IcCube - Embedded Dashboard using relative report path - embedding

In IcCube V7 reporting, I could use either absolute or relative path for referencing sub reports to be opened in an "embedded dashboard" widget.
I did not success to do the same in V8.2.2. (only absolute path seems to work)
Isn't it still an available functionality (relative path)? tried on the IcCube Live Demo with no luck :

This functionality is not (yet) added to the reporting. We'll add it to the next V8.3 release. Then, for example, you can use the relative path Repetition Widget instead of the absolute path shared:/Live Demo/Miscellaneous/Repetition Widget.


Setting default location for screenshots in Robot Framework using AppiumLibrary

I am using AppiumLibrary with Robot Framework and I want to set a default location for screenshots which were be taken when failure occurs.
The Capture Page Screenshot is the default keyword which will be executed on failure, but how can I set the default location for it?
I tried setting like this:
Library AppiumLibrary run_on_failure=Capture Page Screenshot filename=path/to/file.png
In this case, the filename parameter won't be considered.
Everything you need should be in the documentation https://serhatbolsu.github.io/robotframework-appiumlibrary/AppiumLibrary.html#Capture%20Page%20Screenshot
If you do not give an absolute path it is considered a relative path.

In Unreal Engine editor, how to specify paths relative to the project folder root?

For a casual search in UE's docs I couldn't find environment variables that I could use in the settings within the Editor UI and would look like $PROJECT_ROOT. And my specified relative paths like path/to/my/subfolder seem to get resolved as relative to where the installed Unreal Engine is.
How should I specify the project root to be used by all relative paths filled in the project settings without hardcoding it?
There's no environmental variable. This is how to obtain the relative/full path of the project directory:
FString RelativePath = FPaths::GameContentDir();
FString FullPath = IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*RelativePath);
I'll answer myself after some research.
For my purposes, i.e., filling forms in the Editor, the realistic solution is to run Editor script such as via the Python Editor Script plugin, where you could query the project data using unreal.GeneralProjectSettings.

Rikulo stream base folder

Is it possible to choose to serve files only from a specific folder using Rikulo stream? I've tried
new StreamServer(uriMapping: _mapping, homeDir: 'my/web/webapp/app')
but I'm not getting the desired results as it's still serving files under the 'web' directory.
When homeDir is specified with a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the current directory (Directory.current.path). I think it is not what you expect. You can use an absolute path for better control.
After examining the code, I think the relative path is better to base on the root directory rather than the current directory. Please follow Issue 29 for details. Also refer to the sample app here.

Absolute path for img and js excluding project folder name Visual Web Dev

I've this little but annoying issue in my project in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I'm developing a website with .aspx files located in a large folder structure i.e. www.domain.com/group1/type1/somefile.aspx, the root folder contains a "styles" (for css), "images" and "js" (for javascripts) folder. I've read a lot about base tag, absolute and relative path today. Finally I realized "absolute path" is the best choice for me.
The main problem is that when I preview (locally) my site in browser the absolute links for image, css, and js are not working, I'm using src="/js/gl.jquery.js" which I believe is correct and will work online.
The source code of the page for the javascript says http://localhost:61700/js/gl.jquery.js, when I switch to relative path script src="../../../js/gl.jquery.js" and preview the website, it works fine, and the source code for the javascript path says http://localhost:61700/ProjectName/js/gl.jquery.js (Notice Visual Studio added the ProjectName in the path) So I'm taking my guess that when the project goes online (on a main domain) it will work correctly, but right now I need to keep developing locally without this issue. Is there a way to fix this in Visual Web Developer? maybe some tag for the web.config file that I can remove when goes online, or some website property?
I know a quick solution will be develop with the relative path, and modify the code when goes online to absolute path, but I'm looking for some cleaner method, as aditional information I didn't choose base tag because I read cause troubles with anchors links (href=xx.html#question3) and I need to use them at some big files. And avoid the relative path because it's possible that the company ask me to move some files in the future and I don't wanna be updating relative paths.
Thanks a Lot!
Problem solved! This is the solution I found Thanks to ScottGu's Blog.
I quote the main thing:
when opened a web-site and run the project, VWD launch and run the built-in web-server using a virtual app path that equals the project’s root directory name. For example: if you have a project named “Foo”, it will launch and run in the built-in web-server as http://localhost:1234/Foo/Default.aspx.
One downside to this is that it makes it hard to fully qualify things like static CSS and image files within your site (for example: using root qualified paths like /images/myphoto.jpg or /css/mycss.css). Note that you can use the “~” app path trick for dynamic resources – but static resources still end up being a pain (js, css, images files.) (This was my issue)
Here is the guy entire post: Click Here
Here is the main solution:
1) Using the solution explorer within Visual Studio, select the web-site project node, (the one with the World icon)
2) There is a properties named "Virtual path" at the bottom. Change the "virtual path" setting it to / to run as a root web-site.
And that's it, setting up the / I can manage my files easily.

Fitnesse: Open file relative to current page

Is there a simple way to open a file from within a fixture, using a path relative to the current wiki page? The files are actually being stored in the same directory as the wiki page.
I'm using those files to store some expected data, that is later compared to the data actually measured while executing a test. Embedding the data in the wiki page would simply be too much.
I've already spent quite some time searching through the API, but couldn't find anything except how to access files in Fitness' root folder.
It would be simpler to store the files somewhere relative to the FitNesse root and put the relative path on the wiki page
|calculate some results|
|compare to expected at|relativepath|
To create/access pages path relative to the current wiki page use this syntax:
> makes path relative from current page.
