Firebase: Issue in Tracking Installs/Events from Google Ads Campaign in iOS - ios

I am using Firebase to track the installs from google ads campaign. I have tried all the solutions available on Stack overflow and Github as well but it did't work for me. Let me explain each step I am doing:
Register application on Firebase and add these install pods
'Firebase/Analytics' and 'FirebaseCore'
Add SKAdNetworkItems
in info.plist as well.
Added the required frameworks and libraries i.e. AdSupportFramework, iAd framework, libAdidAccess, libGoogleAnalyticsServices.
Add the Appstore ID in firebase project as well.
Added the IDFA permission i.e. ATTrackingManager as well.
Configuring the Firebase in Appdelegate as well. These are all steps I am doing to track custom campaign.
Now I am getting all the events like first_open and other screen events on firebase console but it didn't show me the events related to my custom google ad campaign.
Is there any solution or am I missing something? Please help me to resolve this issue.

I'm not sure what Google Ads related events you're referring to.
If you wanted to track the number of installs coming from your Google Ad Campaign, you could check the first_open conversions report.
Go to Analytics>Conversions>first_open. From there, you could filter the data using the Comparisons feature with "Traffic source" and select the campaign you want.


How to Use Google Ads with my iOS App and Comply with App Tracking Transparency

I have an iOS app that I would like to advertise using Google Ads. However, because I can't track conversions it just says "Misconfigured".
I am currently updating my app and I have create a Firebase Project and imported Firebase into my App as Google Ads suggested.
But I am now concerned about Apple's App Tracking Transparency and the 'nutrition' label. If I select the dependancy "FirebaseAnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport" is that enough to set up a conversion, like "First Open" to satisfy Google Ads but also enough that I don't need to ask permission from my app user to track anything.
Personally I don't really want to track or collect any data, alls I want is for my Google Ads to work so if there is another way around it that would be preferred.
If you plan not to implement ATT framework, Firebase Analytics SDK automatically registers your app to Apple's SKAdNetwork to track your attribution. As per this Google Ads doc, it says that SKAdnetwork works with Google Ads and Firebase, so you should be able to track your ads. Make sure you're using the latest Firebase Analytics SDK version for iOS. As the SKAdnetwork is only available on SDK version 6.29.0 and higher versions.

How to get a Tracking_ID in Google Analytics for iOS apps for Google Tag Manager usage?

I've set up my account in Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and have already installed firebase/analytics and GoogleTagManager to my project...
The problem is when I go the admin section and click on the default property created for my app I have no Tracking_ID on property settings menu,
the property is set as app + web I've tried to set a new property as App it then gives me only a .plist and no Tracking_ID for managing the events on Google Tag Manager...
Is google tag manager a tool meant to be used only for web now?
Because I installed it on iOS but it seems GA doesn't provide Tracking_ID for mobile tracking and without Tracking_ID I just can't use GTM...
Any help on this matter would be highly appreciated,
Thank you all in advance)
GA App properties were sunsetted and are now app+web properties.
In GA for the Property you created, you also need to add a data stream. App+Web Properties use a Measurement ID, not a Tracking ID.
When you add an app data stream, Analytics creates a corresponding
Firebase project and app data stream, and automatically links the
Firebase project to your property if your project and property are not
already linked. Currently, you cannot link to an existing Firebase
project from Analytics.
Enter the iOS bundle ID or Android package name, the app name, and for
iOS, the App Store ID, then click Register app.
Analytics will progress through the steps of creating a Google Cloud
project, a Firebase project, linking the Firebase project to
Analytics, and creating the app stream. Click Next.
Follow the instructions to download the config file for your app. Click Next.
Follow the instructions to add the Firebase SDK to your app. Click Next.
Run your app to verify installation of the SDK and that the app is communicating with Google servers. Click Finish.
Alternatively, click Skip this step if you want to complete app setup
at a later time. Click Next.
GTM also has two new tags in it - GA App+Web Configuration tag & GA App+Web Event.

iOS IDFA: Firebase and Google Adwords Universal App Campaign Setup

I am doing a UAC to promote my iOS app. Read through Google's documentation and still can't really understand how/when to use IDFA.
What I have done:
- Added Firebase to my pod and did basic setup, so first_open events are
- Linked Firebase to Adwords
- Setup UAC to count first_open as conversion
And my question is, what additional setup is required?
- Do I need IDFA enabled to have Adwords recognize first_open events properly?
- So I shall install the GoogleIDFASupport pod?
- Then I use advertisingIdentifier of the ASIdentifierManager class to get the IDFA string? Then what? How do I get Adwords and Firebase to know a first_open is associated with a particular IDFA?
If IDFA is not needed, how does Google know if a first_open event is a new installation resulting from UAC, instead of an existing user upgrading or reinstalling the app directly from App Store?
Thanks for all the help, first day into this and it's all very confusing.
The steps are:
Add Firebase to pod, launch in simulator, check in the Firebase
dashboard that first_open event is showing
Link Firebase to Adwords (has to be under same google account)
Setup UAC to count first_open as conversion.
[important] Make sure you have app id (123456789) added in in Firebase project settings.
I was having this same issue.
I found this thread to be very informative and will possibly help some... but not me:
It was an incomplete app profile in the Firebase settings.
The gear next to "Project Overview" > General > Your apps > iOS apps
I was missing App Store ID (in your apps store URL) and Team ID (in your Apple Developer Membership Details).
Once those were filled out I returned to GoogleAds and found that I could now import all my iOS events (Conversions > Plus menu...).

Why does Apple think I'm serving ads?

Working with a Cordova app that we just added Google Analytics. The Google advertising flag is being left at the default "NO" setting. However, when I try to submit the app to Apple, it's saying that it's detecting IDFA and it asks me to specify what type of advertising we're doing. The problem is that we're not doing any advertising, so there's no valid option for me to select. Hence, I can't update the app.
Is there something that we've missed to setup just analytics without advertising?
This has been a problem with google-analytics-plugin since the AdSupport framework was added by this commit.
The quickest workaround is to use the fork at
cordova plugin add
which removes the ad framework

Google Analytics integration not working in an iOS App

I am integrating Google analytics in an iOS App. I have a made a separate sample project and its working fine.
But when I am implementing the same in my App its not working.
Are there any frameworks that will restrict the App for not running Google Analytics?
First there are NO FRAMEWORKS that will restrict the app from running Google Analytics. But if you dont add certain frameworks you wont be able to compile the code.
Take a look at these links as these might be helpfull
mainly this one which is below
Apart from this if you are working on Google Analytics for the first time. Let me tell you that you will only find your data on the Google Analytics Dashboard after some time. It may also take a day if its the first time.So be patient if have been able to compile the code and run the app. After the first time its quick. i.e. the data shows up much faster.
Finally, I have been able to do Google Analytics (GA) working as expected.
The problem was not due to any framework incompatibility, neither project build settings, nor plist option. I recreated the same configuration into another project to be sure.
From my point of view, the first problem I had was to try using the GA SDK v3 within an Xcode v4.6.3 while Xcode v5 is expected.
Then Downgrading the GA SDK version to 2 beta4 has not directly solved the problem because perhaps GA SDK's persistent data was kept in my app (by user default or core data).
#BhargaviShamukh, if you still have this issue, the way to solve it should be to clean the project (menu Product > Clean) and to uninstall the app from both simulator and device to be sure any GA SDK's data is deleted.
At least for me, this process has solved the problem.
