How deserialize avro records without schema - avro

I am learning avro schema.
In my scenario, in the sender side, it encodes an avro record with a specific schema, and hope record contains schema and user data, then sender sends this record to receiver side.
In the receiver side, for some reason, it doesn't have schema.
The question is
(1) Is it possible for sender side to encode a record and the record contains schema ? If yes, how to do that? Do you have any example code to share it?
(2) Could receiver side extract schema from record ? If yes, how to do that? Please share your example.


TFDTable/TFDQuery on blob null - provide alternative image

Is there a way to configure my TFDTable/TFDQuery such that whenever BLOB in a table record is Null,
i have a chance to provide another Blob/photo.
I looked through TField events for blob, but there seems to be no suitable event.
Setup: Delphi 10.4, MySQL, using FMX framework
Add a CalcField or InternalCalcField to your dataset and in the OnCalcFields() handler check if the blob field is empty. In that case, fill with your 'alternative' data.
Then in the rest of your application refer to the InternalCalcField field instead of the original one.
You do not specify where that data should come from, so you'll have to figure that out yourself.

Obtain Trigger generated values after ApplyUpdates with a TClientDataSet

I have a (Firebird) DB. For most of my tables I have a trigger which fires before insert which will create the Primary Key (PK) for me via a generator as well as write to the newly inserted records a Created Date value and a Created By value. I also have an update trigger which writes to an Updated Date field and an Updated By field.
eg (Client is a table in my DB):
create trigger t_client_id for client
active before insert
as begin
new.client_id = gen_id(gen_client_id, 1);
new.created = current_timestamp;
new.created_by = current_user;
new.lock_vn = 1;
end ^
create trigger t_client_update for client
active before update
as begin
new.updated = current_timestamp;
new.updated_by = current_user;
end ^
When I apply updates thru my ClientDataSet (CDS) - which are attached to remote TDataSetProviders via a TDSProviderConnection, how can I "retrieve" these generated values? If I edit an existing one (which will in turn call the t_client_update trigger, calling RefreshRecord will get the updated and updated_by fields. However, the Doco says to use that method cautiously, so that may not be the correct way to achieve this. I call it straight after I've called ApplyUpdates(-1).
The CDS I use only contains the one record I am attempting to Edit. For a New record, the CDS is in dsInsert mode. Everything is written to the DB ok so I just need to get this new data back out again. I have also tried using a CDS which contains ALL records in the table too to see if it was any simpler but didn't make any difference - unsurprisingly. The reason I need this information is simply to show to the user in DB Aware controls these values. They are read only.
I could call a Get on the record I guess when editing an existing record, using the PK, but that won't help for an Insert as I don't know what the new PK is.
Example of where I attempt to ApplyUpdates to my CDS (actDSSave is a TDataSetPost action)
dsState := actDSSave.DataSource.DataSet.State;
if dsState = dsEdit then
I am using TIBQuery for my dataset attached to the remote DataSetProvider. This query SQL is a simple select * from client where client_id = :client_id. I have tried associating this query with a TIBUpdateSQL too as well as trying to set poAutoRefresh to true in the DataSetProvider.
So is it possible to obtain these Trigger generated values this way or do I need to approach it in a different way? Another way I can think of, is to create stored procedures which do CRUD against each table and use that instead (with appropriate in/out params to return this new data) but hopefully I don't have to go down that track. Hopefully I have provided sufficient info here to explain and replicate the issue.
Realised in above, DoApplyUpdates(-1) is my own method. It's implementation at the moment is simply:
FdatCommon is a TDataModule containing my CDS.
You simply can't get "generated" values without new requery (RefreshRecord) of data after Post.
It's because triggers runs on server side when you call ApplyUpdates, but TClientDataSet does not refresh by default posted record. For example other libraries FIBPlus have an option to do it automatically.
About inserts, TIBDataSet have GeneratorField property. Using it, dataset query and increment generator value separatelly before insert. So you will have PK values after post even on inserts. But avoid using it again in trigger.
MIDAS (TClientDataSet) is a great library, but his general / universal architecture loose DB specific features (such as retriving values from inserts) compared to dedicated libraries for specific DBMS, such as FibPlus. By the way I saw TpFIBClientDataSet. It work in conjunction with TpFibDataSet.

Custom properties

I have a requirement from a client to give them the option to add custom fields to a program i am going to write for them. The custom fields will be on a per/poco basis. What is the best way of handling custom properties like this. I am going to use SQL Server and ASP.NET MVC4.
Just need a starting point..
thanks in advance.
The way we handle this where I work is storing the information in a database table. We store the field name, the value, and some identifier for which object it belongs to. Sometimes we have an additional table stores the specific list of available values.
When it's pulled out of the db, we place it in a dictionary list. If you set up some conventions then it's not too bad building validation for the fields. I.E. any field name with "phone" in the name gets validated as a phone number.

Grails Gorm Partial Save

I have a very basic question in saving objects which I get from a client sent via JSON.
I have a customer object which is transfered to the client, after editing the customer its send back to Grails and needs to be saved in the database. For performance I am not sending the complete customer object over the wire.
The problem is now if I want to store the customer object Grails validates of course the relationships of the customer object and fails. This is OK because I havent sent the relationsships.
My question is now how do I solve this problem now? Do I need to query the database again with the customer id and update the edited properties or is there a more elegant way? This looks a little bit expensive from database perspective as I need to read the database each time when storeing an object. As well from code perspective I need to check which properties are set and update them.
Thank you!
You cannot use save() for doing partial update, since grails cannot guess what fields you actually want to update: Maybe you REALLY want to set a field-value to NULL, so Grails cannot just ignore those fields. So I see two options:
Do it like you have described: Load the instance from DB, set the values and save again. You have mentioned, that you do not like to care what fields are updated, and you just want to take all attributes of your JSON instance. So assuming your already parsed JSON-instance is called jsonInstance and your database version of the customer is customerInstance, you can do: { field ->
customerInstance."${field.key}" = field.value
However, note that there are security limitations (if an attacker injects an 'id' attribute or other relevant attribute values into it, those will be just overwritten).
Use executeUpdate-function, see:
I think, if you really want to save performance, then go like this. However you have some hardcoded DML, which will cost maintainability and flexibility.

MVC using Linq to Entity w/ sql encryption

Currently i am using sql encryption and would like to continue using it through Linq. I have all my CRUD stored proc's wired up to the table in order to handle the encryption/decryption on the backend. Problem is my database model see's a field type of varbinary(max) which is used for the sql encryption storage. The retrieval sp for this table does the decryption thus returning a string value. How does one get around this. Seems like the model needs to recognize a string in place of the varbinary but i am unsure of how to handle this.
Thanks in advance.
So change the table mapping to a view mapping in the database model?
Off the top of my head, some choices:
Edit the ssdl manually.
Make a view and map that (you don't need to actually use it for anything but mapping).
