How to use msw (mocking service worker) with React typescript? - service-worker

I have installed msw using package.json entry in my react typescript project. And appropriately invoking msw worker start but I constantly get the error
**getWorkerInstance.ts:85 Uncaught (in promise) Error: [MSW] Failed to register the Service Worker:
Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope ('http://localhost:3000/') with script ('http://localhost:3000/mockServiceWorker.js'): The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html').
at getWorkerInstance (getWorkerInstance.ts:85:1) at async startWorkerInstance (createStartHandler.ts:31:1) at async SetupWorkerApi.start (setupWorker.ts:188:1)***
Can anyone provide an example source code of how msw works with react typescript ? I got a native react project but that worked? Is msw not supported with React typescript?
Can anyone provide an example source code of how msw works with react typescript ? I got a native react project but that worked? Is msw not supported with React typescript?


Getting Error Receiver 'GMSCoordinateBounds' for class message is a forward declaration while building react native ios code on xcode

while building react native code using xcode for ios getting this error and not able to run application tried to clear node modules package-lock.json file, pod removal and all the basic steps but after each and every try still getting or to say build fails at this step

React Native Error (ReferenceError: Can't find variable: React) when React is installed?

I created a NPM dependency react-native-ultimate-modal-picker and it relies on a few other dependencies.
Expected Behavior:
React should be installed because it's installed in the fresh react project.
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: React
What I've tried
The components in my NPM Package react-native-ultimate-modal-picker, all of the components have react imported. Link to Code
Installed react and react-native as peerDependencies for my NPM Package react-native-ultimate-modal-picker
So what am I missing here?
Try importing react like import React from 'react' and not import * as React from 'react' at the beginning of every module.

Module RCTLog is not a registered callable module, Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module, Module RCTDeviceEventEmitter is not

I followed this tutorial to create my react native library with Native Module. I need to use a mobile SDK developed from BROTHER to use their printers in one of my REACT-NATIVE app.
The library that I wrote works great, and I'm able also to test in the example app that the automatic tool creates.
Now I want to use this library in my REACT-NATIVE app, and I followed these steps:
in the path of my react native app i wrote npm install ;
in my app I call my library with import MyLibrary from ' of my library...' without using it inside my component, just import only to try if there is some error;
The result is that my app start and is blocked with white screen and in the log of XCode I receive the following errors that are in loop:
I tried to delete metro cache, remove node_modules, reinstall pods...nothing helped me.
If I remove the line import MyLibrary from ' of my library...' my app works.
There is some problem in the way I have to link my local library to my react-native app.
I started my react-native app with EXPO and after I ejected it.
react: 16.13.1
react-native: 0.63.4
npm: 7.9.0
To solve this I should only create a Swift file and a Bridge header file in the React app where I want to add my Native Module. This is because I developed the Native Module with Swift.

Dart aqueduct Error: Not found: 'dart:html'

I have been using aqueduct for a simple server that if it gets HTTP request, analyze it, and send an HTTP request to other apps. However, whenever I tried to import dart:HTML, it gives an error.
-- Aqueduct CLI Version: 3.3.0+1
-- Aqueduct project version: 3.3.0+1
-- Preparing...
*** Uncaught error
IsolateSpawnException: Unable to spawn isolate: lib/controller/test_controller.dart:5:8: Error: Not found: 'dart:html'
import 'dart:html';
**** Stacktrace
I searched for answer on google, and i found that android sdk is not able to use dart:HTML. So i tried with
stagehand web-simple
webdev serve
to find out if installed sdk is able to use dart:HTML or not and it worked.
Is there any way that I could download dart web libraries(dart:HTML) on aqueduct? If it is not possible, is there any other way that I could perform these actions?

Unable to launch web project through dart editor

Just starting up on Dart and I am unable to launch web project from dart editor, command line projects work fine.
I get this exception while trying to start web project
Running pub get on C:\Users\Admin\dart\DartABWebApp ... ---
Pub get failed, [69] Resolving dependencies...
Got socket error trying to find package browser at
Anyone knows how to resolve this ?
I moved the installation directly under primary drive and that did the trick
