Problem with parsing file ending on a newline - rascal

It seems a bit like a trivial question, but I am stuck on parsing the end of file EOF using my own island grammar. I am using the new VScode extension btw.
I've mostly been using the examples from the basic recipes and have a simple grammar with the following layout rules:
layout Whitespace = [\t-\n\r\ ]*;
lexical IntegerLiteral = [0-9]+ !>> [0-9];
lexical Comment = "%%" ![\n]* $;
Using this, and some rules it parses some simple files, but will give a parse error anytime a file ends in a newline. (newlines in between lines are no problem).
Am is missing something obvious?

It sounds a bit like your grammar is missing a start nonterminal. All grammar rules get whitespace in between their constituent symbols but not at the start or the end.
A start nonterminal is the exception:
start syntax Islands = Island+;
Islands parseIslands(loc input)
= parse(#start[Islands], input).top;
Passing the start nonterminal to parse will allow the file to start and end with whitespace, and using the .top field you can ignore that whitespace from the parse tree again by projecting out the middle Islands tree.

Island grammars tend to be a complex beast, so without sharing the full grammar and input string, it might be a bit hard to answer this question. But I'll share some generic feedback.
he layout production might be ambiguous, if any other part of your language has optional parts. Rascal's parsing is non-greedy. So if you have:
lexical A = "a";
lexical B = "b";
lexical C = "c";
syntax A = A? B? C;
After fusing in the layouts, this becomes:
A` = A? Whitespace? B? Whitespace? C;
Now since whitespace is not eating all characters, the grammar is ambigous, as the parser can "bind" a whitespace between the A and B, or between the B and C. So in most cases, you want to make sure it's a greedy match by adding a follow restriction:
layout Whitespace = [\t-\n \r \ ]* !>> [\t-\n \r \ ];
Also, I fixed a bug, the layout definition didn't include a space as valid whitespace. Rascal allows for spaces in the character class (for readability), so in case we need to add a space, you have to say \ .
For the rest, it looks okay, but like I started with, island grammars are a bit harder to debug without both the full syntax, and what you want to have as water and what as island.


FParsec - how to escape a separator

I'm working on an EDI file parser, and I'm having considerable difficulty implementing an escape for the 'segment terminator'. For anyone fortunate enough to not work with EDI, the segment terminator (usually an apostrophe) is the deliter between segments, which are like cells.
The desired behaviour looks something like this:
ABC+123'DEF+567' -> ["ABC+123", "DEF+567"]
ABC+123?'DEF+567' -> ["ABC+123?'DEF+567"]
Using FParsec, without escaping the apostrophe (and, for simplicity, ignoring parameterisation), the parser looks something like this:
let pSegment = //logic to parse the contents of a segment
let pAllSegments = sepEndBy pSegment (str "'")
This approach with the above example would yield ["ABC+123?", "DEF+567"].
My next consideration was to use a regex:
let pAllSegments = sepEndBy pSegment (regex #"[^\?]'")
The problem here is that the character prior to the apostrophe is also consumed, leading to incomplete messages.
I'm fairly certain I just don't understand FParsec well enough here. Does anyone have any pointers?
The issue is in the parse contents step.
The parser is working 'bottom up'. It finds the contents of the segments, which are not permitted to contain the terminator, then finds that all these segments are separated by the terminator, and constructs the list.
My error was in the pSegment step, which was using a parameterised version of (?:[A-Za-z0-9 \\.]|\?[\?\+:\?])*. See that second ?? That should have been a '.

How to use context free grammars?

Could someone help me with using context free grammars. Up until now I've used regular expressions to remove comments, block comments and empty lines from a string so that it can be used to count the PLOC. This seems to be extremely slow so I was looking for a different more efficient method.
I saw the following post: What is the best way to ignore comments in a java file with Rascal?
I have no idea how to use this, the help doesn't get me far as well. When I try to define the line used in the post I immediately get an error.
lexical SingleLineComment = "//" ~[\n] "\n";
Could someone help me out with this and also explain a bit about how to setup such a context free grammar and then to actually extract the wanted data?
Kind regards,
First this will help: the ~ in Rascal CFG notation is not in the language, the negation of a character class is written like so: ![\n].
To use a context-free grammar in Rascal goes in three steps:
write it, like for example the syntax definition of the Func language here:
Use it to parse input, like so:
// This is the basic parse command, but be careful it will not accept spaces and newlines before and after the TopNonTerminal text:
Prog myParseTree = parse(#Prog, "example string");
// you can do the same directly to an input file:
Prog myParseTree = parse(#TopNonTerminal, |home:///myProgram.func|);
// if you need to accept layout before and after the program, use a "start nonterminal":
start[Prog] myParseTree = parse(#start[TopNonTerminal], |home:///myProgram.func|);
Prog myProgram =;
// shorthand for parsing stuff:
myProgram = [Prog] "example";
myProgram = [Prog] |home:///myLocation.txt|;
Once you have the tree you can start using visit and / deepmatch to extract information from the tree, or write recursive functions if you like. Examples can be found here: , but here are some common idioms as well to extract information from a parse tree:
// produces the source location of each node in the tree:
// produces a set of all nodes of type Stat
{ s | /Stat s := myParseTree }
// pattern match an if-then-else and bind the three expressions and collect them in a set:
{ e1, e2, e3 | (Stat) `if <Exp e1> then <Exp e2> else <Exp e3> end` <- myExpressionList }
// collect all locations of all sub-trees (every parse tree is of a non-terminal type, which is a sub-type of Tree. It uses |unknown:///| for small sub-trees which have not been annotated for efficiency's sake, like literals and character classes:
[ t#\loc?|unknown:///| | /Tree t := myParseTree ]
That should give you a start. I'd go try out some stuff and look at more examples. Writing a grammar is a nice thing to do, but it does require some trial and error methods like writing a regex, but even more so.
For the grammar you might be writing, which finds source code comments but leaves the rest as "any character" you will need to use the longest match disambiguation a lot:
lexical Identifier = [a-z]+ !>> [a-z]; // means do not accept an Identifier if there is still [a-z] to add to it; so only the longest possible Identifier will match.
This kind of context-free grammar is called an "Island Grammar" metaphorically, because you will write precise rules for the parts you want to recognize (the comments are "Islands") while leaving the rest as everything else (the rest is "Water"). See

How to match any symbol in ANTLR parser (not lexer)?

How to match any symbol in ANTLR parser (not lexer)? Where is the complete language description for ANTLR4 parsers?
Is the answer is "impossible"?
You first need to understand the roles of each part in parsing:
The lexer: this is the object that tokenizes your input string. Tokenizing means to convert a stream of input characters to an abstract token symbol (usually just a number).
The parser: this is the object that only works with tokens to determine the structure of a language. A language (written as one or more grammar files) defines the token combinations that are valid.
As you can see, the parser doesn't even know what a letter is. It only knows tokens. So your question is already wrong.
Having said that it would probably help to know why you want to skip individual input letters in your parser. Looks like your base concept needs adjustments.
It depends what you mean by "symbol". To match any token inside a parser rule, use the . (DOT) meta char. If you're trying to match any character inside a parser rule, then you're out of luck, there is a strict separation between parser- and lexer rules in ANTLR. It is not possible to match any character inside a parser rule.
It is possible, but only if you have such a basic grammar that the reason to use ANTlr is negated anyway.
If you had the grammar:
text : ANY_CHAR* ;
ANY_CHAR : . ;
it would do what you (seem to) want.
However, as many have pointed out, this would be a pretty strange thing to do. The purpose of the lexer is to identify different tokens that can be strung together in the parser to form a grammar, so your lexer can either identify the specific string "JSTL/EL" as a token, or [A-Z]'/EL', [A-Z]'/'[A-Z][A-Z], etc - depending on what you need.
The parser is then used to define the grammar, so:
phrase : CHAR* jstl CHAR* ;
SLASH : '/'
CHAR : . ;
would accept "blah blah JSTL/EL..." as input, but not "blah blah EL/JSTL...".
I'd recommend looking at The Definitive ANTlr 4 Reference, in particular the section on "Islands in the stream" and the Grammar Reference (Ch 15) that specifically deals with Unicode.

Where can I read detailed documentation on defining a grammar for ParseKit?

I'm just getting to grips with ParseKit, read the "Basic Grammar Syntax" but it's only a very basic introduction. I'm quickly out of my depth now that I want to set about defining my own grammar. Where do I go from here?
For example, I want to parse a log file in a very custom format. Breaking it down to header, body and footer, this would be my BNF for first line of the header:
<header-line-1> ::= <log-format> <log-id> "," <category> <EOL>
<log-format> ::= "Type A Logfile" | "Logfile II" | "Some Other Format"
<log-id> ::= "#" <long-int>
<category> ::= <some unknown string>
How do I define that, for ParseKit to understand? I've got this far;
#start = header-line-1;
header-line-1 = log-format log-id "," category EOL;
log-format = 'Type A Logfile';
log-id = '#' ; // and then how to specify a long-int?!?
category = char+;
char = 'A' | 'a' | 'B' | 'b' | 'C'; //..etc... Surely not?!?
I suspect there must be at least a ways to define a range of charachters?
FOr sure, the book quoted by the author of parsekit will probably help me, but would be nice if somebody can help me get going with my own small example, before I dig deeper into the subject. Am only just investigating an idea, just proof of concept.
Developer of ParseKit here.
Unfortunately, there is no further (good) documentation on ParseKit's grammar syntax. Currently the best resources are:
Steven Metsker's Book Building Parsers in Java. The good news: This will teach you about the design/innards of ParseKit. The bad news: the "Grammar syntax" feature of ParseKit is an additional feature layered on top of ParseKit which I designed and added myself. So it is not described in Metsker's book as his Java library does not have this feature.
The .grammar files in the Test target of the ParseKit Xcode project. There's lots of real-world example grammars here. You can learn a lot by example.
The ParseKit tag here on StackOverflow. I've answered a lot of questions which may be helpful to you.
As for your specific example, here's how I'd probably define it in ParseKit syntax.
#symbolState = '\n'; // Tokenizer Directive
// tells tokenizer to treat new line chars as
// individual Symbol tokens rather than whitespace
#start = headerLine*;
headerLine = logFormat logId comma category eol;
logFormat = ('Type' 'A' 'Logfile') | ('Logfile' 'II') | ('Some' 'Other' 'Format');
logId = hash Number;
category = Any+;
comma = ',';
hash = '#';
eol = '\n';
One important thing to keep in mind is that parsing in ParseKit is a two Phase process:
Tokenizing (done by PKTokenizer and altered by Tokenizer Directives in your grammar)
Parsing (done by the parser constructed by the Declarations in your grammar)
So the Parser created by your grammar works on Tokens which have already been tokenized by the Tokenizer. It does not work on either individual chars or long strings composed of multiple tokens.

Create a Print Function

I'm learning Bison and at this time the only thing that I do was the rpcalc example, but now I want to implement a print function(like printf of C), but I don't know how to do this and I'm planning to have a syntax like this print ("Something here");, but I don't know how to build the print function and I don't know how to create that ; as a end of line. Thanks for your help.
You first need to ask yourself:
What are the [sub-]parts of my 'print ("something");' syntax ?
Once you identify these parts, "simply" describe them in the form of grammar syntax rules, along with applicable production rules. And then let Bison generate the parser for you; that's about it.
To put you on your way:
The semi-column is probably a element you will use to separate statemements (such a one "call" to print from another).
'print' itself is probably a keyword, or preferably a native function name of your language.
The print statement appears to take a literal string as [one of] its arguments. a literal string starts and ends with a double quote (and probably allow for escaped quotes within itself)
The bolded and italic expressions above are some of the entities (the 'symbols' in parser lingo) you'll likely need to define in the syntax for your language. For that you'll use Bison grammar rules, such as
stmt : print_stmt ';' | input_stmt ';'| some_other_stmt ';' ;
prnt_stmt : print '(' args ')'
{ printf( $3 ); }
args : arg ',' args;
Since the question asked about the semi-column, maybe some confusion was from the different uses thereof; see for example above how the ';' belong to your language's syntax whereby the ; (no quotes) at the end of each grammar rule are part of Bison's language.
Note: this is of course a simplistic implementation, aimed at showing the essential. Also the Bison syntax may be a tat off (been there / done it, but a long while back ;-) I then "met" ANTLR never to return to Bison, although I do see how its lightweight and fully self contained nature can make it appropriate in some cases)
