in memory:
Now I understand that you want to learn how source code relates to the binary code in the PE file. That's a huge field.
First, you have to understand the basics about computer architecture which will involve learning the general basics of assembly code. Any "Introduction to Computer Architecture" college course will do. Literature includes e.g. "John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" or "Andrew Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization".
After reading this, you should understand what a stack is and its difference to the heap. What the stack-pointer and the base pointer are and what the return address is, how many registers there are etc.
Once you've understood this, it is relatively easy to put the pieces together:
A C++ object contains code and data, i.e., member variables. A class
class SimpleClass {
int m_nInteger;
double m_fDouble;
double SomeFunction() { return m_nInteger + m_fDouble; }
will be 4 + 8 consecutives bytes in memory. What happens when you do:
SimpleClass c1;
c1.m_nInteger = 1;
c1.m_fDouble = 5.0;
First, object c1 is created on the stack, i.e., the stack pointer esp is decreased by 12 bytes to make room. Then constant "1" is written to memory address esp-12 and constant "5.0" is written to esp-8.
Then we call a function that means two things.
The computer has to load the part of the binary PE file into memory that contains function SomeFunction(). SomeFunction will only be in memory once, no matter how many instances of SimpleClass you create.
The computer has to execute function SomeFunction(). That means several things:
Calling the function also implies passing all parameters, often this is done on the stack. SomeFunction has one (!) parameter, the this pointer, i.e., the pointer to the memory address on the stack where we have just written the values "1" and "5.0"
Save the current program state, i.e., the current instruction address which is the code address that will be executed if SomeFunction returns. Calling a function means pushing the return address on the stack and setting the instruction pointer (register eip) to the address of the function SomeFunction.
Inside function SomeFunction, the old stack is saved by storing the old base pointer (ebp) on the stack (push ebp) and making the stack pointer the new base pointer (mov ebp, esp).
The actual binary code of SomeFunction is executed which will call the machine instruction that converts m_nInteger to a double and adds it to m_fDouble. m_nInteger and m_fDouble are found on the stack, at ebp - x bytes.
The result of the addition is stored in a register and the function returns. That means the stack is discarded which means the stack pointer is set back to the base pointer. The base pointer is set back (next value on the stack) and then the instruction pointer is set to the return address (again next value on the stack). Now we're back in the original state but in some register lurks the result of the SomeFunction().
I suggest, you build yourself such a simple example and step through the disassembly. In debug build the code will be easy to understand and Visual Studio displays variable names in the disassembly view. See what the registers esp, ebp and eip do, where in memory your object is allocated, where the code is etc.
What a huge question!
First you want to learn about virtual memory. Without that, nothing else will make sense. In short, C/C++ pointers are not physical memory addresses. Pointers are virtual addresses. There's a special CPU feature (the MMU, memory management unit) that transparently maps them to physical memory. Only the operating system is allowed to configure the MMU.
This provides safety (there is no C/C++ pointer value you can possibly make that points into another process's virtual address space, unless that process is intentionally sharing memory with you) and lets the OS do some really magical things that we now take for granted (like transparently swap some of a process's memory to disk, then transparently load it back when the process tries to use it).
A process's address space (a.k.a. virtual address space, a.k.a. addressable memory) contains:
a huge region of memory that's reserved for the Windows kernel, which the process isn't allowed to touch;
regions of virtual memory that are "unmapped", i.e. nothing is loaded there, there's no physical memory assigned to those addresses, and the process will crash if it tries to access them;
parts the various modules (EXE and DLL files) that have been loaded (each of these contains machine code, string constants, and other data); and
whatever other memory the process has allocated from the system.
Now typically a process lets the C Runtime Library or the Win32 libraries do most of the super-low-level memory management, which includes setting up:
a stack (for each thread), where local variables and function arguments and return values are stored; and
a heap, where memory is allocated if the process calls malloc or does new X.
For more about the stack is structured, read about calling conventions. For more about how the heap is structured, read about malloc implementations. In general the stack really is a stack, a last-in-first-out data structure, containing arguments, local variables, and the occasional temporary result, and not much more. Since it is easy for a program to write straight past the end of the stack (the common C/C++ bug after which this site is named), the system libraries typically make sure that there is an unmapped page adjacent to the stack. This makes the process crash instantly when such a bug happens, so it's much easier to debug (and the process is killed before it can do any more damage).
The heap is not really a heap in the data structure sense. It's a data structure maintained by the CRT or Win32 library that takes pages of memory from the operating system and parcels them out whenever the process requests small pieces of memory via malloc and friends. (Note that the OS does not micromanage this; a process can to a large extent manage its address space however it wants, if it doesn't like the way the CRT does it.)
A process can also request pages directly from the operating system, using an API like VirtualAlloc or MapViewOfFile.
There's more, but I'd better stop!
For understanding stack frame structure you can refer to
It gives you information about structure of call stack, how locals , globals , return address is stored on call stack
Another good illustration
It might not be the most accurate information, but MS Press provides some sample chapters of of the book Inside Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Third Edition, containing information about processes and their creation along with images of some important data structures.
I also stumbled upon this PDF that summarizes some of the above information in an nice chart.
But all the provided information is more from the OS point of view and not to much detailed about the application aspects.
Actually - you won't get far in this matter with at least a little bit of knowledge in Assembler. I'd recoomend a reversing (tutorial) site, e.g.

How does a virtual machine work?

I've been looking into how programming languages work, and some of them have a so-called virtual machines. I understand that this is some form of emulation of the programming language within another programming language, and that it works like how a compiled language would be executed, with a stack. Did I get that right?
With the proviso that I did, what bamboozles me is that many non-compiled languages allow variables with "liberal" type systems. In Python for example, I can write this:
x = "Hello world!"
x = 2**1000
Strings and big integers are completely unrelated and occupy different amounts of space in memory, so how can this code even be represented in a stack-based environment? What exactly happens here? Is x pointed to a new place on the stack and the old string data left unreferenced? Do these languages not use a stack? If not, how do they represent variables internally?
Probably, your question should be titled as "How do dynamic languages work?."
That's simple, they store the variable type information along with it in memory. And this is not only done in interpreted or JIT compiled languages but also natively-compiled languages such as Objective-C.
In most VM languages, variables can be conceptualized as pointers (or references) to memory in the heap, even if the variable itself is on the stack. For languages that have primitive types (int and bool in Java, for example) those may be stored on the stack as well, but they can not be assigned new types dynamically.
Ignoring primitive types, all variables that exist on the stack have their actual values stored in the heap. Thus, if you dynamically reassign a value to them, the original value is abandoned (and the memory cleaned up via some garbage collection algorithm), and the new value is allocated in a new bit of memory.
The VM has nothing to do with the language. Any language can run on top of a VM (the Java VM has hundreds of languages already).
A VM enables a different kind of "assembly language" to be run, one that is more fit to adapting a compiler to. Everything done in a VM could be done in a CPU, so think of the VM like a CPU. (Some actually are implemented in hardware).
It's extremely low level, and in many cases heavily stack based--instead of registers, machine-level math is all relative to locations relative to the current stack pointer.
With normal compiled languages, many instructions are required for a single step. a + might look like "Grab the item from a point relative to the stack pointer into reg a, grab another into reg b. add reg a and b. put reg a into a place relative to the stack pointer.
The VM does all this with a single, short instruction, possibly one or two bytes instead of 4 or 8 bytes PER INSTRUCTION in machine language (depending on 32 or 64 bit architecture) which (guessing) should mean around 16 or 32 bytes of x86 for 1-2 bytes of machine code. (I could be wrong, my last x86 coding was in the 80286 era.)
Microsoft used (probably still uses) VMs in their office products to reduce the amount of code.
The procedure for creating the VM code is the same as creating machine language, just a different processor type essentially.
VMs can also implement their own security, error recovery and memory mechanisms that are very tightly related to the language.
Some of my description here is summary and from memory. If you want to explore the bytecode definition yourself, it's kinda fun:
The key to many of the 'how do VMs handle variables like this or that' really comes down to metadata... The meta information stored and then updated gives the VM a much better handle on how to allocate and then do the right thing with variables.
In many cases this is the type of overhead that can really get in the way of performance. However, modern day implementations, etc have come a long way in doing the right thing.
As for your specific questions - treating variables as vanilla objects / etc ... comes down to reassigning / reevaluating meta information on new assignments - that's why x can look one way and then the next.
To answer a part of your questions, I'd recommend a google tech talk about python, where some of your questions concerning dynamic languages are answered; for example what a variable is (it is not a pointer, nor a reference, but in case of python a label).
