How to connect to istio ip address - azure-aks

Team we have aks cluster in azure, we also have istio ingress load balancer ip address, but we are trying to ping that command but it is throwing request timed out.. We tries with telnet commands and also normal ping ip address command. This is for testing. Can anyone help how we can connect to istio ip address ?


connect ECONNREFUSED when connecting to host app from Docker container - Windows 10

I have a standalone app running on my machine (not in a docker container) listening to port 8046 (localhost:8046) using an ngrok tunnel (http ngrok 8046). I am trying to connect to it sending a POST from my docker container which I'm also running on my local machine using http://host.docker.internal:8046. I have tried many different approaches but nothing seems to work:
I have tried to disable my firewall to make sure that wasn't the issue.
Tried http://localhost:8046 in the container to connect to the app
Tried serving the standalone app on with the same port 8046 and setting in the container to connect to it, unsuccessfully
I keep having connect ECONNREFUSED
my etc/hosts is configured with the IP added by docker desktop for host.docker.internal and gateway.docker.internal
I'm running out of ideas and can't figure out what I could be missing. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
Inside container localhost,, represent the container itself. To connect to the host machine please try using its domain name or IP address in the LAN, which the host machine belongs to.

Squid proxy service on docker with multiple ip on this same interface

I using squid on docker, and have problem with connect to other site by selected ip.
I always connected by default host ip, not additional failover ip.
My setup:
a) server
-dedicated server on
-1 dedicated ip from server, and 6 additional by ovh service 'failover ip'
-each failover ip added to main interface, and I have on main eno1 interface has 7 ip.
-i added all failover-ip by this guide on
b) problem
-I added to squid.conf my failover ip, but when I connect to this ip remote and using squid, I always using host ip, not additionaly. What is wrong?
-my gist setup docker-compose, and squid.conf
When I logged to host, not on squid on docker, and put in terminal:
It's working, but on squid no.

How to resolve docker hostname when do not have DNS configured?

I installed a this container which has a hostname sra.internal configured, even trying to access by ip address and waiting for a redirected to domain, it's does not work.
I tried to add in /etc/host the hostname and severals ip address like,, 192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x, the last is container ip address.
I do not know what I need to do.

docker can connect to localhost of host machine, but not to a local ip of other machine in host network

I have 2 EC2 instances, they can talk normally through curl,
the EC2 marked dolphin has a docker container in it, and all security groups and firewall ports setup is OK.
to connect from docker into localhost of dolphin
i will use "host.docker.internal" instead of "localhost" because localhost means docker container itself.
my question :
how can i make docker not only talk to localhost of it's host, but to connect to the local machine of IP
--network host is not working, because i have another container linked... this is the error
/usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: Conflicting
options: host type networking can't be used with links. This would
result in undefined behavior.
Docker containers internally use the 172.x.x.x ip range. You can't connect to the EC2 because the ip range is clashing and the network stack routes the packets among the docker network instead of the "external" VPC.
A solution would be to change the address range of the VPC which holds your EC2 machines. You could use 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x.

Install Jenkins on windows server and access it using VM's external ip [google-compute-engine]

I have created a VM instance with windows OS (windows-server-2019-dc-v20200211) in Google cloud.Established RDP connection and installed Jenkins on the VM, but how can I access it from other networks using the VM's external ip?
Could someone help me on this!!
Note: I want to install Jenkins in windows server and not on Linux.
I'll suggest you should check the following:
First, make sure your local firewall on windows server is enabled and allows connections on port 8080. Secondly, Network ACL for both incoming traffic on TCP 8080 and outcoming traffic on TCP port 8080 should be allowed.
Also check some of these stackoverflow use cases for more help: [1] [2] [3] Jenkins server is not accessible by host name (ip address)
