WSO2 EI 6.4.0 Docker Container SSL peer failed hostname validation for name: null - docker

There is an implementation where API-1 is calling another API-2, Both are deployed in same WSO2 docker container 6.4.0.
Internal API Call is not working, Got below ERROR in logs.
Unable to sendViaPost to url[] SSL peer failed hostname validation for name: null
In the background, There is some SSL Certificate renewal activity happened at HA Proxy level, Post this we started to get above ERROR.
Can I get some suggestion to resolve this ERROR?

Try importing the certificate used for '' to WSO2 servers client-trustore. If that doesn't resolve the issue add the full Stacktrace of the exception.


How to connect Airbyte with Airflow

I have Airflow and Airbyte installed locally with Docker. I want to set a connection in Airflow to connect Airbyte. I read the Airbyte docs and did exactly what it says but I am getting error. I have configured Airflow's docker compose yaml to install necessary packages.
ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS: ${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS:- apache-airflow-providers-http apache-airflow-providers-airbyte apache-airflow-providers-airbyte[http]}
My Airflow executor is CeleryExecutor
In Airflow I configured the connection how excatly the Airbyte's docs says. I also tried with Conn Type: Airbyte but still getting the error.
The error says:
HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8001): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/health (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f30e9e4fb10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))
Airbyte's blog covers this scenario and how to get it working:
Disclaimer, I am the author of that article.
Finally got around to testing this. For me using the Airbyte connection type that comes with the Airbyte provider plus including the username and password (default is "airbyte"/"password") worked with Airflow 2.5.1 and Airbyte provider 3.2.0.
On the Airbyte side I followed their getting started docs.

KeyCloak: Connection has been refused by the server. Connection timed out

Occasionally I receive a connection timeout when calling the /userinfo endpoint of my KeyCloak-Server.
So far, I have no indication what's wrong and what causes the timeouts. There are no errors in the server.log I configured. Also, I cannot reproduce the issue, I just see the errors in the logs of the application trying to authenticate with keycloak.
Is there some sort of connection limit that my keycloak might use?
List item
What additional logs can I activate to narrow down the problem?
I am currently on version 17.0.1
Try running keycloak in debug mode start --log-level=debug If the /userinfo call reached the keycloak then there will be a debug log for that, you can match the time when error occurred to the keycloak log.
Do you have any other components in between your application and keycloak such as proxy, a DNS server etc ? You would need to check their logs as well.
Also check out this document regarding rest api in keycloak ->

Connection refused trying to get account info in Solana

solana account <address>
When I get account info, I have this error:
Error: RPC request error: cluster version query failed: error sending request for url (http://localhost:8899/): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)
The error is indicating that the CLI RpcClient can not communicate with the Solana validator.
This is usually caused by not having solana-test-validator running in another terminal. Many make the mistake of thinking that the localhost is running the validator all the time... it's not.
In one terminal do: solana-test-validator which will startup up the local validator
Open a second terminal and do solana account - This will return account info for the default keypair
It's a network connection problem.
I use ubuntu 20.04, I was using windscribe VPN because my location and got the error, now I'm using psiphon VPN and it's working fine.

Docker login Error with nexus repo

I have installed NEXUS in VM nexus console is accessible using URL, trying to login in nexus with another VM using below command
docker login
after entering user-name and password it is throwing this error
`Error response from daemon: login attempt to failed with status: 404 Not Found`
can anyone please help me on this
You need to configure a Docker connector port, and it must be SSL enabled:
Note that Docker is picky about SSL certificates, if you're planning on using a self signed certificate see here:

Using data flow with https on cloud foundry

I am trying to deploy a data flow server on Cloud foundry and create a simple app.
Only https end point could be exposed. I cannot enable https using this :
As ssl is managed by cf. How do I make data flow server using https?
I have this error:
dataflow:>app list
Command failed org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "": Connect to [,] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused); nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [,] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
as you already mentioned, you can not enable https at the container level inside cloudfoundry today. The traffic between the router and diego cell is not encrypted (unless you are using IPSEC).
So your dataflow server would not be configured with https, just deploy the server as it is. You should rely on your cloudfoundry install to have an open port at 443 on it's loadbalancer that forwards traffic to the router. Later CF incarnations support certificate placement at the router level.
Now, at the client (dataflow-shell) if you are using a valid certificate you don't need to do anything, but if you have a selfsigned certificate, you need to tell it to accept self-signed certificates, or skip validation all together.
