How do I serve my ECS ec2 server through https? - docker

I am working backend server launched on ECS cluster, hosted on an EC2 instance using docker.
the ECS is running great, exposed by IP address and port, but to be used with my ios app it needs to be served over https.
How do serve my ECS container over https? I have read a couple of things regarding using a load balancer, but tutorials are outdated and I can't find one that shows configuration after the ecs cluster has already been created.
Please point me to the right direction so I can get it served over https.

You need to have the following resources:
DNS address
Valid SSL Certificate
Load Balancer
Load balancer security group
Target Group
The target group will mediate between your server and your load balancer.
Also, in the security group define all the rules you currently have in the server security group, and in the server's security group ad a rule that open is open to all traffic in all ports with the security group instead of id.
This guide can help you:
(look at Create an HTTPS/SSL load balancer using the console)


Jenkins pointing server to domain created

Good Morning
I have created a Jenkins server in AWS I am able to access the platform using the IP of the server
however, I want to access it more securely.
I have set up a subdomain on my hosting service and I set the IP of the server as an A record
I have also defined this in the configuration section of Jenkins
however, when I access the URL https://domainname I get nothing
but if I add 8080 at the end of it it takes me to the Jenkins platform
what am I missing here?
I recommend you to use AWS Application Load Balancer to access to you jenkins web server.
I will host https certificat (if you are using AWS Certificate Manager) and you will be able configure DNS to redirect to ALB name.

How to route to two different AWS applications on the same domain with different URLs using Applicaiton Load Balancer?

I have a web app (Node.js on Elastic Beanstalk) already serving at I have a WordPress blog that I want to serve at
I want to setup AWS Load Balancer to route requests at /blog to my WordPress server and all other requests at / to my web-app. How do I do it using AWS Load Balancer(s)?
My DNS and both of these servers are on AWS. I don't want to setup a self-managed Nginx/HAProxy reverse proxy. If possible, I want to avoid using CloudFront configuration at the moment.
This is possible by adding a listener rule to an Application Load Balancer. Listener rules determine how the load balancer routes requests to the targets in one or more target groups.
After creating the load balancer, see Listeners >> Add Listener. Add a Rule with a Condition for Path is /blog then select Action forward to send traffic to a separate target group mapped to the Wordpress instances.
For more see the docs for Listener Rules for Your Application Load Balancer.

deploying Spring Boot Rest Service with https enabled, in kubernetes

I have developed a spring boot based REST API service and enabled https on it by using a self signed cert keystore (to test locally), and it works well.
Now, I want to package a docker image and deploy this service in a kubernetes cluster. I know I can expose the service as a NodePort and access it externally.
What I want to know is, I doubt that my self signed cert generated in local machine will work when deployed in kubernetes cluster. I researched and found a couple of solutions using kubernetes ingress, kubernetes secrets, etc. I am confused as to what will be the best way to go about doing this, so that I can access my service running in kubernetes through https. What changes will I need to do to my REST API code?
UPDATED NOTE : Though I have used a self signed cert for testing purposes, I can obtain a CA signed cert from my company and use it for production. My question is more on the lines of, For a REST API service which already uses a SSL/TLS based connection, what are some of the better ways to deploy and access the cert in kubernetes cluster , eg: package in the application itself, use Secrets, or scrap the application's SSL configuration and use Ingres instead, etc. Hope my question makes sense :)
Thanks for any suggestions.
Well it depends on the way you want to expose your service. Basically you have either an ingress, an external load balancer (only in certain cloud evironments available) or a Service thats routed to a Port (either via NodePort or HostPort) as options.
Attention: Our K8S Cluster is self hosted so I have no reliable information about external load balancers in K8S and will therefore omit that option.
If you want to expose your service directly behind one of your domains on port 80 (e.g. you'll want to use ingress. But if you don't need that and you can live with a specific port the NodePort approach should do the trick (e.g. https://one.ofyourcluster.servers:30000/).
Let's assume you want to try the ingress approach than you need to add the certificates to the ingress definition in K8S instead of the spring boot application or you must additionally specify that the service is reachable via https itself in the ingress. The way to do it may differ from ingress controller to ingress controller.
For the NodePort/HostPort you just need to enable SSL in your application.
Despite that you also need a valid certificate e.g. issued by
Actually for K8S there are some projects that can fetch you a letsencrypt certificate automatically if you to use ingresses. (e.g.

AWS Load Balancer EC2 health check request timed out failure

I'm trying to get down and dirty with DevOps and I'm running into a health check request timed out failure. The problem is my Elastic Load Balancer sends a health check to my EC2 instance and gets a network timeout. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I am following this tutorial and I have completed all the steps up to and including "Using a Elastic Load Balancer". My EC2 instance seems to be working fine and I am able to successfully curl localhost on port 9292 from within the EC2 instance.
EC2 instance security group setup:
Elastic Load Balancer setup:
My target group for the ELB routing has port 9292 open via HTTP and here's a screenshot of the target in my target group that is unhealthy.
Health check config:
I have a VPC that my EC2 instance is a part of and my ELB is connected to the same VPC. I do not have Apache installed and I do not have nginx installed. To my understanding, I do not need these. I have a Rails Puma server running and I can send successful curl requests to the server.
My hunch is that my ELB is not allowed to reach my EC2 instance, resulting in a network timeout and a failed health check. I'm unable to find the cause for this. Any ideas? This SO post didn't help much. Are my security groups misconfigured? What else could potentially block a routing request from ELB to my EC2 instance?
Also, is there a way to view network requests / logs for my EC2 instance? I keep seeing VPC flow logging but I feel like there are simpler alternatives.
Here's something I posted in the AWS forums but to no avail.
UPDATE: I can curl the private IP of target just fine from within an EC2 instance. I don't think it's the target instance, I think it's something to do with the security group setup. I am unable to identify why though because I have basically allowed all traffic from the Load Balancer to the EC2 instance.
I made my mistake during the "Setup your VPC" step. I finished creating a subnet for an RDS instance. I proceeded to start an instance and the default subnet that AWS chose when I switched to my VPC was the subnet I made for my RDS, which was NOT a public subnet. Therefore, any attempts, from any EC2 instance or my load balancer, would not be able to reach it because I had only set up my public subnet to take requests.
The solution was to create a new instance and this time, pick the correct public subnet. My original EC2 instance was associated with a private subnet while the load balancer was pointing to the public subnet.
Here's a link to a hand drawn image that helped me pin point my problem, hopefully can help anyone else who's having trouble setting up. I didn't put image here directly because it's bigger than 2MB.
Glad to answer any further questions too!

AWS Allowing inbound access from Heroku for forward proxy to external API

I have a rails 3.2 app running on Heroku which needs to proxy requests to an external API from a static IP address. Since Heroku doesn't offer elastic IPs, and Proximo is too expensive and limiting for the number of requests I need to make, I set up a simple forward proxy on an AWS EC2 micro instance in US-East using mod proxy.
I can proxy requests from my app's local environment just fine. However, requests from heroku time out. My thinking is that, since I can proxy from my local environment, the point of failure must be the connection between Heroku and my Proxy box. I've tried the answer given here: Security settings between ec2 and heroku but it didn't work. I've even tried allowing all inbound access on port 80 (even though that's terrible for the internet).
So, my question is, what are the security settings that I should enable for my ec2 instance in order to allow Heroku to proxy through it?
Heroku dynos are all running on machines within Amazon EC2 us-east-1 data center. They do not have any restrictions/firewalls on outgoing connections.
As long as you have the proper Security Group settings to allow the connections from your dynos to your own EC2 instance, you should be good.
It sounds like you haven't correctly opened up access from within us-east-1 to your instance. Double check your security group.
Information on how to edit the correct security group:
Check what security group you are using for your instance. See value
of Security Groups column in row of your instance. It's important -
I changed rules for default group, but my instance was under
quickstart-1 group when I had similar issue.
Go to Security Groups tab, go to Inbound tab, select HTTP in Create
a new rule combo-box, leave in source field and click Add
Rule, then Apply rule changes.
