How to set defaultValue in ProFormSelect component in ant design pro? - antd

I am new to ant design pro and when i tried to set default value through defaultValue in ProFormSelect component (like we do in Select component) nothing happens. Correct answers will be appriciated.
In the status form field there are multiple options like active, inactive, disabled and i want to set active as default value in that field. i have tried may ways but it did not work. i have reseach everywhere but could not find an answer.

Now, I find out initialValue in ant design works same as the defaultValue in ant design.


Default array content in build process

I have added a new argument into the argument-list, which should have default values.
It is declared as a System.String[] but I can't figure out how to give it values. Giving values through Queue new Build works fine, but it is time taking to type in all values each time.
I guess it's pretty simple but I just can't figure out how the Syntax is working while editing a build process.
Thanks in Advance
You need to add it to Metadata and change the item of View this parameter when dropdownlist in Process Parameter metadata editor (e.g. Only while editing a definition).
You also can specify default value of that parameter when edit build process template, such as {"str1","str2"}.
There is a similar thread: How to put build process parameters into categories in TFS?

How to change default type for "View Value as" in Xcode Debugger

When I enter a breakpoint in Xcode I can see the Variables View in the Debugger area.
Since the UInt32 type that I am working with represents Unicode values, I would like to change the display value from decimal to hexadecimal or some Unicode type. I can do that by right-clicking and selecting View Value As.
Which gives
But I find myself having to do this over and over.
Is there any way to change the default display type?
I thought I had seen this before, but it turns out that it was a similar question for Android Studio. I looked in preferences but couldn't see anything there either.
The "type format add" command will do what you want. Do:
(lldb) help type format add
for more details. It will change the default format for any variable of the given type. You can either enter these at the lldb prompt or in your ~/.lldbinit. One caveat, the Xcode locals view doesn't update itself when the formatters change, so you will have to "step" to get the format change to register.
Another trick you can use if you have a mix of UInt32's that you use for this purpose and others that you use as UInt32's (and thus would want to see with the default format), you can create a typealias to UInt32, and use that when you intend the Unicode usage. Then you can put the formatter on the typealias rather than on UInt32. That way you will get the formatting where you want it and not in other uses.
Another little trick that you can use is to add your special type formats to a category when you make them (using the -w option.) That allows you to use the "type category enable/disable" to turn your special formatting on and off without having to remember the "type format add" command. If you do this, note that categories are created "disabled", so you will have to enable the category before you will see its effects.

read data from file and use the data as multiple checkboxes in extended choice parameter in Jenkins

I have a file with a list of cases that i would like to be able to use as multiple selection check box in my Jenkins project.
The list of cases (in the file) can be from time to time get bigger or smaller!
So, how can Jenkins now read those cases and create during "Build with parameters" the needed check boxes so that the user can select or not the cases?
How should the properties file look like?
Which plug-in should i use to achieve this?
Use the Extended Choice Parameter plugin
Setup new parameter, let's call it mychoice
Select "Type" as Checkboxes
Choose a "Delimeter", for example ,
Under "Choose Source for Value", select Property File
Specify location of property file, it has to be an absolute location, not relative.
Specify "Property Key" that's in the property file, for example "mychoice_values"
Type the following in your property file:
Every time "Build with parameters" is invoked, it will read that property file, find line that starts with mychoice_values, and will present 3 checkboxes called choice1, choice2, and choice3.
If the property file changes, new choices will be presented
With the answer from Slav and my additional settings I managed to solve my question:
In addition:
1. i added "Default Value" = None
2. i added in the property file: mychoice_values=choice1,choice2,choice3,None (None)
With the above settings 4 check boxes are created and by default the None check box is pre-selected!
It is not perfect the solution, because the user has to uncheck the None box if he checks other boxes! Prefect would be, if None check box would be unchecked automatically when other check boxes are selected!!!

Changing the value of HtmlHelpers.ValidationSummaryCssClassName

Yes, it's a bit ass-about-face, but what's the best way to change the css class name output for validation errors, across a project?
The source is available here:
You can't its a readonly value.
You just have to style the elements created with those css names.

How do I make Beyond Compare ignore certain differences while comparing versions of Delphi Form Files

I use Beyond Compare (version 3.1.10) to compare different versions of Delphi Form Files, but I don't want to see differences concerning ExplicitTop, ExplicitLeft, ExplicitHeight and ExplicitWidth.
These lines will always begin with a number of whitespace characters, then "ExplicitXXX = " and a number. Older versions of Delphi didn't have these lines, so I want to ignore differences where these lines are added to the newest version, and I also want to ignore differences where the number has changed.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Duplicate (more or less) of:
How do I configure BeyondCompare to ignore SCM replaced text in comments?
Load a pair of DFM files showing the difference.
Click the Session Settings button (aka Rules w/ umpire icon) or use the Session->Session Settings menu item.
Switch to the Importance tab then click the Edit Grammar... button to open a second dialog.
Click the New... button below the top listbox to open a third dialog.
Change the Element Name option to something like Explicit*, change the Text Matching to Explicit(Left|Top|Width|Height) = \d+ and check the Match character case and Regular expression checkboxes, then click Ok, then click Ok again in the second dialog.
Explicit* should now appear in the original dialog's Grammar Elements list. Uncheck it, then change the combobox at the bottom of the dialog from Use for this view only to Update session defaults.
I don't use Beyond Compare, but if you want to have newer versions of Delphi stop adding the (IMO useless) Explicit* properties, you can use Andreas Hausladen's DDevExtensions
In my case (C#), I wanted to ignore the entire line which contained namespaces (and thus, using's) which I changed.
(Referenced Walkthrough - Ignore entire line if text exist in line
changed to
To do that
In step 5. of Craig's solution, change the Text Matching to
(include the quotes)
That's it.
Craig Peterson's answer is correct.
N.B. However! The tab 'importance' is not always visible from Session/Session-settings. Always, from inside a Folder list view, it will not be there. It seems there are certain filetypes that do not have it either, though I'm less clear on that. BC has so many options and plugins I bet there is a workaround, but for me I have been ok so far.
