Anychart Radar Chart Label Font Size - font-size

How do I change the font size on the labels on any chart radar chart?
AnyChart Radar Chart Example

Text labels are on the X axis:
// adjust x axis
Numbers are on the Y axis:
// adjust x axis


enlarge the top spacing of the x axis

How can I enlarge the spacing between the x axis labels to the y axis labels?

Dynamically update marker

How to plot a marker values on a series.I have x and y axis values in an array.
My Fiddle:-

How to fix a gap between the x and y axes in core plot

I am using [_graph.defaultPlotSpace scaleToFitPlots:[_graph allPlots]];
and if where none of the plots has a y value of 0, there is a gap between the bottom of the Y axis and the X axis.
I've tried using _graph.axisSet.xAxis.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromDouble(0.0);
as well as a calculated yMin instead of 0.0.
Yet, I still get this:
I've also tried to rescale the plot space, thus:
[_graph.defaultPlotSpace setPlotRange:r forCoordinate:CPTCoordinateY];
but couldn't figure out how to set a new minLimit for r.
Use the axisConstraints to position the x-axis at the lower edge of the plot area:
x.axisConstraints = [CPTConstraints constraintWithLowerOffset:0.0];

Core Plot - Bar plot automatic initial zooming

How do I set an initial zoom based the maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis?
Plot 1:
Maximum value:
x-axis = 100;
y-axis = 110;
Plot 2:
Maximum value:
x-axis = 180;
y-axis = 230;
I need to the initial zoom be equal to two plots.
This will adjust the plot space to fit the plot data for two plots:
[plotSpace scaleToFitPlots:#[plot1, plot2]];
You can use this shortcut to scale the plot space to fit all of the plots in a graph:
[plotSpace scaleToFitPlots:[graph allPlots]];

How can i avoid congestion between x and y axis in my graph with highcharts?

the above graph shows the congestion between x and y coordinates how can that be avoided?
You can also add an offset to the labels of either xAxis or yAxis with
xAxis: {
labels: {
x: 5,
y: 5
This will move the label 5 points relative to the axis.
Increase the scale on the X axis by for example formatting x axis data to a Date without time information?
