Get rid of domain ban for youtube iframe - youtube

Somehow we managed to get a domain ban for iframe embeds of youtube videos - and find NO WAY to get it lifted!
The error is this:
"debug_error": "{"errorCode":"auth","errorDetail":"0","errorMessage":"Video nicht verfügbar","Ak":"Dieses Video darf nicht auf dieser Domain gezeigt werden","NQ":"0;a6s.0","hB":2}",
The same video embedded on our “sister”-page is working correctly. So, the reason for the error CANNOT be the video itself.
I made some test pages
(The source is always identical)
You can lift the ban? Who is to contact?


Dailymotion API - Search Restriction

I have a problem on video search. With a French IP, everything works well, but with Ireland IP no.
I try : on French IP -> 500+ results on Ireland IP -> 1 result
Maybe Video access error (DM007 Video geo-restricted by its owner) ?
No because works well. Not found on search query (with Ireland IP) but I have access to the detail of the video
an idea ?
The API will always returns information about a specific video if you request data with its own resource URI (like:, even if the video is restricted in your country.
However, when using listings (i.e. asking for a video list, or when searching for videos based on search terms), the list will automatically exclude videos which can't be played in your country.
You can know if a video is geoblocked in your country using the "geoblocking" field:
In your case, your example is geo-restricted everywhere else France, that's why it won't show in search results (or any listings):,title,geoblocking
returns: "geoblocking": [
This means you can only watch it ( and appears in search results ) in France

How to get .stream_hls_url of any video?

For example
HLS video url for video id "x61t5f7" :
How to extract this stream_hls_url? Any sample program is there it will be helpful.
The code which we tried is as below,,title,stream_hls_url
We are getting error response as below,
we are getting error response like below, {"error":{"more_info":"‌​api#error-codes","co‌​de":403,"message":"I‌​nsufficient rights for the fields' parameter of route GET /video/' with value `stream_hls_url'. Required roles: can-read-video-streams, can-read-my-video-streams","type":"access_forbidden"}}
You should try this api<VIDEO_ID>?embedder=
There is a "qualities" object which have a url, get a .m3u8 file from this url. This file contain all HLS Video urls of different qualities.

IPTV: I'm can't get Stream URL

I'm creating a list with channel IPTV (Brazilian channels) for i use in my house.
I'm tryng to get a stream of an channel from url Using URLHelper, but not success.
URL With Stream
Before using URLHelper to get stream:
rtmp://<playpath>master77_1 <swfUrl> <pageUrl>
Now, before editions to write in M3u List
rtmp:// playpath=master77_1 swfUrl= pageUrl= - Not worket
And before, i writed a token (is in sfwUrl)
rtmp:// playpath=master77_1 swfUrl= pageUrl= token=estoudevolta
And the stream URL aren't working, but in URL with stream working.
How to put to work??

Getting statuses on Twitter via REST API doesn't always return media URLs

I can't seem to get the embedded URL in a status, for example, in id=780804331608109057 -
When I retrieve this via GET /statuses/:id, with include_entities set to true, the response looks like this:
"text":"Here\u2019s WSJ \"An Underwhelming Trump-Clinton Debate\u201d trying to spin this as something other than a Clinton triumph\u2026 https:\/\/\/dpkmphGI8k",
"source":"\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/products\/tweetdeck\"rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c\/a\u003e",....
When viewed on my web client, the status instead displays the link to WSJ (referred through What I would like is one or both of these URLs to show up in my API response:
what would be the short URL that looks like "" followed by "/HJs4kbmTKz" (I have to break this up so SO doesn't complain.)
What am I doing wrong here?
The incredibly fast response from a staffer on the TwitterCommunity website was most gratifying:
You need to use tweet_mode=extended for the new longer Tweet format.
A search on this new parameter yields the appropriate documentation on - more documentation links on this mode probably exist out there. The most significant change appears to be that the key text is no longer used in non-compatibility mode - that's where the status text is, and unless you turn on compatibility mode, you have to now use the key full_text

YouTube API V3 recordingDetails object missing in the response

I have tried this YouTube API v3 call from curl today:,recordingDetails
Everything else is fine, but I didn't find the recordingDetails object in the response json:
"title":"Weird Nature: Pink Dolphins?",
"description":"Up to 9 feet long and weighing up to 300 pounds, pink river dolphins are the largest freshwater dolphins in the world.",
Is there anything I missed? Many thanks.
recordingDetails is not public for all videos, so if a video doesn't have these attributes available, nothing will be returned. By not returning anything, YouTube saves bandwidth and the response time can be faster.
Original reponse:
This looks like a legitimate bug...
recordingDetails is listed as an option on the videos resource
overview page, but not listed as a valid part in the video list method
Normally when you try using an invalid part you get a "400 Bad
Request" error, but recordingDetails still returns a 200 response, so
it looks like it really is supposed to be returned...
You should submit a bug report here:
recordingDetails will only be returned for videos that explicitly have either the geolocation or the recording time set.
(Not all videos set recording time; it's a distinct piece of metadata from publication time.)
You can do a list call to retrieve a list of videos based on a location and locationRadius.
Then, with the returned list you can do a videos call including all video IDs in the id parameter of the query. You can then specify recordingDetails as "part" and it will work.
This is how Youtube does it here:
