How to find the series cardinality of a single measurement in InfluxDB - influxdb

With InfluxQL, the following query shows you the overall series cardinality of the database.
How can I see the series cardinality of a single measurement? Or even better, all the measurements in a database with their respective cardinalities, as a list?
I am using InfluxDB 1.7.2.

I wasn't expecting it to be that simple but it turns out the query below works.
SHOW SERIES CARDINALITY FROM <some_measurement_name>


Tableau has two data tables, how can i make a filter only apply to single data table

I currently have two data tables each linked to a date table. The data tables are from salesforce. I can calculate the number of a certain case type per quarter without issue. I can also calculate the running sum over quarters to show instrument install base increasing. I want to divide the number of cases per qtr by the install base. This calculation works, but when I apply a filter to see different types of cases per instrument, the filter impacts the install base as well. I would like to keep the install base consistent. I tried different LOD, but no luck. Any suggestions on filters and LOD and where to place in tableau would be beneficial.
One option is to use a parameter for filtering and then having a calculated field that changes based on parameter values in one table but not in the other table. However, this type of filter would affect all worksheets that use the same data.

How to generate a distribution based bar chart on row_numbers

I have a SQL query that acts as a data source in my tableau desktop:
row_number() over (order by sales) as rn,
SUM(sold_items) as si,
SUM(sales) as sales
FROM data.sales
WHERE sales.order_date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-12-31'
On tableau I dragged rn to column and sales to row to generate a bar chart. The following is the output:
I want to convert this into a 0-100% distribution chart so that I can get the following result:
How can I achieve this? Also, I want the user to filter by country level so even if the # of records increase or decrease, the distribution should always be consistent with the filtered data.
You can do this with nested table calcs.
For example, the following uses the Superstore sample data set, and then first computes a running total of SUM(Sales) per day, then converts that to a percent of total. Notice the edit table calc dialog box - applying two back to back calculations in this case.
The x-axis in this example is Order-Date, and in your question, the the x-axis is a percentage somehow - so its not exactly what you requested but still shows that table calcs are an easy way to do these types of operations.
Also, realize you can just connect to the sales table directly, the custom sql isn’t adding any value, and in fact can defeat query optimizations that Tableau normally makes.
The tableau help docs explains table calculations. Pay attention to the discussion on partitioning and addressing.

What is the equivalent of a UNION statement

I need to chart physical measurements using Influx. All measurements are stored as series inside a single Influx "measurement".
Some are "current" values like temperatures, other are things like energy meter readings.
The problem is that these need different queries in order to produce visually attractive output. Charting the meter readings as current power is possible using the DIFFERENCE function.
SELECT difference(max("value")) AS "diff_value"
FROM "volkszaehler"."autogen"."data"
WHERE time > :dashboardTime:
GROUP BY time(1d), "title" FILL(linear)
For other values like temperatures the selection should be mean("value") without the difference.
Is there a way to "union" result sets in InfluxDB similar to mysql in order to display them in a single chart in Chronograf?
Sorry, this isn't possible and new functionality isn't being added to InfluxQL while Flux is being actively worked on.

Difference of measurement filtered by tag in InfluxDB

In InfluxDB v1.3, I have a measurement with one field and a tag that can take two values.
I would like to compute (x where mytag=y) - (x where mytag=z), using the last value of each series when needed (something like an I would like to do this in one query, if possible.
If the above is not possible, is there a different schema (e.g. using separate measurements) where what I would like to do is feasible? If so, can you please elaborate on the structure and the query?
SELECT difference(mean(x))
FROM <measurement>
WHERE time > now() - 1h and (mytag='y' OR mytag='x')
GROUP BY time(60s), mytag
Functions like difference require an aggregate query (group by time()) as well as an aggregation function for the values within the grouped window (mean above).
Difference then shows the differences between sequential aggregated values for the time period specified, additionally grouped by the two tag values specified.
These can be adjusted depending on your data.

elasticsearch - time series - search time intersection between two indexes

I have two indexes. Each one of them has time and value.
click to see the data structure
In the example above I would like to find a specific time where Index2.val-Index1.val>70
Note that the values do not change from the last time entry which means that if a value is set to 20 on the 1-1-14 it will be the same on the 2-1-14 if no entry exists.
A solution can be fetching both of the vectors and do it with a linear algorithm but I suppose that the performance will be bad.
Is there an out of the box solution for that?
