Gramex CaptureHandler not capturing opacity of elements - gramex

I am using a capture handler to download a PNG image for a selector. URL is working fine when loaded individually, but the image downloaded is not showing the opacity of some of the elements in it, even when the dpi is given as 192. Am using bootstrap opacity classes("opacity-8")
Tried to debug using debug parameter, but It didn't work. Is there a way that I can debug it more closely or a way to see the exact application page used while capturing?
Tried to overlay a div with faded color, but it is not working too.


Different color svg image depending on the browser

Well, here is my problem.
I'm developing the front end of a website using rails. and I'm using svg images. If you go to you would see an image with cards (visa, mastercard, etc) this image looks like transparent or with a very light opacity but if you download the image you would see the image with the original colors. This only happens with chrome and firefox but not with safari. This happens only with two of the images from all my site. I dont understand why.
Chrome screenshot:

Toolbar button image suppressed

I have a viewcontroller with a toolbar with 2 bar button items. The image on one is a simple flat icon. The other is a complex image reduced to 28x28 pixels from a 256x256 image. The complex image shows up as a blob as shown below. The actual image is also show in the picture. It is not clear what I am doing wrong. The project code is available in the following link:
Project code
John Griffith on Apple Developer Forum provided this explanation which made a lot of sense. I need to redesign my icons if I want to proceed along this line:
Toolbar images are normally rendering mode "template" - only the alpha channel is used. Any non-transparent pixels are drawn in the bar's tint color. It may be possible to create a UIImage with rendering mode "always original" to preserve the look of your image, but then it won't respond to changes in tint color.
I have downloaded your project. The first thing you should do is to move your image files into the images.xcassets folder. Read here to understand why.
The image you are trying to display is actually just a red rectangle:
As you can see, opening in another program also just displays it as a red rectangle. Be sure to use the correct Image file. The problem lies not with your project but rather the image file you are using.

Delphi 2007 - Loading TJvImage from a PNG file loses transparency

I have a couple of TJvImage components on my main form. One is loaded at design time from a partially transparent PNG file. The other is smaller than the first and in front of it. It is loaded at runtime with another partially transparent PNG file.
JvImage1.Picture.LoadFromFile ('Logo.png') ;
JvImage1.Transparent is set to TRUE. The problem is simple: the smaller image is rendered ignoring the alpha channel - i.e. it punches out the background image.
This does not occur when I load both images at design-time. They both show as partially transparent on the form, and display correctly when I run the program.
The real dilemma is that a minimal test program written to try to demonstrate the problem does not show the problem, but the same code in the application proper doesn't behave.
Is there anything about the underlying main form that could affect the behaviour?
I don't know if this is the same for TJvImage but when you set Transparent property of TImage to True it causes TImage to skip rendering any pixel with TransparentColor.
If no transparent color is set the color of lower left pixel is used.
When in such mode TImage doesen't take into accound alpha channel. Infact Transparency only works when you load TBitmap typed image into TImage.
I gues that TJvImage probably works in similar way. So in order to show your image properly you should set the Transparent property to False. This will probably alow TJvImage to render your picture by using Alpha transparency that is encoded to the picture itself.

How to render images that have a transparent background using oCanvas.js

I have been designing an app with oCanvas.js. It's a really nice canvas library that makes it much easier to create an app that can create and manipulate images, but I ran into a snag when I was trying to implement image filters:
I need transparent backgrounds so that I can have multiple layers, each of which is represented by its own display object, rendered separately (meaning one at a time) on a hidden "staging" canvas. Immediately after being rendered, a layer is then drawn on top of the previous layers on the visible canvas, so that different image filters can be applied to each layer independently during render.
The issue I am having is that, when attempting to extract the image from an oCanvas object's canvasElement, the resulting images never have a transparent background. For example: Imagine I have a 50x50 canvas that has been oCanvas.create() processed, but has display: none; (this is used as the rendering canvas) and another canvas (same dimensions) without an oCanvas instance. I am trying to do something like this (Pseudocode):
visibleCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(MyOcanvasCore.canvasElement, 0, 0);
I have also tried using URL = MyOcanvasCore.canvasElement.toDataURL() and then having my visibleCanvas do a drawImage with src=url.
The images always transfer, but they have a white background, even though I specify background: "transparent" during canvas.create(). As such, they completely overwrite all previous layers.
Do you have any tips for me? Am I doing it wrong? I tried transferring stuff from one canvas to another using classic drawRect, drawImage, etc methods, and transparency was retained. That's why I believe it is either the library or my code.
I guess you are using the image format other than png.
You should have your image format in PNG which keeps all the details of every pixel >including transparency of pixels
and not a compressed format.
So just try keep your image in png format after edting them in some image editor and save > result as .png .

Black background while copying image from Firefox

An image is copied from Firefox into the Clipboard. My program gets it from clipboard and saves as a JPEG image. For some reason the image is saved with a black background. If I open the same URL in IE and copy the image into the Clipboard, the image is saved correctly by my program. I am using Delphi 7.
I also tried to copy the image from Firefox into Microsoft Paint and again the black background. Does anyone has a tip in how to handle such problem.
I assume the original image is transparent? If so, you should be aware that JPEGs can't handle transparency. Try switching the output image type and seeing if you program magically goes away.
If you get the same background in your program and Paint, then that tells me this is something to do with Firefox, and thus it is not necessarily your problem to solve.
Since you're concerned about the background color, I guess the image you're copying has transparent elements to it. So tell me: What color should be there? A JPEG image can't have transparent parts, so every pixel must have some color. Firefox apparently chooses to put black there; how is that not a correct choice and Internet Explorer's is?
I wonder what color background you get when you paste into a more capable graphics program than Paint, such as Gimp or Photoshop. I would expect those programs to consider multiple clipboard formats and choose the most appropriate format, so they might choose a format that accommodates transparency when it's available. Your program and Paint, on the other hand, probably just use the cf_Bitmap format, which of course can't have transparent pixels, so they get whatever the copying program opted to use to fill in the blank space.
By the way, both Firefox and Internet Explorer allow you to drag an image directly from the browser to the desktop or other folder window to save the original image. Maybe that makes your program unnecessary?
I know this is a slightly old question, but I've just come across the same issue in Firefox v9.
Use the following workaround: save the image in question to your computer, then copy the file in explorer and paste in the program you want to use (in my case I pasted into word).
