Xamarin.Android, top bar, how add shortcut button ON/OFF - xamarin.android

enter image description hereI can't find way to add button with icon to top screen menu. I don't even know name of this bar. I mean swiping down of top screen menu however your are, there are buttons like wifi, bluetooth, screen etc.(picture attached). Maybe someone know name of this bar, link to sdk or how add this button or something connected to it.

It is the Tile Service for the quick settings in the Android, you can check the official document about this.
In addition, I have done a sample to test this api and it worked well.
Just declare a class to extend the TileService, such as:
[Service(Permission = "android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE", Icon = "#drawable/icon", Label = "mymenu", Enabled = true, Exported = true)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { "android.service.quicksettings.action.QS_TILE" })]
public class DemoTitle : TileService
public override void OnClick()
public void refresh()
var state = QsTile.State;
state = (state == TileState.Active)?TileState.Inactive:TileState.Active;
QsTile.State = state;
After this, you can find and add the your custom button to the quick settings when you click the editing button in the bar.


Using DockPanelSuite, how do you get context menu for tab strip separate from document tab?

When using DockPanelSuite, is it possible to have a context menu for the tab strip that is different from the one for a document tab? For example, right click an empty space on the tab strip and get one context menu then right click a document tab and get a different context menu specific to the document.
I tried setting the ContextMenuStrip property of the DockPanel. I got a context menu for any empty space on the DockPanel control as well as the document tab strip when visible and all open document tabs. That's a good start but I really only wanted the context menu for the tab strip. Not the main control or any tabs.
I also followed along with the sample project to make a context menu for the document by setting the TabPageContextMenuStrip property of the DockContent form. I discovered that you get a document specific context menu by right clicking the document tab, but it also overrides the DockPanel's ContextMenuStrip. While that is useful, it's still not the desired result.
Updating this post in case anyone else is interested in achieving the objective of the question.
After much source code analysis and testing, I concluded that the objective could not be achieved using the available public Properties, Methods, and Events. However, we can achieve the goal by using a bit of reflection.
This property does nothing for the DockPanel. It will provide a context menu in the client area of the document. However, for some reason, the RichTextBox control set to Fill in the provided sample blocks the context menu from popping up.
This property causes the associated ContextMenuStrip to display when the document is active. However, it displays when you right click anywhere on the tab strip, not just when you right click the document tab.
First, add a public property to the DockContent form which will contain a reference to the context menu.
public ContextMenuStrip TabContextMenu { get { return contextMenuTabPage; } }
Next, add an event handler in the MDI main form for the DockPanel.ActiveDocmentChanged event. This will be used to add an event handler to the tab strip after it’s been created.
this.dockPanel.ActiveDocumentChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.dockPanel_ActiveDocumentChanged);
private void dockPanel_ActiveDocumentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Hook into the document pane tabstrip mouse up event
// if we haven't already.
if (dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane != null
&& dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane.TabStripControl != null
&& dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane.TabStripControl.Tag == null)
dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane.TabStripControl.Tag = "MouseUp Hooked";
dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane.TabStripControl.MouseUp +=
Finally, add the event handler for the TabStripControl.
private void TabStripControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Capture right click action
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
ContextMenuStrip menu = contextMenuDocumentPane;
Point screenPos = Cursor.Position;
Point tabstripsPos = dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane
// Determine if cursor is over a tab
var tabstrip = dockPanel.ActiveDocumentPane.TabStripControl;
var tabs = tabstrip.GetType()
.GetProperty("Tabs", BindingFlags.Instance |
foreach (var tab in (IEnumerable)tabs)
var bounds = tab.GetType()
if (((Rectangle)bounds).Contains(tabstripsPos))
// Display context menu for this document tab
var document = tab.GetType()
menu = ((ContentWindow)document).TabContextMenu;
// Show appropriate context menu

Change toolbars according to the condition

I am working with xamarin android. I have a layout where initially a toolbar with edit will be visible, when user selects edit the current tool bar should be replaced with another toolbar. I have written code as following.
public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu)
_localMenu = menu;
var toolbar = _isMultiSelect ? Resource.Menu.MultipleFormsDeleteToolBarMenu : Resource.Menu.FormToolbarMenu;
MenuInflater.Inflate(toolbar, menu);
return base.OnCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
And when Edit option in first toolbar is selected, Iam calling OnCreateOptionsMenu
else if (item.ItemId == Resource.Id.edit)
_isMultiSelect = true;
Here the problem is,instead of showing second toolbar... the Edit option in first toolbar is replaced by three dots and while tapping on those three dots Edit and Delete options are dislaying.
How can I change those toolbars acconding to the requirements?

How to customize the Device charm bar using C#/XAML in windows 8?

I have an requirement that, need to customize the Device charm bar in windows 8?
I need to add a button or any other control in Device charm bar.
Is it possible?
If yes, how can we customize it?
Thanks in advance.
You can certainly add commands to Device's charms bar like this:
I assume you want to add to Settings Charms bar.
Create a Class example AppSettings
public AppSetting()
SettingsPane.GetForCurrentView().CommandsRequested += OnCommandsRequested;
SizeChanged += AppSettingSizeChanged;
private void OnCommandsRequested(SettingsPane settingsPane, SettingsPaneCommandsRequestedEventArgs eventArgs)
UICommandInvokedHandler handler = new UICommandInvokedHandler(OnSettingsCommand);
// Some command
SettingsCommand someCommand = new SettingsCommand("uniqueID", "NameofLabel", handler);
private void OnSettingsCommand(IUICommand command)
SettingsCommand settingsCommand = (SettingsCommand)command;
string id = settingsCommand.Id as string;
switch (id)
case someID:
} break;
case otherID:
} break;
protected void ShowSomeUI()
//Implement anything you want here
Use the above class and make the very first class of your Application inherit from this class so that the commands are added to charms bar and implement anything on their clicks.
P.S let me know if this is not clear or doesnt answer your question.

Close Blackberry Map after use of custom menu item

I created for BlackberryMaps a own menu item with help of "MenuItem" and invoke Blackberry Maps. After using this Item the current location (MapView) should be send back to my Application. This works fine.
The problem is I found no solution for closing the app after using the menu Item. Is there a possibility to close Blackberry Maps? Or set my own App to foreground?
private static class MapMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {
//creates a new MenuItem for Blackberry Maps and defines the action which should //happen after a click on the MenuItem
CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps;
StartScreen startScreen;
MapMenuItem(StartScreen startScreen, CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps) {
this.startScreen = startScreen;
this.customDialogGps = customDialogGps;
public String toString() {
//creates the name for the navigation Menu
String itemName = ""+_res.getString(CUSTOMDIALOG_GPS_USE_AS_NEW_LOCATION);
return itemName;
public Object run(Object context) {
//defines what should happen after a click on the menu
//get the location at which the cursor is pointing at.
MapView mv = (MapView)context;
if (mv != null) {
//opens a method inside of CustomDialogGPS which handles the latitude and longitude
//TODO pop Screen
//Screen screen = (Screen)UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen();
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Context is null, expected a MapView instance");
return null;
Unfortunately you can't close another app programmatically (Actually you can if you know where is menu item to close for example) but you can foreground your app UiApplication.getApplication().requestForeground(). What is probably appropriate solution for you.
Instead of passing the user to the Maps application, which is outside your app and you have no control over it, create your own screen with a MapField in it. Using your own screen and perhaps extending the MapField class to override functions if needed, allows you to go back to the previous screen once the user selects a location.

How to create a custom field containing a VideoControl and an image?

Here is my problem : I would like to create a specific component with the camera and an image representing a target overlaying the VideoControl's view.
First I would like to display the camera in a MainScreen with a TitleBar.
Here is my code :
public class ScanScreen extends MainScreen {
private ScanScreen()
this.vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(Field.FIELD_VCENTER);
this.controller = new ScanController(this);
//Initialize the player.
this.player = javax.microedition.media.Manager.createPlayer("capture://video?encoding=jpeg&width=1024&height=768");
this.videoControl = (VideoControl) this.player.getControl("VideoControl");
if(this.videoControl != null)
// Initialize the field where the content of the camera shall be displayed.
Field videoField = (Field) this.videoControl.initDisplayMode(VideoControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field");
// Display the video control.
// Start the player.
// Add the video field to the main screen.
if(videoField != null)
LabelField sorry = new LabelField("Sorry, we cannot use camera right now.");
catch(Exception e)
// TODO : the camera is hiding the title bar
The first problem is that the view of the VideoContol is hiding my title bar. How can I fix that ?
The second thing : I have a specific rectangular image representing a target with transparency which I would like to displaying over the view of the VideoControl.
I first tried to create a new class extending Field returning the dimensions of this image and make the image displayed in the paint method (this class is "mypackage.CameraField"). Then I tried to instantiate my VideoField with the name of my new class "mypackage.CameraField" in the initDisplayMode ; but the created videoField is null.
So, is there a solution to create that kind of behaviour ? I am thinking about the native application "Video Camera" in the "Multimedia" folder that displays a VideoControl in a specific area of the screen.
Thank you.
Ok, it seems that is not possible to customize the VideoControl in any way. We must use it in fullscreen and cannot display anything on it.
