JQL search: figure out list of distinct projects for a given text search - jira

I am doing a search in Jira and I would like to know the names of the projects satisfying my JQL search. I am performing the following search:
The problem is that there are hundreds of issues that satisfy this text search belonging to the same project so I need to scroll through the thousands of issues till I find the other projects satisfying this text search. Is there a simpler way to return the list of projects satisfying this query withtout needing to scroll through thousands of projects?


Google Sheets - best combination from list based on criteria

I have a list of items with data connected to them and I need the best combination of 3 while multiple criteria based on that data are met.
Here is an example sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-5R0OfJWsjnCUJ9mGKvYuphDRaXeoJZoTsiEdoXi9ag/edit?usp=sharing
I do not know if a spreadsheet is the best tool to solve your optimization problem.
You may want to take a look at linear programming and see if another tool would serve you better.
If you absolutely want to do this using Google Sheets, see if one of the existing solver add-ons would work for you. Choose Add-ons > Get add-ons and search for solver to get started.

Is it possible to get list of projects sorted by number of issues?

I'm trying to find projects containing most issues within Jira repository. Looking at the documentation, I couldn't find anything out-of-the-box to get such list (or even to get all project and the number of issues in there).
Is such thing possible or do I have to get all projects, read number of issues in there and sort them manually?

How to know if a project has issues in JIRA

I am working in a big company and we are having a lot of JIRA projects, I would like to have a dashboard or a way to know if the projects that exist in JIRA are used, e.g if there are any issues in them (I don't need to see the issues just to have a number).
Can I do it without accessing to the database, do I need a plugin, is there a functional way to get the info? :)
thanks a lot
best regards
Adrien k
You can easily do this with the built-in Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget:
first, search for all issues in your JIRA instance. There may be an easier way to do this, but you can certainly use JQL like project=ABC or project != ABC.
save the search as a filter
go to a dashboard, add a new Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget. Select your newly-saved filter, select "Project" for one axis, and something small in number (like Issue Type) to the other axis. You'll also need to adjust "Number of Results" to exceed the number of issue types in your system.
save the gadget
Note that the Projects gadget also provides somewhat-similar information with fewer configuration requirements, but as far as I know, it doesn't show the numeric issue totals unless you hover the mouse pointer over the bars.
The company I work for makes a plugin that can do that - Structure
That's an example structure containing all issues in available projects, they are then grouped by project, and there's a column showing the number of sub-items (issues) in each group (project).
You can also add a structure to a dashboard/Confluence page.
On a large JIRA instance it be a bit on the expensive side to use it just for that alone though...

How to count number of times a JIRA issue has been in a specific Priority

To see how many issues have been in my Critical priority within the last month I am using this JIRA JQL:
priority was Critical during (startOfMonth(-1M), endOfMonth(-1M))
But I cannot figure out if it is possible to COUNT the number of times it has been in this exact priority (it can switch priority multiple times)?
Like rorsach mentioned, you can't do this with JIRA out of the box.
There are several add-ons that can help though.
Script Runner offers an _ aggregateExpression_ JQL function that allows you to count issues or to summarize a field across issues that match your JQL. So you probably don't even have to script your own JQL function although that is also an option.
The sumUp add-on likely offers similar functionality.
That kind of search functionality is not possible out-of-the-box in JIRA. Don't forget that JQL doesn't really have anything in common with SQL apart from the syntax. It's just a fancy way of filtering JIRA issues, it doesn't support anything like aggregation.
If you're running a Server instance of JIRA, there is an add-on (formerly known as a plug-in) that might be able to help: ScriptRunner. It allows you to write completely custom functions that you can insert into your JQL (project = "Angry Birds" and customfield_10100 = myFunction()).
It has been a long time since I've had to use it so I can't say for sure whether it will help you achieve your end result but definitely check it out.

Sphider for vertical search angine

I'm investigating different tools for building a vertical search engine. I've come across http://www.sphider.eu/ and I think it works fine.
However, I'm not sure how many pages it can index. There seems to be no information about this in the documentatation. I think I will index around hundred sites for this particular search engine and I will have to reindex them at least once a day.
Can Sphider manage this? Or should I look for other solutions?
