Dart server side: How to receive data from the Postman (form-data)? - dart

I am using dart:io to create the server. I send the request from the Postman with form-data. I need to use form-data because my old API from another language uses it and the app uses it too.
At the moment. I am trying to get the data and files with this code:
Future main(List<String> arguments) async {
HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bind('localhost', 8085);
server.listen((HttpRequest request) async {
String jsonString = await request.cast<List<int>>().transform(utf8.decoder).join();
await request.response.close();
When I send the data and a file from the Postman with this below.
I will get the error below.
Unhandled exception:
FormatException: Unexpected extension byte (at offset 435)
If I don't send the file as image 1, I got this.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="key 1"
Content-Type: application/json
value 1
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="key 2"
value 2
I can't convert the above results to variables.
I don't know how to do that. Has anyone an example for doing this or suggest any package to me? This is my first time creating a dart server.

I follow this.
You can get the data and files from the request by using shelf_multipart (Other packages may be used in conjunction with this one and find more methods on GitHub).
If you want to see results quickly that it can be done. Follow this below.
I am using 3 packages including the shelf, shelf_router, and shelf_multipart packages.
You need to add these packages to your pubspec.yaml.
(You can copy and paste these into your pubspec.yaml.)
shelf: ^1.4.0
shelf_router: ^1.1.3
shelf_multipart: ^1.0.0
Then copy my code and past it to your main.dart:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart';
import 'package:shelf_multipart/form_data.dart';
import 'package:shelf_multipart/multipart.dart';
Future main(List<String> arguments) async {
final service = Service();
final server = await shelf_io.serve(service.handler, 'localhost', 8085);
print('Server running on localhost:${server.port}');
class Service {
Handler get handler {
final router = Router();
router.post("/example", (Request request) async {
if (request.isMultipart && request.isMultipartForm) {
Map<String, dynamic>? data = await RequestConverter.formData(request);
return data != null
? Response.ok("form-data: true, receive-data: true, data: $data")
: Response.ok("form-data: true, receive-data: false");
return Response.ok("form-data: false");
router.all('/<ignored|.*>', (Request request) {
return Response.notFound('Page not found');
return router;
class RequestConverter {
static Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> formData(Request request) async {
try {
Map<String, dynamic> data = {};
Map<String, dynamic> files = {};
final List<FormData> formDataList = await request.multipartFormData.toList();
for (FormData formData in formDataList) {
if (formData.filename == null) {
String dataString = await formData.part.readString();
data[formData.name] = Json.tryDecode(dataString) ?? dataString; //Postman doesn't send data as json
} else if (formData.filename is String) {
files[formData.name] = await formData.part.readBytes();
return {"data": data, "files": files};
} catch (e) {
return null;
class Json {
static String? tryEncode(data) {
try {
return jsonEncode(data);
} catch (e) {
return null;
static dynamic tryDecode(data) {
try {
return jsonDecode(data);
} catch (e) {
return null;
After this, you can start your server in your terminal. For me I am using:
dart run .\bin\main.dart
Finally, open the Postman and paste http://localhost:8085/example to the URL field, select the POST method, and form-data. You can add the data into the KEY and VALUE fields. Then press send.
This is my example in the Postman:
This solution work with http.MultipartRequest() from the Flutter app.


NestJS req.body from POST method is empty/undefined when awaiting ArrayBuffer

I am trying to send file from Client (Angular) to the NestJS same way like it is working now with Java-springboot API.
I am using POST method in NestJS but, unfortunatelly I am not able to got any data from the body :
here is the code :
uploadAttachment(#Req() req: Request, #Body() attachment: ArrayBuffer): any {
return {};
content-type is set in header on Client side, I am not sure if I need to set content-types there ? Content type depends on file mimetype it should be (application/pdf/png/jpeg)..not multiform or what I need to do to achieve that attachment object will not return empty {} .
req.body is undefined
What I need to do with that file is to again change it back to Base64 (in angular it is in Base64) but Java API consumes only byte[] so I need to keep that like it is on FE.
any suggestions what is wrong in this "simple" code?
** EDIT **
====↓ EDIT ↓====
Solution: request.body is undefined is:
NestJS use as default body jsonBody, so in that case you have to override for specific routes that you want to use raw-body, and if raw-body is used insted of jsonBody, then the body from request is not undefined and it contain ArrayBuffer.
What you need to do is something like this;
Create rawBody middleware raw-body.middleware.ts
import { Injectable, NestMiddleware } from '#nestjs/common';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
export class RawBodyMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
use(req: Request, res: Response, next: () => any) {
bodyParser.raw({type: '*/*'})(req, res, next);
export class AppModule implements NestModule {
public configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer): void {
path: '/uploadExportFile',
method: RequestMethod.POST,
and you need to disable bodyparser in main.ts
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, { bodyParser: false })
in new version of NestJS is introduced new option raw-body but I have no possibility to test that https://docs.nestjs.com/faq/raw-body#raw-body
frist thing send the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and sure you have add UseInterceptors Like FileInterceptor
you can import FileInterceptor
if you need to get buffer try use file.buffer
import {FileInterceptor} from "#nestjs/platform-express";
async upload(#Req() request: RequestWithUser, #UploadedFile() file) {
if (!file) {
throw new HttpException('File is required', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
// you have file
return await this.storageService.upload(file, request.user);

How to get device user agent information in Flutter

I'm building a flutter app which needs to send user agent information along with the http request. I'm using http dart package to send requests. How to get user agent string in flutter and use it with http package?
I done it by calling native methods in flutter. First you have to add method channel in android Main Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
new MethodChannel(getFlutterView(), CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler(
new MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler() {
public void onMethodCall(MethodCall call, MethodChannel.Result result) {
if (call.method.equals("getUserAgent")) {
} else {
Then getUserAgent() method can be called in flutter like below
Future<String> _getUserAgent() async {
try {
return await platform.invokeMethod('getUserAgent');
} catch (e) {
return 'Unknown';
You can get it in a cross-platform way by using the flutter_user_agent library: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_user_agent.
import 'package:flutter_user_agent/flutter_user_agent.dart';
String ua = await FlutterUserAgent.getPropertyAsync('userAgent');
this worked for me by using flutter_user_agent library: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_user_agent
as mentioned above
String _userAgent = await FlutterUserAgent.getPropertyAsync('userAgent');
final _response = await http.get(_url, headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8',
'User-Agent': '${_userAgent.toLowerCase()}',
Found a library that does it. It would be interesting to look at what the library does, i don't think it's needed to implement a library for that.
An example on how you would use it:
main() async {
app.get('/', (req, res) async {
var ua = new UserAgent(req.headers.value('user-agent'));
if (ua.isChrome) {
} else {
// ...
Alternatively, if you want to add a user-agent to the http client, you can do it this way:
Future<http.Response> fetchPost() {
return http.get(your_url,
// Send user-agent header to your backend
headers: {HttpHeaders.userAgentHeader: "your_user_agent"},
You can look at HttpHeadersto see the full list of predefined headers, although headers take a map, you could create your own header if you want.

How to log http requests in flutter

I am developing an app with flutter and I am using default http package in dart for making API calls. How do we log all the http requests which are going through. Is there any in built feature in http or middleware available for the same?
There doesn't seem to be a built-in way to log request. However, you can implement your own Client to log request:
class MyClient extends BaseClient {
final Client delegate;
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) {
return delegate.send(request);
void close() => delegate.close();
void _logRequest(BaseRequest request) => ....;
Just debugging solution as is
class LoggableHttpClient extends BaseClient {
final Client _delegate;
final Logger _logger;
LoggableHttpClient(this._delegate, this._logger);
void close() {
Future<StreamedResponse> send(BaseRequest request) async {
String s = "${request.method} ${request.url} -->";
s += "\nheader: ${request.headers}";
if(request is Request && request.body.length>0) {
s += "\nbody: ${request.body}";
final response = await _delegate.send(request);
s = "${request.method} ${request.url} <--";
s += "\nheader: ${response.headers}";
// Simple request
if(request is Request) {
final List<int> bytes = await response.stream.toBytes();
s += "\nbody: ${await utf8.decode(bytes)}";
return StreamedResponse(
contentLength: response.contentLength,
request: request,
headers: response.headers,
isRedirect: response.isRedirect,
persistentConnection: response.persistentConnection,
reasonPhrase: response.reasonPhrase
return response;
You can user http_logger
Add them to you pubspec.yaml like this
http: ^0.11.3+16
http_middleware: ^1.0.0
http_logger: ^1.0.0
Note that: http_logger 1.0.0 only works with http 0.11.3+16. (update 02/04/2020).
And import them to file like this:
import 'package:http_middleware/http_middleware.dart';
import 'package:http_logger/http_logger.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
And use them :
HttpWithMiddleware httpClient = HttpWithMiddleware.build(middlewares: [
HttpLogger(logLevel: LogLevel.BODY),
final http.Response response = await httpClient.post(
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
body: jsonEncode(<String, String>{'email': email, 'password': password}),
You can use requests_inspector package.
void main() {
runApp(const RequestsInspector(
enabled: true,
child: MyApp(),
Note: Don't forget to add the request using RequestsInspectorInterceptor or using InspectorController.addRequest().
You can user pretty_http_logger Add it to your pubspec.YAML like this
pretty_http_logger: ^0.2.1
And use it like this:
HttpWithMiddleware http = HttpWithMiddleware.build(middlewares: [
HttpLogger(logLevel: LogLevel.BODY),
That is it! Now go ahead and use this http object as you would normally do.
Simple POST request
var response = await http.post('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/',
body: {"testing", "1234"});
Simple GET request
var response = await http.get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/');
It will print out all the headers, request body, response, and error in a proper format that is easy to read and looks pretty.

Processing an Image in Dart

I am currently trying to process an image on the server that was uploaded by a user. My goal is to take this image that was uploaded, process it on the server and then upload it to rackspace cloud files. I have had no luck in finding a way. I am hoping that someone can lead me into the correct direction.
Heres what I have so far on the server side for processing
Future < Null > handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
print('handle upload -------------------------');
var data;
await httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d)).then((builder) {
data = builder.takeBytes();
String encodedData = JSON.encode(data);
int dataLength = encodedData.length;
// Uploading image to rackspace cloud files
// Here we have to send a request with username & api key to get an auth token
http.post(tokens, headers : {'Content-Type':'application/json'}, body: JSON.encode({"auth": {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"username":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","apiKey":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}}})).then((response) {
print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
print("Response body: ${response.body}");
return response;
authResponse = JSON.decode(response.body);
String token = authResponse['access']['token']['id'];
/////////// This is where we upload the image to Rackspace ///////
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", Uri.parse('https://storage101.iad3.clouddrive.com/v1/MossoCloudFS_XXXXXXX/TestContainer/testimage.jpg'));
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token;
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
var stream = new http.ByteStream.fromBytes(data);
request.files.add(new http.MultipartFile('file', stream, data.length, filename: 'testfile.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpeg');
print('requesT: ${request}');
request.send().then((response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) print("Uploaded!");
//// End of Upload to Rackspace //////////
print('Upload Complete!');
await httpRequest.response.close();
The only issue right now is that in https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/http, I need to call the type MediaType in the parameter content-type. I have no idea how to call this. It seems like it is a factory inside a class? If I do not call a content-type then it defaults to octet-stream which cannot be opened from the cdn storage container.
Reference to this way of uploading is from How can I upload a PDF using Dart's HttpClient?
Looks like an missing return before http.put(...) and httpRequest.response.close();
Either you use await before each async call (call to functions which return a Future) or return each such Future to the caller to preserve order of execution. Without any of these the async execution is scheduled for later execution and the next line of your code is executed instead before the async code you called even started.
Update pure async/await implementation
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
import 'dart:io';
Future<Null> handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
print('handle upload -------------------------');
print('httpRequest: ${httpRequest.headers}');
var data;
var builder = await httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d));
data = builder.takeBytes();
print('bytes builder: ${data}');
// Uploading image to rackspace cloud files
var url =
var response = await http.put(url,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg',
'Content-Length': '${httpRequest.headers.contentLength}',
body: data);
print("Response status: ${response.statusCode}");
print("Response body: ${response.body}");
print('closing connection with data complete');
await httpRequest.response.close();

Dart: Processing an uploaded file on the server from client request

I am trying to process images uploaded from client on the server but am receiving the following errors. Am I processing the httpRequest wrong?
Unhandled exception:
Uncaught Error: HttpException: Connection closed while receiving data, uri = /api/upload
/// Client Code (dart file) (Works # sending request)
sendData(dynamic data) {
final req = new HttpRequest();
FormData fd = new FormData();
fd.append('uploadContent', data);
fd.appendBlob('uploadContent', data);
req.open("POST", "", async: true);
req.onReadyStateChange.listen((Event e) {
if (req.readyState == HttpRequest.DONE &&
(req.status == 200 || req.status == 0)) {
window.alert("upload complete");
InputElement uploadInput = document.querySelector('#sideBar-profile-picture');
uploadInput.onChange.listen((Event event){
// read file content as dataURL
final files = uploadInput.files;
if (files.length == 1) {
File file = files[0];
FileReader reader = new FileReader();
reader.onLoad.listen((e) {
print('results: ${reader.result}');
I have a small server listening for the request (/api/upload) and calling handleUploadRequest with the httpRequest being passed in as the param.
Server code (This is where I am stuck)
Future<Null> handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d)).then((builder) {
var data = builder.takeBytes();
print('bytes builder: ${data}');
I am trying to read the data so that I can store it on a cdn but never get a chance to since the connection always gets closed while receiving the data.
Any help on being able to complete this is appreciated. Been at this for the past couple days:/
It is hard to tell when/if you close the httpRequest. If you are doing it right after handleUploadRequest returns, it will indeed close the connection as you are not waiting for httpRequest.fold() to complete. Adding await as shown below and making sure to call httpRequest.close() after this function complete asynchronously should work
Future<Null> handleUploadRequest(final HttpRequest httpRequest) async {
await httpRequest.fold(new BytesBuilder(), (b, d) => b..add(d)).then((builder) {
var data = builder.takeBytes();
print('bytes builder: ${data}');
(FYI) I have a similar code that works when testing with curl and uploading a file
