Jenkins - set options in a shared library for all pipelines that use the shared library - jenkins

I have a bunch of repositories which use (parts of) the same Jenkins shared library for running tests, docker builds, etc. So far the shared library has greatly reduced the maintenance costs for these repos.
However, it turned out that basically all pipelines use the same set of options, e.g.:
#Library("myExample.jenkins.shared.library") _
import org.myExample.Constants
pipeline {
options {
agent {
label 'my-label'
stages {
stage {
runThisFromSharedLibrary(withParameter: "foo")
runThatFromSharedLibrary(withAnotherParameter: "bar")
In other words, I need to copy-and-paste the same option snippets in any new specific pipeline that I create.
Also, this means that I need to edit separately each Jenkinsfile (along with any peer-review processes we use internally) when I decide to change the set of options.
I'd very much like to remove this maintenance overhead somehow.
How can I delegate the option-setting to a shared library, or otherwise configure the required options for all pipelines at once?

Two options will help you the most:
Using global variables on Master/Agent level.
go to Jenkins-->Manage Jenkins-->Configure System--> Global properties.
Mark the Environment variables box then add name and value for the variable.
then you will be able to use it normally in your Jenkins pipelines as below code snippets.
Wrap the whole pipeline in a function inside shared-library.
Jenkinsfile will look like below:
#Library('shared-library') _
customServicePipeline(agent: 'staging',
timeout: 3,
shared library function
// customServicePipeline.groovy
def call(Map pipelineParams = [:]) {
pipeline {
agent { label "${pipelineParams.agent}" }
tools {
maven 'Maven-3.8.6'
jdk 'JDK 17'
options {
timeout(time: "${pipelineParams.timeout}", unit: 'MINUTES')
stages {
stage('Prep') {
steps {
echo 'prep started'


Reuse a shared declarative Jenkins pipeline and overwrite/extend stages

I have a couple of projects and i am sharing a "default" Jenkins pipeline via "shared library". The default pipeline looks something like this:
def call(body) {
def pipelineParams = [:]
body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
body.delegate = pipelineParams
pipeline {
tools {
maven pipelineParams.mavenId
jdk pipelineParams.jdkId
options {
stages {
stage('A') {
steps {
// do stuff
stage('B') {
steps {
// do stuff
In most cases/projects this works just fine, but in some, i would like to change the behaviour/steps of some of these predefined stages.
Currently i have to copy the default pipeline, add it to the "special" project and alter the steps that i need to change. A problem arises the moment i need to add a step or configuration to all of my projects, regardless if the project is using the default or a special pipeline.
Another way i thought of is to implement something like extension points, pass closures into the default pipeline and call them in predefined places.
I would like to know, if there is any other way to deal with this kind of problem?

Create variable in shared library for Jenkinsfile

I'm new to shared libraries in Jenkins, and fairly new to Groovy as well.
I have several multibranch pipelines for different projects. I have setup email notifications for each job using an environmental variable containing a list of email addresses, which works just fine. However, several jobs share the same email addresses (depending on the project it's for) and I'd like to create a shared library for a master email list, so I don't have to update the list in each job individually if say I want to add or remove someone. I'm having trouble defining a variable in a library that can be used later in the Jenkinsfile. This is a simplified version of what I've been trying:
shared library (basically a copy paste of the environmental variables I was originally using in the individual Jenkinsfiles/jobs, which works):
def call () {
environment {
project1EmailList = ",,"
project2EmailList = ",,"
#Library('Jenkinsfile-shared-libraries') _
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('email list for project 1') {
steps {
echo env.project1EmailList
The echo returns "null" rather than the email list of the project like I would expect.
Any guidance would be much appreciated!
The "Defining global variables" section of helped solve this one.
shared library:
def project1EmailList() {
def project2EmailList() {
#Library('Jenkinsfile-shared-libraries') _
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ('email list for project 1') {
steps {
script {
echo masterEmailList.project1EmailList

Parallel matrix and global variables without race condition?

I have the following declarative pipeline where I write a global build variable
during a parallel matrix, the write in stage Build Detection is probably (wasn't clear to me) a race condition but I am not sure. I have 3 questions regarding the below simple pipeline:
Is it correct that since Build-Detection uses the same agent (note only Build uses a different agent), it is definitely a race condition ?
If I would have one agent for each parallel line, it would not be a
race condition as the global build is different in each agent?
Is there a way to make a variable copy of build inside the stage such that its not global anymore?
How should we deal with global variable communicating stuff (for when steps etc)
and parallel matrix feature?
Map<String,Boolean> build
pipeline {
stages {
stage('Test') {
failFast false
matrix {
axes {
axis {
values 'A', 'B'
stages {
stage('Build Detection') {
steps {
script {
echo "Should Build: ${build[CONTAINER]}"
stage('Build') {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile '.jenkins/pods/build-kaniko.yaml'
when {
beforeAgent true
expression { return build[CONTAINER] }
steps {
echo "BUILDING....."
No, it has nothing to do with build agents. The JVM that's executing the compiled groovy code is running on the Jenkins master, not a build agent. Therefore, using a global variable is shared by each thread running in the Jenkins master JVM. Whether there's a possible race condition is not related to stages using the same or different build agents.
Same answer as 1.
Yes, simply define a variable using "def" or a specific type in the stage's script block. Just be sure to not reference a new variable without a type because in Groovy that causes it to be declared globally.
Using a map with a key that is specific to each thread like you're doing seems like a good way to me. If you really want to make sure there is no possibility of two unsafe thread operations modifying the map at the same time, then make sure that a threadsafe map is used. You could print out the class of the map to find out what implementation is getting instantiated. I would hope it's something threadsafe like ConcurrentHashMap.

Jenkins pipelineJob DSL not interpreting variables in pipeline script

I'm trying to generate Jenkins pipelines using the pipelineJob function in the jobDSL pluging, but cannot pass parameters from the DSL to the pipeline script. I have several projects that use what is essentially the same Jenkinsfile, with differences only in a few steps. I'm trying to use the JobDSL plugin to generate these pipelines on the fly, with the values I want changed in them interpreted to match the parameters to the DSL.
I've tried just about every combination of string interpretation that I can in the pipeline script, as well as in the DSL, but cannot get Jenkins/groovy to interpret variables in the pipeline script.
I'm calling the job DSL in a pipeline step:
def projectName = "myProject"
def envs = ['DEV','QA','UAT']
def repositoryURL = ''
jobDsl targets: ['jobs/*.groovy'].join('\n'),
additionalParameters: [
project: projectName,
environments: envs,
repository: repositoryURL
removedJobAction: 'DELETE',
removedViewAction: 'DELETE'
The DSL is as follows:
pipelineJob("${project} pipeline") {
definition {
cps {
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
REPO = repository
parameters {
choice name: "ENVIRONMENT", choices: environments
stages {
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
echo "Deploying ${env.REPO} to ${params.ENVIRONMENT}..."
The variables that I pass in additionalParameters are interpreted in the jobDSL script; a pipeline with the correct name does get generated. The problem is that the variables are not passed to the pipeline script read from the workspace - the Jenkins configuration for the generated pipeline looks exactly the same as the file, without any interpretation on the variables.
I've made a number of attempts at getting the string to interpret, including a lot of variations of "${environments}", ${environments}, $environments, \$environments...I can't find any that work. I've also tried reading the file as a gstringImpl:
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can make variables propagate down to the pipeline script? I know that I could just use a for loop to do string.replaceAll() on the script text, but that seems cumbersome; there's got to be a better way.
I've come up with a way to make this work. It's not what I'd prefer, which is having the string contents of the file implicitly interpreted during job creation, but it does work; it just adds an extra step.
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
def fileContents = readFileFromWorkspace "pipeline.groovy"
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
template = engine.createTemplate(fileContents).make(binding.getVariables()).toString()
pipelineJob("${project} pipeline") {
definition {
cps {
This reads a file from your workspace, then uses it as a template with the binding variables. The other changes needed to make this work are escaping any variables used in your Jenkinsfile script, like \${VARIABLE} so that they are expanded at runtime, not at the time you build the job. Any variables you want to be expanded at job creation should be referenced as ${VARIABLE}.
You could achieve what you're trying to do by defining environment variables in the pipelineJob and then using those variables in your pipeline.
They are a bit limited because environment variables are strings, but it should work for basic stuff
pipelineJob('example') {
environmentVariables {
// these vars could be specified by parameters of this job
env('repository', 'blah')
env('environments', "a,b,c"]) //comma separated string
definition {
cps {
And then in the pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
REPO = env.repository
parameters {
choice name: "ENVIRONMENT", choices: env.environments.split(',')
//note the need to split the comma separated string above
You need to use the complete job name as a variable without the quotes. E.g., if JOBNAME is a parameter containing the entire job name:
pipelineJob(JOBNAME) {
definition {
cps {

How to define pipeline stage once and using it multiple times

So I have a use case with Jenkinsfile that I know is not common, and I haven't found a solution for it yet.
We currently have a multi-branch pipeline job configured to build multiple branches. This is uses to run system-testing of the products across multiple release. The Jenkins job
Clone all required repositories
Deploy the environment
Execute the automated test cases
Undeploy the environment
In order to avoid having to define the same Jenkinsfile on each branches, we created a shared library. The shared library defines the Declarative pipeline stages for the Jenkins file. The shared library has the following:
/* File name var/myStep.groovy */
def call(Map pipelineParams) {
pipeline {
// snip
stages {
stage("clone repos") { }
stage("Deploy environment") { }
stage("Executed Tests") { }
stage("Undeploy environment") { }
// post directives
And the Jenkins file simply defines a map, and then call myStep call.
/* Sample Jenkinsfile */
pipelineParams = [
FOO = "foo"
myStep pipelineParams
The problem
We now have a need for another Jenkins job, where some of the stages will be the same. For example, the new jobs will need to
Clone all required repositories
Deploy the environment
Do something else
And changing the behaviour of a common stage (e.g.: Clone the repo), should take effect across all the jobs that define this stage. I know we can use the when directive in the stage, however from a usability perspective, I want the jobs to be different as they are exercising different things. And the users of one job don't care about the additional stages the other job runs.
I want to avoid code duplication, and better yet, I don't want to duplicate the stage code. (including steps, when, post, etc..).
Is there a way a shared library can define the stage "implementation" with all the directives (steps, when, post, etc) once, but have it get called multiple times?
/* File: vars/cloneReposStageFunction.groovy */
def call() {
stage("Clone Repos") { }
/* File: vars/myStep.groovy */
def call(Map pipelineParams) {
pipeline {
// snip
stages {
stage("Deploy environment") { }
stage("Executed Tests") { }
stage("Undeploy environment") { }
// post directives
/* File: vars/myNewStep.groovy */
def call(Map pipelineParams) {
pipeline {
// snip
stages {
stage("Deploy environment") { }
stage("Do something else") { }
// post directives
It's an open Jenkins' Feature Request.
I've seen different ways to template a pipeline, but it's far from what you'd like to achieve.
