Zanzibar doubts about Tuple + Check Api. (authzed/spicedb) - authz

We currently have a home grown authz system in production that uses opa/rego policy engine as core for decision making(close to what netflix done). We been looking at Zanzibar rebac model to replace our opa/policy based decision engine, and AuthZed got our attention. Further looking at AuthZed, we like the idea of defining a schema of "resource + subject" types and their relations (like OOP model). We like the simplicity of using a social-graph between resource & subject to answer questions. But the more we dig-in and think about real usage patterns, we get more questions and missing clarity in some aspects. I put down those thoughts below, hope it's not confusing...
[tuple-data] resource data/metadata must be continuously added into the authz-system in the form of tuple data.
e.g. doc{org,owner} must be added as tuple to populate the relation in the decision-graph. assume, i'm a CMS system, am i expected to insert(or update) the authz-engine(tuple) for for every single doc created in my cms system for lifetime?.
resource-owning applications are kept in hook(responsible) for continuous keep-it-current updates.
how about old/stale relation-data(tuples) - authz-engine don't know they are stale or's burnded to tidy it?.
[check-api] - autzh check is answered by graph walking mechanism - [resource--to-->subject] traverse path.
these is no dynamic mixture/nature in decision making - like rego-rule-script to decide based on json payload.
how to do dynamic decision based on json payload?

You're correct about the application being responsible for the authorization data it "owns". If you intend to have a unique role/relationship for each document in your system, then you do need to write/delete those relationships as the referenced resources (or the roles on them, more likely) change, but if you are using an RBAC-like design for your schema, you'd have to apply these role changes anyway; you'd just apply them to SpiceDB, instead of to your database. Likewise, if you have a relationship between say, a document and its parent organization, you do have to write/delete those as well, but that should only occur when the document is created or deleted.
In practice, unless you intend to keep the relationships in both your database and in SpiceDB (which some users do), you'll generally only have to write them to one or the other. If you do intend to apply them to both, you can either just perform the updates to both at the same time, or use an outbox-like pattern to synchronize behind the scenes.
Having to be proactive in your applications about storing data in a centralized system is necessary for data consistency. The alternative is federated systems that reach into other services. Federated systems come with the trade-offs of being eventually consistent and can also suffer from priority inversion. I presented on the centralized vs federate trade-offs in a bit of depth and other design aspects of authorization systems in my presentation on the cloud native authorization landscape.
Caveats are a new feature in SpiceDB that enable dynamic policy to be enforced on the relationship graph. Caveats are defined using Google's Common Expression Language, which a language used for policy in other cloud-native projects like Kubernetes. You can also use caveats to make relationships that eventually expire, if you want to take some of book-keeping out of your app code.


In which layer should the validations be done mainly in the context of DDD?

This question might be asked a thousand of times but a lot of confusions and contradictions in the answers.
I ask about the validations in the context of domain driven design.
In which layer should the validations be done mainly ?
Is it acceptable for the object to be in invalid state? because many answers said that it's okay and mainly because of historical data and the business rules may change over time and loading historical data might cause problems?
Many implementations consider throwing exceptions in the domain layer and mapping the messages to the UI although Martin Fowler recommends to Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations! When to return messages and when to throw exceptions in the validation context ?
Many articles explain some tips or paths to follow like Vladimir Khorikov and jbogard in their articles but in the comments they confess that they do things a wee differently now. Are these patterns still valid?
Should I use framework like FluentValidation and if I use it, Is this frame work used only in the application layer as an alternative to the MVC annotations ?
When Should I use Business Rule Framework (BRF) instead?
I know many questions here but they target the same spot(Validation in DDD).
Note: I don't use CQRS pattern because it made the application so complex.
So I have (domain layer,data layer, application layer(MVC), and shared kernel)
In which layer should the validations be done mainly ?
Mainly in Domain, except for infrastructure related validation, e.g. xsd validation or json schema for instance.
Is it acceptable for the object to be in invalid state? because many
answers said that it's okay and mainly because of historical data and
the business rules may change over time and loading historical data
might cause problems?
It can be acceptable, because validation is done into domain it should not be the case. On a point of view of business, objects cannot be in an invalid business state, however, some times, like in the real life, process can be in an invalid/temporary state. We call it eventual consistency (, I suggest you take a look at this. At the end the system will be in a valid state and that's all that matter, if its temporarily invalid, well, the effort might be bigger to maintain such system but sometimes you have no choice.
Many implementations consider throwing exceptions in the domain layer
and mapping the messages to the UI although Martin Fowler recommends
to Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations!
When to return messages and when to throw exceptions in the validation
context ?
I am not a big fan of exceptions in the domain layer unless this is clearly a pre-requisite thesis broken. For instance an input too large for a field, or a negative price for an item. If you cannot build a valid business object, then in my opinion this is a very valid case for an exception. In case this is a business case, a message is best suited.
Many articles explain some tips or paths to follow like Vladimir
Khorikov and jbogard in their articles but in the comments they
confess that they do things a wee differently now. Are these patterns
still valid?
Should I use framework like FluentValidation and if I use it, Is this
frame work used only in the application layer as an alternative to the
MVC annotations ?
Best recommendations in DDD is to never use framework, Spring or JDBC might help however but in general you should do it by hand. We have written even stores by hand, application services and Oracle projections and event bus. Its more faster, more maintainable, and you learn a lot more. Vaughn Vernon in his book (Implementing Domain Driven Design) gives very good examples and a project you can look at: (written in Java)
When Should I use Business Rule Framework (BRF) instead?
Again, don't use a framework
There are actually several different activities that might be called "validations", and they are all handled somewhat differently.
Message validation usually happens as close to the boundary as we can manage. When I receive an HTTP request, I'm going to verify that the request itself is well formed, that the right media type is specified in the meta data, that the request body can be processed cleanly, that the resulting DOM has all of the required fields, that the known data nodes are all of the appropriate type, that the values present are within the allowed ranges, all before I worry about the current state of the domain model.
Often, this validation takes the form of transforming the data from the message into a graph of value objects in the domain; that will usually look like factories or builders that know how to take domain agnostic value types and convert them into domain specific values. The domain model won't normally know anything about the message format, and won't know about the serialization (JSON is not normally a domain concern).
There is a similar separation of concerns when reading values from the persistent store - the value factories will know how to create values from primitives, but won't necessarily know anything about JSON, or results sets, and so on.
The "business logic", which validates whether a given message is meaningful given the current state of the domain, usually lives within the domain model.
Is it acceptable for the object to be in invalid state?
It shouldn't ever be acceptable for an object to be in an invalid state.
BUT there are valid states that aren't reachable. Negative account balances are becoming a significant liability for the company, so a new business rule is introduced that prevents withdrawals that would result in a negative balance. That doesn't change the fact that Bob's account balance is negative. It's still a valid state, just one that isn't reachable with the new rules.
When to return messages and when to throw exceptions in the validation context ?
Don't use exceptions to implement contingency management.
There are straight answers for your questions. So I put the answers with no background.
In which layer should the validations be done mainly?
Both server and client side for more accurate and secure applications. Regardless of design context. For server side you may employ different ways like fluent validation or Data Annotation (Model) or bring them to client with integration libraries like jquery-unobtrusive-ajax. Server side validation is more important, since CRUD operations needs to be validated to avoid anomalies and etc ....
In terms of your question, layers are View and Model (Data Access).
Is it acceptable for the object to be in invalid state? because many
answers said that it's okay and mainly because of historical data and
the business rules may change over time and loading historical data
might cause problems?
It's acceptable, required fields or empty values for required dependencies fires error when you show or process data store in Database. Here, there is no speaking about changes which can be over time. We only consider now. We employ patterns and programming rules to create flexibility/maintainability. Validations and entry dependencies can be changed over time.
Many implementations consider throwing exceptions in the domain layer
and mapping the messages to the UI although Martin Fowler recommends
to Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations!
When to return messages and when to throw exceptions in the validation
context ?
Showing exception in client-side is a good technique for development days or notifying corresponding user about the error which prevents data to be changed/stored. considering that: some systems really have no strategy to show additional info to the end user. Some reports can make the app more vulnerable to intrude. This is completely based on the software type you are developing. A good practice is showing a simple error in client-side and store error logs inside server (with comprehensive details).
Many articles explain some tips or paths to follow like Vladimir
Khorikov and jbogard in their articles but in the comments they
confess that they do things a wee differently now. Are these patterns
still valid?
Some people may have personal architectures with their own naming. But some of them are official and widely used like Unit Of Work or Repository Pattern which add some layers to famous pattern (MVC) to achieve more accurate, clean and maintainable code/application. Follow the main purpose behind any pattern.
Should I use framework like FluentValidation and if I use it, Is this
frame work used only in the application layer as an alternative to the
MVC annotations ? When Should I use Business Rule Framework (BRF)
FluentValidation is an alternative to DataAnnotations working like the FluentAPI. Note that both used to define rules for properties belonging to a defined class (a database table). There's a concept named ViewModel which contains a transformation(with some changes) for Main Model class (Table) mainly targeting the validation in front-end. You may employ both for a project, mapping each Model to its ViewModel or vice versa. If you are using a repository pattern, say, have a Data Access Layer, So some of the validation is inside this layer. If you're using ViewModel, so it's inside application layer. But, As an advice, These are worthless. The key success is to understand main purpose behind any technique/architecture/pattern. You can find tons of article around each of them and focus on purpose, then you can decide what to do to have a more clean/standard/maintainable/flexible/etc... code.
And the Final Tip : Increasing the modularity increases the cost to integration (software cost) Although decreases cost for each module. Use a moderate design for your project. Combining architectures sometimes not only is not a good idea but also increases the cost and development hardships. More details in software design basics

User-defined dynamic workflows and user input

I have recently been tasked to look into Workflow Foundation. The actual goal would be to implement a system in which the end users can define custom workflows in the deployed application (and of course, use them). Personally I have never used WF before (and reading around here on SO people are very doubtful about it - so am I reading those questions/answers), and I am having a hard time finding my way around it given the sparse learning resources available.
Anyway, there are some questions, for example, this, which mention something they call dynamic or user-defined workflows. They point out that WF makes it possible to "rehost" the designer, so that end-users can define their own new workflows after the application is deployed (without developer intervention (?), this is the part I am not really sure about).
I have been told by fellow employees that this way we could implement an application in which once this feature is implemented we would no longer have to keep modifying the application every time a new workflow is to be implemented. However, they also pointed out that they just "heard it", they don't have firsthand experience themselves either.
I have been looking around for samples online but the best thing I could find was a number guess app - barely more than a simple hello world. So not much that would point me to the right direction of how this user-defined workflow feature actually works and how it can be used, what its limitations are etc.
My primary concern is this: it is alright that one can define custom workflows but no workflow is worth a penny without the possibility of actually inputting data throughout the process. For example, even if the only thing I need to do is to register a customer in a complaint management system, I would need the customer's name, contact, etc. If the end user should be able to define any workflow the given toolset makes possible then of course there needs to be a way to provide the workflow consumers with a way of inputting data through forms. If the workflow can be of pretty much any nature then so needs to be the data - otherwise if we need to implement the UIs ourselves then this "end-user throws together a workflow" feature is kind of useless because they would still end up at us requiring to implement a form or some sort of data input for the individual steps.
So I guess that there should be a way of defining the "shape" of the data that needs to be filled at any given user interaction phase of the workflow which I can investigate and dynamically generate forms based on the data. So for example, if I found that the required data was made up of a name and a date of birth, then I would need to render a textbox and a datepicker on the page.
What I couldn't really figure out from the Q&As here and elsewhere is whether this is even possible. Can I define and then later "query" the structure of the data to be passed to the workflow at any point? If so, how? If not, how should this user-defined workflow feature even be used, what is it good for?
To clarify it a little, I could imagine something as specifying a complex type, which would be the view model (input model) in a regular MVC app, and then I could reflect over it, get the properties and render input fields based on that.
Windows Workflow Foundation is about machine workflows, not business workflows. True, it is the foundational tool set Microsoft created for building their business workflow products. But out of the box WWF does not have the components you need to quickly and easily build business workflows. If you want to send an email in a workflow, you have to write that from scratch. Just about anything you can think of doing from a business point of view you have to write from scratch.
If you want to easily create business workflows using Microsoft products check out the workflow stuff in SharePoint. It is the easiest of the Microsoft products to work with (in my experience.) If that does not meet your needs there are other products like BizTalk.
K2 is another company with a business workflow product that uses WWF as their base to more easily build business workflows, the older K2 products actually create web pages automatically to collect the data from the user.
WWF is very low level, arguably it lost traction after they re-wrote the whole thing in 4.0. While not publically stated by Microsoft, my personal opinion is Service Fabric (from Microsoft) achieves the goals WWF originally tried to solve which was a "more robust programming environment."

How to implement OData federation for Application integration

I have to integrate various legacy applications with some newly introduced parts that are silos of information and have been built at different times with varying architectures. At times these applications may need to get data from other system if it exists and display it to the user within their own screens based on the business needs.
I was looking to see if its possible to implement a generic federation engine that kind of abstracts the aggregation of the data from various other OData endpoints and have a single version of truth.
An simplistic example could be as below.
I am not really looking to do an ETL here as that may introduce some data related side effects in terms of staleness etc.
Can some one share some ideas as to how this can be achieved or point me to any article on the net that shows such a concept.
Officially, the answer is to use either the reflection provider or a custom provider.
Support for multiple data sources (odata)
Allow me to expose entities from multiple sources
To decide between the two approaches, take a look at this article.
If you decide that you need to build a custom provider, the referenced article also contains links to a series of other articles that will help you through the learning process.
Your project seems non-trivial, so in addition I recommend looking at other resources like the WCF Data Services Toolkit to help you along.
By the way, from an architecture standpoint, I believe your idea is sound. Yes, you may have some domain logic behind OData endpoints, but I've always believed this logic should be thin as OData is primarily used as part of data access layers, much like SQL (as opposed to service layers which encapsulate more behavior in the traditional sense). Even if that thin logic requires your aggregator to get a little smart, it's likely that you'll always be able to get away with it using a custom provider.
That being said, if the aggregator itself encapsulates a lot of behavior (as opposed to simply aggregating and re-exposing raw data), you should consider using another protocol that is less data-oriented (but keep using the OData backends in that service). Since domain logic is normally heavily specific, there's very rarely a one-size-fits-all type of protocol, so you'd naturally have to design it yourself.
However, if the aggregated data is exposed mostly as-is or with essentially structural changes (little to no behavior besides assembling the raw data), I think using OData again for that central component is very appropriate.
Obviously, and as you can see in the comments to your question, not everybody would agree with all of this -- so as always, take it with a grain of salt.

Can 'use case' scenarios apply to website design?

I know that some website are applications, but not all websites are applications (albeit maybe just a brochure viewing site)
Is there an in depth dummy use case for a brochure type site which would be beneficial to use.
When it comes to a corporate front facing website for example I suffer from feature blindness, although for an actual database driven application (for example a purchase order system) I feel within my element.
Is there any resources that can help me view "brochure" sites in the same light than I do with a pro bono database driven applications.
This is really useful thread. I have always battled with use cases for brochure sites, despite totally espousing the use of UML... I often feel caught between UX agency outputs & trying to ensure the whole Requirements Spec ties together, especially when agencies tend not to use UML.
There are several use cases that do apply beyond view menu / view brochure page - site functionality like print page, search site etc, sometimes accept a cookie to view specific content - but not much on classic brochure-ware. (All that ties well into user journeys / personas without having to restate the UX deliverables)
However, once using a system eg a CMS to create the website content - then I think the use cases get properly useful (as per comments above), as there are not only (usually) several actors inc the system, but also varying cases per content type so you can reference those UX deliverables without duplication and start filling in the gaps, plus tie up content strategy type deliverables (eg workflow & governance) by looking into the business processes and the system / user interactions. At the end of the modelling & specifications, you can get useful test matrices this way; plus class diagrams that relate objects to taxonomies (more agency deliverables to tie together in Functional Rqmts / Specs stage).
That's the way I'm trying to tackle it these days.
Use Cases can be used to model requirements of a system. System is a structure with input and output mappings. So if you have a static web page, you cannot interact with it in a other way than to view it.
As discussed in comments, if you think you did not understood the goals of stakeholders (what that word document sent by your boss ment...), you have to ask more and find them, use cases are a good technique for this.
In a cycle, discover actors (systems and roles interacting with the system you have to develop) and use cases (what needs of those actors the developed system should ssatisfy). Every time you find an actor, you may ask what other needs (possible use cases) he has and when you find an use case, you should ask who will participate in it and who is interested in it (who is the next actor and who are the stakeholders). Then you can define the scope boundaries and prioritize...

Dynamic business rules engine for ruby on rails

I have an application which will require a "dynamic business rules" engine. Some of the business rules changes very frequently. Some of then applies for a limited set of business accounts. For example: my customer have a process where they qualify stores, based on their size, number of the sales person, number of products, location, etc. But he manages different account, and each account give different "weights" to each attribute.
How do I implement this engine using Ruby? I know Java has drools, but I find drools annoying and complex. And I prefer not having to use JRuby...
If you're sure a rule engine is what you need, you will need to find one you can use in Ruby. A quick Google search brought up Rools ( and Ruby Rules ( I'm not sure of the status of either project though. Using JRuby with Drools might be your best bet but then again, I'm a Java developer and a big Drools advocate. :)
Without knowing all the details, it's a little hard to say how that should be implemented. It also depends on how you want the rules to be updated. One approach is to write a collection of rules similar to this: "if a store exists with more than 50 sales people and the store hasn't had its weight updated to reflect that, then update the store's weight." However, in some way you could compare that to hardcoding.
A better approach might be to create Weight objects with criteria that need to be met for the weight to apply. Then you could write one rule that matches on both Weights and Stores: "if a Store exists that matches a Weight's criteria and the Store doesn't already have that Weight assigned to it, then add the Weigh to the Store." Then the business folks could just create and update Weights, possibly in a web front-ended database, instead of maintaining rules.
