How to resolve this Beamer error in TexStudio? - latex

I have imported in TeXStudio a document that compile correctly on Overleaf.
But I got this error :
! Emergency stop.
\pgfsys#defineimage ...astform }\else {\pdfximage
\pgf#imageheight \pgf#imag...
l.16 ...ight=12pt]{beamericonbook}{beamericonbook}
Anybody have an idea of the problem ?
TEX file content :
% Inbuilt themes in beamer
% Theme choice:
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=black}
% Title page details:
\title{Génie Logiciel \newline ------ \newline
\begin{frame}{Organisation du module}
\item 22h de CM/TD/TP
\item Programmation orientée Objet et UML
\item Versionning et GIT
\item Testing et Junit
\item Design patterns et Java
\item Examen final sur table
\section{Logiciel, crise et génie logiciels}
\begin{frame}{Slide 1.1}
This is an unordered list:
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Item 3
and this is an ordered list:
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\item Item 3
% Blocks frame
\section{Partie 2}
\begin{frame}{Slide 2.1}
\begin{block}{Standard Block}
This is a standard block.
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Message}
This block presents alert message.
\begin{exampleblock}{An example of typesetting tool}
Example: MS Word, \LaTeX{}
Log file :
Package: amsthm 2020/05/29 v2.20.6
! I can't write on file `1.pdf'.
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-C to exit; default file extension is `.pdf')
Please type another file name for output
! Emergency stop.
\pgfsys#defineimage ...astform }\else {\pdfximage
\pgf#imageheight \pgf#imag...
l.16 ...ight=12pt]{beamericonbook}{beamericonbook}
*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)


LaTeX with overleaf editor - my text goes off the page - how do I get it to go onto the next line, in line with my other text?

I am new to coding - I am using a template to create my CV with overleaf/LaTeX. There were some default settings but I wanted to create some elements that weren't in the default template. I am trying to add in headings within one of my job experiences but my text goes off the page - how do I get it to go onto the next line and stay in line with my other text?
[Screenshot of line going off the page][1]
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Jake Gutierrez
% Based off of:
% License : MIT
%----------FONT OPTIONS----------
% sans-serif
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{FiraSans}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{roboto}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto-sans}
% \usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro}
% serif
% \usepackage{CormorantGaramond}
% \usepackage{charter}
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
% Adjust margins
% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable
% Custom commands
{#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
\text{#1} & #2 \\
\small#1 & #2 \\
\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l#{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
% \textbf{\href{}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{}{}\\
% \href{}{} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
% \end{tabular*}
\textbf{\Huge \scshape *******} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small $|$ \href{}{{}} $|$
% \resumeItem{\textbf{\underline{{Client: }}}}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item [-]
% \item[-]
% \end{enumerate}
% \resumeItem{\underline{}}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item [-]
% \item [-]
% \item[-]
% \end{enumerate}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]
\text{\uline{{}}} \\
A couple of problems:
the syntax \small{....} is wrong. \small is a switch, which does not take an argument, so it should be {\small ...}. To avoid incorrect baselineskips, I suggest to place this outside of the itemize environment
\text{...} is a math only command. You must not use it outside of math environments.
\item does not take an mandatory argument. Instead of \item{...} it should be \item ....
don't abuse \\ for line breaks (outside of tables etc.).
several missing \end{itemize}
missing \end{document}
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Jake Gutierrez
% Based off of:
% License : MIT
%----------FONT OPTIONS----------
% sans-serif
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{FiraSans}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{roboto}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto-sans}
% \usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro}
% serif
% \usepackage{CormorantGaramond}
% \usepackage{charter}
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
% Adjust margins
% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]
% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable
% Custom commands
{#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
\text{#1} & #2 \\
\small#1 & #2 \\
\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l#{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
% \textbf{\href{}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{}{}\\
% \href{}{} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
% \end{tabular*}
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Sophie Clarke} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small 07920 429 244 $|$ \href{}{{}} $|$
{Research Assistant in the Economics of International Trade}{September 2021 -- Present}
{The UK Trade Policy Observatory}{Brighton, UK/ Remote}
\resumeItem{Assist the UKTPO team of researchers with regard to data and background research and contribute to the production of research outputs for publication.}
\resumeItem{Structure day-to-day research activities; prioritise and meet deadlines across multiple projects.}
\resumeItem{Handle confidential information with diligence and circumspection.}
% \resumeItem{\textbf{\underline{{Client: British Chamber of Commerce}}}}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item [-] Used MATLAB to support the development of an analytical model to analyse answers to the BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey using natural language processing, machine learning techniques and sentiment analysis.
% \item[-] Produced a final written report explaining methods, techniques, results and findings.
% \end{enumerate}
% \resumeItem{\underline{Ongoing Research Project: The Consequences of Brexit for the UK}}
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item [-] Textual analysis of EU legal directives and regulations applicable to the single market.
% \item [-]Extensive preparation and use of data.
% \item[-] Written contribution to briefing paper publication.
% \end{enumerate}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]
\uline{Client: British Chamber of Commerce}
\item[-] Used MATLAB to support the development of an analytical model to analyse answers to the BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey using natural language processing, machine learning techniques and sentiment analysis.
\item[-] Produced a final written report explaining methods, techniques, results and findings.
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0in, label={}]
\uline{Ongoing Research Project: The Impact of the UK Points Based System on European Union Professional Footballer Mobility in England}
\item[-] Used MATLAB to support the development of a web scraping tool to gather primary data for the project.

Undefined control sequence "\end{frame}"

I am totally new to Latex, I am seeing error at end of line \end{frame} , not able to figure it out why?
% --------------------------------------------------- %
% Presentation info %
% --------------------------------------------------- %
\date{January 2021}
\chaptype{ \LARGE \textbf {1.Design Consideration}}
\item User safety must be guaranteed.
\item It can be easily worn.
The macro \chaptype is not defined. I have no idea what you might want it to do, but you must either load a package with defines it or define it yourself:
% --------------------------------------------------- %
% Presentation info %
% --------------------------------------------------- %
\date{January 2021}
\chaptype{ \LARGE \textbf {1.Design Consideration}}
\item User safety must be guaranteed.
\item It can be easily worn.

error using \hline in LaTeX not interrupting compiling but maybe I am doing this the wrong way

So I'm using \hline to create some underlines for the heading of a \section{} but I'm getting the error
Misplaced \noalign.
You have used a \hline command in the wrong place, probably outside a table. If the \hline command is written inside a table, try including \\ before it.
\hline ->\noalign
{\ifnum 0=`}\fi \hrule \#height \arrayrulewidth \futurelet...
l.15 \hline
I expect to see \noalign only after the \cr of
an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case.
\title{Law and Society Notes}
\author{Jack Dwyer }
\section{January 31}
\item[] \hline
\item Types of law
\item Oral Nomoi
\item Thesmoi
\item Written Nomoi
\item Psephismata
\item Distinctions not drawn between criminal and civil cases or judicial, legislative, or administrative cases
\item Types of cases
\item Dikē(Public)
\item Graphē(semi-public)
\item Sycophant – suck up
\item Righteous Indignation
\hline is for the use inside tabulars. You could use \hrulefill or, better, don't manually underline the section but format it appropriatly, e.g.
\title{Law and Society Notes}
\author{Jack Dwyer }
\section{January 31}
\item[] \hrulefill
\item Types of law
\item Oral Nomoi
\item Thesmoi
\item Written Nomoi
\item Psephismata
\item Distinctions not drawn between criminal and civil cases or judicial, legislative, or administrative cases
\item Types of cases
\item Dikē(Public)
\item Graphē(semi-public)
\item Sycophant – suck up
\item Righteous Indignation

itemize environment giving this error for unclear reason: Something's wrong, perhaps a missing \item( its happening on line 11)

I am using itemize, not missing an \item (to my knowledge) and there isn't any extra text without an item that I know of. I'm pretty sure I'm using itemize correctly because I've used it in the same way for other 'LaTeX' files before with no issue. I'm really confused.
Also, when I removed the code that had the error, it told me that another section of code that was fine before now had the same error.
\item recombinant
\item Deoxyribose vs Ribose: Only one difference
\item Nitrogen Bases in DNA
\item Purines, 2 rings
\item Adenine
\item Guanine
\item Pyrimidines, 1 ring
\item T
\item C
\item[Nitrogen bases = Steps of ladder]
\item phosphate group
\item deoxyribose sugar(connected to nitrogen base)
You are missing an \item. In your second level itemization, you immediately try to start a third level itemization without having an item before.
\item recombinant
\item Deoxyribose vs Ribose: Only one difference
\item Nitrogen Bases in DNA
\item \begin{itemize}
\item Purines, 2 rings
\item Adenine
\item Guanine
\item Pyrimidines, 1 ring
\item T
\item C
\item[Nitrogen bases = Steps of ladder]
\item phosphate group
\item deoxyribose sugar(connected to nitrogen base)

LaTeX: Adding an Enumerate environment to a Tabular environment

I am trying to add an ordered list (enumerate) to a table (tabular) in LaTeX with the following:
Event Flow &
\item This is item 1
\item This is item 2
But I am getting the following error:
! LaTeX Error: Something's
wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX
Companion for explanation. Type H
for immediate help. ...
l.34 \item T
his is item 1 ?
Can anyone please tell me what is the problem exactly?
Because when I put the enumerate environment outside of the tabular environment, it works; so guess I am currently missing something with my example of the table.
The following works:
Event Flow &
\vskip 4pt
\item This is item 1
\item This is item 2
\vskip 4pt
I'm guessing the trouble is that the enumerate environment needs to be in vertical mode: you could experiment with a \vbox.
You could use the following solution:
Event Flow &
\item This is item 1
\item This is item 2
\end{enumerate} \\
In other words, you can avoid the need for a minipage by simply creating a paragraph type column (which has a specified width). This compiles to
