FORTH implementation for embedded SOCs - forth

I'm wondering if there is a good resource for FORTH implementations on recent SOCs.
I'm mostly interested in bare metal versions, something that can sit net to RTOS on an ESP32 or RISC-V for instance (so gforth might not be ideal).
And particularly, I'm looking at least at a version that can do networking (e.g. via WIFI, ideally via a source network stack implementation, which in RTOS might not be too hard)
Sadly, it seems pretty hard to tickle useful info out of Google – it mostly seems to think I can't spell fourth. Many results I do find seem outdated, and or seem very commercial; and it feels wrong to pay licensing fees for a network stack in the age of micropython.
This Raspberry Pi JonesFORTH O/S looks pretty promising.
I wouldn't mind doing a bit of porting.

Even if your question could be interpreted as opinion-based and might be looking for resources only, I am going to provide two links to living and active maintained projects which might fit your requirements.
I'm wondering if there is a good resource for FORTH implementations on recent SOCs. I'm mostly interested in bare metal versions
You may have a look into
... for the Atmel AVR8 Atmega micro controller family and some variants of the TI MSP430. The RISC-V CPU (32bit) is currently beeing worked on.
Mecrisp, Stellaris
an implementation of a standalone native code Forth for MSP430 microcontrollers
or Quintus
a rewrite of classic Mecrisp-Stellaris with almost the same look-and-feel for RISC-V architecture, RV32I, RV32IM or RV32IMC flavour, and it includes support for MIPS M4K cores. FPGAs are conquered by using FemtoRV32 softcores.
With both projects it is possible to achieve progress quite fast and easy depending what you try to achieve.
... can do networking (e.g. via WIFI, ideally via a source network stack implementation ... I wouldn't mind doing a bit of porting.
For a more detailed answer and more guidance this part would need more information and some clearance.


Operating System Process Management, Memory Management, Kernel

I am working in software firm where hardware independent coding is done on the Network Chipsets and fully Multigthreading coding implemented and various buffers(CRU Buffer, Linear Buffer) are handled and memory (stack memory) is optimally used. And IPC done via Message queues. And Multiple Locks, Semaphores are used for concurrency mechanisum. Now i will be assigned to new development project, where i have to understand and have to develop new features in next one month. I am feeling like middle of the Amazon Jungle :).
=> I am in beginning level in OS concepts. I feel like intermediate level in C language. So expecting, suggestion for "Materail/Book which could help me to improve/concrete my OS skills"
i saw OS Book by Abraham Silberschatz and Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum - 3rd Edition. Both are looking big and covers all corners of operating system. I thought to study that book steadily and slowly for future referencee.
==> Now i am looking for the Network materials/books which explaining the "Main concepts" in the detailed manner. For example i have seen virtual memory concepts in one online material where clearly virtual memory explained.
Example abour virtual memory from that material:
amesmol#aubergine:~/test> objdump -f a.out
a.out: file format elf32-i386 architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112: EXEC_P, HAS_SYMS, D_PAGED start address 0x080482a0
Notice the start address of the program is at 0x80482a0.Program thinks like where its starting address is actual physical address. But it is a virtual address space. Its original starting address at physical memory location 0x1000000.
As like this( correct point and example), could you people suggest good materials for the OS concepts ( Process Management, Memory Management, IPC)?
Can you also suggest the ways to improve/concrete this skills? (suggest either what kind of mini homework project i can do, etc..)
Thanks in advance
if you are working on projects you have to go over books you mentioned as soon as possible for theoretical explanations, concepts and terminologies. after that,even along with your reading, i suggest you to go to university websites to get hand on skills for small projects. some suggested links are as follows
(JOS implementation. very helping instructors if you send them specific queries)
(above two links are not university link but as a beginner I recommend this to start with )
apart from above, Lion's commentary on Unix code with line number reference must be in your reading to understand the implementation of small scale OS

For distributed applications, which to use, ASIO vs. MPI?

I am a bit confused about this. If you're building a distributed application, which in some cases may perform parallel operations (although not necessarily mathematical), should you use ASIO or something like MPI? I take it MPI is a higher level than ASIO, but it's not clear where in the stack one would begin.
I know nothing about ASIO but from a quick Google it looks to me to be a lot lower level than MPI. For me the whole point of MPI is so that I can program against a higher level of abstraction from the messaging than, it seems, ASIO provides. Where you begin depends on your needs. For mine, parallelising scientific codes for high-performance, the obvious answer is MPI. I'm not sure I'd use it, or at least not sure it would be my default choice, if I were writing more general-purpose distributed, as opposed to parallel, applications. Well, actually, it probably would be my default choice to avoid learning another approach (most of which are less portable and less long-lived than MPI) but I'll admit it might not be the best choice if starting from an equal footing.
As far as I know MPI is currently incapable of handling the situation, when the new distributed nodes want to join the already started group. The problems also may occur if one of the nodes goes offline.
MPI does not reveal any network related machinery that is underneath. Thus if you would ever need something on the lower level -- you're in trouble. If you on the other hand do not aticipate such a need, then you'll save yourself a lot of time using MPI.

How to push Erlang to my workplace

I think Erlang is very well suited for server systems developed in my workplace (currently developed in Java). I am a bit skeptical how this would be accepted both by developers (who have no idea about functional or Erlang) and by managers.
Any ideas on how to approach the issue? I am thinking about some hybrid system, where the hardcore highly reliable infra uses Elrang, and app specific stuff developed in Java (as nodes?)
There are a few approaches, and neither have any guarantees to actually work
Implement something substantial in a short time frame, perhaps using your own time. Don't tell anyone until you have something to display that works. Unless you have a colleague in on it.
Pull up lots of Erlang projects that are good demonstrations of the features you want. Present it to your managers and try to frame them about the risk in keeping using Java with this kind of technology available.
If the company you work for actually have a working code base in Java already, they're not likely to take you seriously when you suggest to rewrite it in another language.
The true test that you believe in Erlang being a much better choice: Quit and start up a competing company and bring the technology insight you have in your current industry. Your managers are really comparing a similar risk-scenario as you would do if you were to quit your job, and they are looking for the same assuring facts for success as you would do, to consider leaving a "safe" paycheck.
As for how to integrate, check out the jinterface application in Erlang. It allows Java code to send messages to Erlang nodes, and it allows Java to expose mailboxes to the Erlang nodes as if there were Erlang processes.
It's all about ROI (Return On Investment) to a manager: a manager will be concerned about performance (of the company). In order to appeal to his business nature, you'll have to make a case for it using dollar$ (or whatever appropriate currency).
Beware that undertaking a "skunkwork" project on the side to "prove" your solution based on Erlang might backfire: "so you had time to play with Erlang, why didn't you spend the time on the project then?" (Of course, not all managers/companies would think this way).
You have to take into account the whole proposal e.g. impact on the team, skills to be developed etc. It's all about money.
If I have an advice for you: start small, plant a seed, nurture it and watch it grow.
A wise man once said to me:
"It's not about technology, it's about
the product & market".
Start by not targetting a rewrite but using erlang for a new feature/project. Rewrites can be expensive and taking a chance on erlang for something that is already a time consuming and costly undertaking is a hard sell. But if there is a new piece that could be done in erlang and java, you stand a better chance. The project will be small enough hopefully that you can discover early if erlang is a good fit and adapt accordingly. And when erlang proves itself in that project you will have better data to make your case with.
We're introducing RabbitMQ into our infrastructure, which currently runs a combination of C++, Java and Python applications. I'm not specifically intending to move the team towards Erlang, but if I were, introducing a well-written third-party tool that just happens to use Erlang is a very good way to get the foot in the door.
One major caveat is that while Erlang is a wonderful language to learn, the surrounding technology (OTP in particular) has a huge learning curve and is extremely primitive in many ways (debugging, IDE's, etc.). It is getting better all the time, but reluctant converts will crucify you if you don't warn them about the pain of learning to program in a radically different environment. Even simple things like the lack of code-sense technology (E.g., type 'foo.' and the IDE tells you what methods you can call on foo) can leave a really bad taste in the mouth.

What's the quickest way to parallelize code?

I have an image processing routine that I believe could be made very parallel very quickly. Each pixel needs to have roughly 2k operations done on it in a way that doesn't depend on the operations done on neighbors, so splitting the work up into different units is fairly straightforward.
My question is, what's the best way to approach this change such that I get the quickest speedup bang-for-the-buck?
Ideally, the library/approach I'm looking for should meet these criteria:
Still be around in 5 years. Something like CUDA or ATI's variant may get replaced with a less hardware-specific solution in the not-too-distant future, so I'd like something a bit more robust to time. If my impression of CUDA is wrong, I welcome the correction.
Be fast to implement. I've already written this code and it works in a serial mode, albeit very slowly. Ideally, I'd just take my code and recompile it to be parallel, but I think that that might be a fantasy. If I just rewrite it using a different paradigm (ie, as shaders or something), then that would be fine too.
Not require too much knowledge of the hardware. I'd like to be able to not have to specify the number of threads or operational units, but rather to have something automatically figure all of that out for me based on the machine being used.
Be runnable on cheap hardware. That may mean a $150 graphics card, or whatever.
Be runnable on Windows. Something like GCD might be the right call, but the customer base I'm targeting won't switch to Mac or Linux any time soon. Note that this does make the response to the question a bit different than to this other question.
What libraries/approaches/languages should I be looking at? I've looked at things like OpenMP, CUDA, GCD, and so forth, but I'm wondering if there are other things I'm missing.
I'm leaning right now to something like shaders and opengl 2.0, but that may not be the right call, since I'm not sure how many memory accesses I can get that way-- those 2k operations require accessing all the neighboring pixels in a lot of ways.
Easiest way is probably to divide your picture into the number of parts that you can process in parallel (4, 8, 16, depending on cores). Then just run a different process for each part.
In terms of doing this specifically, take a look at OpenCL. It will hopefully be around for longer since it's not vendor specific and both NVidia and ATI want to support it.
In general, since you don't need to share too much data, the process if really pretty straightforward.
I would also recommend Threading Building Blocks. We use this with the Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives for the image analysis at the company I work for.
Threading Building Blocks(TBB) is similar to both OpenMP and Cilk. And it uses OpenMP to do the multithreading, it is just wrapped in a simpler interface. With it you don't have to worry about how many threads to make, you just define tasks. It will split the tasks, if it can, to keep everything busy and it does the load balancing for you.
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives(Ipp) has optimized libraries for vision. Most of which are multithreaded. For the functions we need that aren't in the IPP we thread them using TBB.
Using these, we obtain the best result when we use the IPP method for creating the images. What it does is it pads each row so that any given cache line is entirely contained in one row. Then we don't divvy up a row in the image across threads. That way we don't have false sharing from two threads trying to write to the same cache line.
Have you seen Intel's (Open Source) Threading Building Blocks?
I haven't used it, but take a look at Cilk. One of the big wigs on their team is Charles E. Leiserson; he is the "L" in CLRS, the most widely/respected used Algorithms book on the planet.
I think it caters well to your requirements.
From my brief readings, all you have to do is "tag" your existing code and then run it thru their compiler which will automatically/seamlessly parallelize the code. This is their big selling point, so you dont need to start from scratch with parallelism in mind, unlike other options (like OpenMP).
If you already have a working serial code in one of C, C++ or Fortran, you should give serious consideration to OpenMP. One of its big advantages over a lot of other parallelisation libraries / languages / systems / whatever, is that you can parallelise a loop at a time which means that you can get useful speed-up without having to re-write or, worse, re-design, your program.
In terms of your requirements:
OpenMP is much used in high-performance computing, there's a lot of 'weight' behind it and an active development community --
Fast enough to implement if you're lucky enough to have chosen C, C++ or Fortran.
OpenMP implements a shared-memory approach to parallel computing, so a big plus in the 'don't need to understand hardware' argument. You can leave the program to figure out how many processors it has at run time, then distribute the computation across whatever is available, another plus.
Runs on the hardware you already have, no need for expensive, or cheap, additional graphics cards.
Yep, there are implementations for Windows systems.
Of course, if you were unwise enough to have not chosen C, C++ or Fortran in the beginning a lot of this advice will only apply after you have re-written it into one of those languages !

Datamining models in FORTRAN or C (or managed code)?

We are planning to develop a datamining package for windows. The program core / calculation engine will be developed in F# with GUI stuff / DB bindings etc done in C# and F#.
However, we have not yet decided on the model implementations. Since we need high performance, we probably can't use managed code here (any objections here?). The question is, is it reasonable to develop the models in FORTRAN or should we stick to C (or maybe C++). We are looking into using OpenCL at some point for suitable models - it feels funny having to go from managed code -> FORTRAN -> C -> OpenCL invocation for these situations.
Any recommendations?
F# compiles to the CLR, which has a just-in-time compiler. It's a dialect of ML, which is strongly typed, allowing all of the nice optimisations that go with that type of architecture; this means you will probably get reasonable performance from F#. For comparison, you could also try porting your code to OCaml (IIRC this compiles to native code) and see if that makes a material difference.
If it really is too slow then see how far that scaling hardware will get you. With the performance available through a modern PC or server it seems unlikely that you would need to go to anything exotic unless you are working with truly brobdinagian data sets. Users with smaller data sets may well be OK on an ordinary PC.
Workstations give you perhaps an order of magnitude more capacity than a standard dekstop PC. A high-end workstation like a HP Z800 or XW9400 (similar kit is available from several other manufacturers) can take two 4 or 6 core CPU chips, tens of gigabytes of RAM (up to 192GB in some cases) and has various options for high-speed I/O like SAS disks, external disk arrays or SSDs. This type of hardware is expensive but may be cheaper than a large body of programmer time. Your existing desktop support infrastructure shouldn be able to this sort of kit. The most likely problem is compatibility issues running 32 bit software on a 64-bit O/S. In this case you have various options like VMs or KVM switches to work around the compatibility issues.
The next step up is a 4 or 8 socket server. Fairly ordinary wintel servers go up to 8 sockets (32-48 cores) and perhaps 512GB of RAM - without having to move off the Wintel platform. This gives you fairly wide range of options within your platform of choice before you have to go to anything exotic1.
Finally, if you can't make it run quickly in F#, validate the F# prototype and build a C implementation using the F# prototype as a control. If that's still not fast enough you've got problems.
If your application can be structured in a way that suits the platform then you could look at a more exotic platform. Depending on what will work with your application, you might be able to host it on a cluster, cloud provider or build the core engine on a GPU, Cell processor or FPGA. However, in doing this you're getting into (quite substantial) additional costs and exotic dependencies that might cause support issues. You will probably also have to bring a third-party consultant who knows how to program the platform.
After all that, the best advice is: suck it and see. If you're comfortable with F# you should be able to prototype your application fairly quickly. See how fast it runs and don't worry too much about performance until you have some clear indication that it really will be an issue. Remember, Knuth said that premature optimisation is the root of all evil about 97% of the time. Keep a weather eye out for issues and re-evaluate your strategy if you think performance really will cause trouble.
Edit: If you want to make a packaged application then you will probably be more performance-sensitive than otherwise. In this case performance will probably become an issue sooner than it would with a bespoke system. However, this doesn't affect the basic 'suck it and see' principle.
For example, at the risk of starting a game of buzzword bingo, if your application can be parallelized and made to work on a shared-nothing architecture you might see if one of the cloud server providers [ducks] could be induced to host it. An appropriate front-end could be built to run locally or through a browser. However, on this type of architecture the internet connection to the data source becomes a bottleneck. If you have large data sets then uploading these to the service provider becomes a problem. It may be quicker to process a large dataset locally than to upload it through an internet connection.
I would advise not to bother with optimizations yet. First try to get a working prototype, then find out where computation time is spent. You can probably move the biggest bottlenecks out into C or Fortran when and if needed -- then see how much difference it makes.
As they say, often 90% of the computation is spent in 10% of the code.
