Get all TI Indicators returns an empty list - microsoft-graph-api

I am trying to collect all active TIs via the Beta Graph API by following this. But it doesn't return anything. Here is what I use in Postman:
Response (200):
"#odata.context": "$metadata#security/tiIndicators",
"value": []
A bit of context for the environment I work in.
The tenant has multiple Sentinel workspaces & resource groups.
The application I use has the correct permissions:
It is my current belief that this might be due to the limitations of the Beta API. My reasoning is that accourding to this documentation you need the ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission to access the API. This would suggest that currently you can only view TI's that the resource itself created.
If more info is needed just ask.

According to the documentation, ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission allow you to manage threat indicators your app creates or owns.
If you want to read all the threat indicators for your organization then your app needs ThreatIndicators.Read.All permission.

Although this is not a solution to the question it is a workaround. By using the Log Analytics API you can get the TI via a KQL.
| where ExpirationDateTime > now() and
NetworkIP matches regex #"^(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.?\b){4}$" and
ConfidenceScore > 25
| summarize by NetworkIP
This is probably better as you can also use a watchlist to exclude specific IP addresses with one request.
One thing I struggled with this was Authorization. You must give your Application permission to use the API, and the application needs the Log Analytics Reader role in the Log Analytic workspace you want to use.


Issues With Twitter API V2 Elevated Access and has:geo Query Parameter

I have Elevated access to the Twitter API V2, and I am working with the API in Postman to search for recent Tweets containing a keyword. I’d like to be able to add a further query parameter to only return Tweets that have a geolocation associated with them. To do this, I am adding the has:geo parameter, as shown in the below URL call: lang:en -is:retweet has:geo
However, this is returning with the following error:
There were errors processing your request: Reference to invalid operator 'has:geo'. Operator is not available in current product or product packaging. Please refer to complete available operator list at
From my understanding, of this page in the documentation, the has:geo search operator is only available to accounts with Elevated Access to the V2 API (which I have).
If anyone has any suggestions of how I can get around this issue, that would be much appreciated please.
If you check the detail on that page, it further explains:
Twitter API v2
- **Essential**: Available when using any Project
- **Elevated**: Available when using a Project with *Academic Research access*
I agree that it is not sufficiently clear on that page, unless you re-read it (because "Elevated" and "Academic Research" are technically different access levels for your account).
The answer is that in order to use that search operator, you would need to have Academic Research access, not just Elevated access.

Returning employeeId of a user through MS Graph API

I've been trying to return the employeeId of a user through the Microsoft Graph API but so far haven't had much luck.
I'm assuming this is probably because it doesn't exist in the metadata for the user in the Graph API so makes sense.
However, the property is populated in Azure AD. If I use the AZ command prompt to query the user I can see the property. Likewise, if I query the old Active Directory Graph API endpoint I can even see it there.
For example, querying{tennant}/users/{upn}?api-version=1.6 directly I receive the employeeId as part of the response (using the ActiveDirectoryClient however seems to ignore this property and doesn't store it anywhere).
Is there any reason for this? Wouldn't it make sense to have it returned as an additional property? I've also looked into extensions, but as it's not an extension isn't returned there.
Any help would be appreciated. I can get the information I need by querying the old endpoint directly, but this seems like a complete backwards step and involves multiple queries to get the information I need - including having to use multiple end points (one of which I assume will be deprecated and removed soon).
EmployeeId is currently a beta feature and is only available in the beta endpoint of the Graph API.
So if you want to access the beta endpoint you just have to change the version to beta in your url. For example:{id|upn}/{tennant}/users/{id|upn}?api-version=beta
For more information about the user-object in the beta endpoint see:

How do I get revenue reports from a YouTube CMS account using an API (for an MCN)?

I have access to a YouTube CMS account (for an MCN). On YouTube I can do lots and lots of things with it and this also includes downloading CSV reports which contain detailed information about earnings.
However I want to do some automatic processing of that data and thus access the data using an API instead of a manual CSV download. It looks like the YouTube Analytics Content Owner Reports should contain these data as well, thus I tried to get some data from this API (for now only using the API Explorer) but the only thing I was able to get was a "Forbidden" response.
The API Explorer tells me that for a CMS account I need to specify contentOwner==OWNER_NAME but there is nowhere an explanation what that OWNER_NAME would be. I tried to just insert the displayed name of my CMS account, replacing spaces with underscores, but no success. How do I find out what my owner name is?
Additionally, when I authenticate using OAuth I receive as usual the list of accounts where I can choose which one to use (e.g. all the YouTube channels I am a manager of), but the CMS account is not listed. However if I go to YouTube I can click on the top right corner and then switch to the CMS. No idea if that is important...
Then again, maybe I am totally on the wrong track, because I want to get the reports for all channels connected to my MCN but that does not mean that I own the content. So maybe I am no content owner? In this case: Which is the correct way to request the reports from the API?
First of all, the CMS account is not a separate account you can log in via Oath. It is more like a privilege and it is connected to one of your google/youtube accounts. This is in contrast to youtube's regular channel-management, where each channel has it's own login credentials.
I attached a screenshot of my youtube account-selector-view, where the CMS belongs to the account, which is also the account you have to use for oauth authorization to access your CMS reports.
Furthermore you can see the name of the CMS, in this case it "CMSName". So, generally this is the name you would use for contentOwner==CMSName. However, your CMS Name seems to include whitespaces. Unfortunately, i cannot reconstruct this case because of missing admin-rights, but i would suggest you the _ for whitespaces too, because " " and "%20" do not map the regular expression for valid params.
But you said, that you had no success by trying it. But there are too error scenarios:
403 Forbidden: The name of the CMS could either be wrong or the selected OAth account does not have the required privileges. Do you have all required Scopes and selected the correct account?
400 Bad Request: This happens when the request is invalid per se. So if you choose contentOwner==CMSName as ids param, a filter parameter is always required, e.g. channel==[ChannelIdForWhichIHaveCMSRights]. So, a API request, that should generally work, would look like this:[CONTENTOWNER_ID]&start-date=2015-01-01&end-date=2015-01-15&metrics=views&filters=channel%3D%3D[CHANNEL_ID_WITH_CMS_RIGHTS]&access_token=[OATH_TOKEN_FOR_RIGHT_ACCOUNT]
If both cases won't work for you and you're still getting 403 errors, let us do some debugging and try to fetch the content Owner Id. I will now introduce the YouTube Content ID API
A few words in advance: You have to activate the API in your developer console, like any other API you want to use for your app. BUT:
Note: The YouTube Content ID API is intended for use by YouTube content partners and is not accessible to all developers or to all YouTube users. If you do not see the YouTube Content ID API as one of the services listed in the Google Developers Console, see to learn more about the YouTube Partner Program.
You don't see it in the list auf available APIs, unless your account is connected to a CMS and some time has past... It takes 7-14 days unless the Content ID API is available for your account. This is a information i got from the support, but they told me, that it is an automated step.
So, now lets assume, that you already have access to the Content ID API.
You can fetch a list of contentOwnerShips that belong to an account. You can use the API explorer just use as param fetchMine=true and authorize with the scope. The response looks like this:
"kind": "youtubePartner#contentOwnerList",
"items": [
"kind": "youtubePartner#contentOwner",
"id": "[CMS_ID]",
"displayName": "[DisplayName]",
"primaryNotificationEmails": [
"conflictNotificationEmail": "mail#random.xx",
"disputeNotificationEmails": [
"fingerprintReportNotificationEmails": [
This is where you get your CMS_ID from, you can also use it for any API Request as onBehalfOfContentOwner.
To get a list of all channels that belong to the ownership, simply make this request
But this request requires the granted "" scope.
Hoe this could help you, feel free to ask further questions.

LinkedIn Api: I'm getting "Access to people search denied."

I'm using the LinkedIn Api, to search for people information,
I'm keep hit the limits per user.
(even though I want only public info, it seems it is mandatory to send request with a logged-in user token).
So I register some people to my app, to get more tokens, but when I use the tokens, I'm getting:
"Access to people search denied."
What can be the cause?
Not enough info is provided to solve the problem but LinkedIn has clear documentation on their throttle limits. It's never been a problem for me so I think you may be making unnecessary API calls. I know that the data that the API returns is very deeply nested and you may not need to make so many API calls to get the data you need. I would print one single API response to a terminal and inspect the data. I use Python and will usually have to dig 3 or 4 levels to get the data I need. Ex.
updates = app.get_company_updates(COMPANY_ID, params={'count': count, 'event-type': 'status-update',})
update_list = []
for update in updates['values']:
my_dict = {'comment': update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['comment']}
if update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share'].get('content'):
my_dict['description'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('description')
my_dict['submittedImageUrl'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('submittedImageUrl')
my_dict['title'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('title')
my_dict['shortenedUrl'] = update['updateContent']['companyStatusUpdate']['share']['content'].get('shortenedUrl')
But if you really need to hit the API a lot then you might want to set up a bunch of scripts to run on a cron jobs daily with each script using a unique developer login.

What is the standard way to handle twitter API keys in GPL'd desktop applications?

While developing an desktop application that needs to access twitter API , one must somehow pass the API key (application specific consumer key and consumer secret ) for the application to the user. Twitter's API TOS states that the application's API key cannot be publicly available and if that happens, they reset it. When that application is under GPL , meaning the developer needs to provide the source code to the user, how that user would be able to obtain the API key without it being publicly available ? Is there a standard way to handle this issue ?
To clarify the situation, I was storing them in plain text in my code for so far as a conscious decision. But yesterday Twitter support team contacted me that they have reseted my key and their reasoning was the following :
C. You should not solicit another developer's consumer keys or consumer secrets especially if they will be stored or used for actions outside of that developer's control. Keys and secrets that are compromised will be reset by Twitter. For example, online services that ask for these values in order to provide a "tweet-branding" service are not allowed.
If an application's keys are posted publicly, it allows for external parties to hijack the application's API access. This presents an enormous abuse risk, and as such we've reset your API keys. Please take care to ensure that these keys are not posted publicly again.
Twitter API Policy
Well, TTYtter evidently uses the honour system:
# yes, this is plaintext. obfuscation would be ludicrously easy to crack,
# and there is no way to hide them effectively or fully in a Perl script.
# so be a good neighbour and leave this the fark alone, okay? stealing
# credentials is mean and inconvenient to users. this is blessed by
# arrangement with Twitter. don't be a d*ck. thanks for your cooperation.
$oauthkey = (!length($oauthkey) || $oauthkey eq 'X') ?
$oauthsecret = (!length($oauthsecret) || $oauthsecret eq 'X') ?
(I have replaced the actual keys with Xs, to make it a little less likely that anyone will go to the trouble to abuse them, but rest assured that they are present in full in the actual source!)
Also, I don't see anything in the Rules of the Road actually requiring you to keep these things secret: the closest thing I see is the statement "Keys and secrets that are compromised will be reset by Twitter."; they never actually say what "compromised" means, though.
I might be dense here, but why don't you store them in a configuration file, the Windows registry etc and get them from there? Then distribute the application without the file, and you're done.
Maybe another solution would be to use a server, the server interacts with the twitter api, and the you request information to your server with your desktop application
Like that, the API key is only stored on the server, and not any user can get it.
