categoryId region specific - youtube-api

So right now the "snippet.categoryId" is relative to each country that the video was uploaded in.
IN (India) video gets id 23 for Comedy
US (United States) gets id 34 for Comedy
If I want to group videos by categoryId, it can group videos with different categories on the same id. Is there a way to determine the region the video was uploaded in? Or at least what region the category is specified for?

I check the video categories for US and the video categories for IN and for both countries, the categoryId for Comedy is: 23.
The issue is that the "Comedy" category is duplicated (by its name) and with these two categoryIDs = 23 and 34.


Google Sheets: how to refer to a row with specific text

-I'm trying to create a google sheet that tracks progress of players in a team.
-Each season has its own tab.
-A tab that combines data from all sheets is needed.
-The players in the seasonal tabs are going to be in different order each season based on their performance, there are also going to be players coming and going so I can't know which row is going to include which player's data.
-The combined table needs to be able to refer to rows in other tabs where the player name is present, and count up total points for them.
Picture 1 is individual season table. Picture 2 is where I was stuck. Picture 3 is the desired output, which was achieved using the answer provided.
Example of desired output:
Season 17
Season 18
You can merge all the data in a new sheet by using the following formula:
={FILTER(Sheet1!$B$3:$P, len(Sheet1!$B$3:$P)),
FILTER(Sheet2!$B$3:$P, len(Sheet1!$B$3:$P)),
FILTER(SheetN!$B$3:$P, len(Sheet1!$B$3:$P))}`
You have to repeat the FILTER(...) part for each sheet.
In the new sheet, get the list of unique user names with =UNIQUE($A:$A), where A is the column with the player names. You can also use a list you already have instead.
You can then use =SUMIF($A:$A;P1;$B:$B) to compute the grand total for each player, where A is the column containing all the names, B the column containing all the total scores, and P the column containing the UNIQUE player names.
Alternatively, you can use =VLOOKUP(P1, SheetN!$B$3:$N$100, 13, FALSE) in the new sheet to read the total score of the player with the name in the cell P1.
I think that with more advanced magic you may be able to automatically gather the data from all the sheets, but in this case you have to manually type each heet name.

Google sheets - How do I make a query that prints data from a dropdown box

I want to be able to pick a country from a dropdown box, which will then print the cities in the country as well as a string of numbers. Here is my google sheet:
So for example, if I select India from my dropdown box, I want it to print:
Mumbai 646
New Delhi 264
Kolkata 346
But I want the cities and the numbers to be in different cells, just like how they are originally in C1:D4. How would I go about doing this?
In A12 of the sheet you shared I entered
=offset(A1,1 ,match(A9,A1:H1,0)-1, counta(A1:A4),2)
See if that works for you?

Youtube API: query not returning all expected results

I'm trying to return all videos with the word "second" in their title or description.
Here are the 4 most recent published videos on the channel:
Sausage Party - Official 12 Second Trailer HD
Ben Hur - Official 12 Second Trailer HD
Criminal - Official 12 Second Trailer HD
Central Intelligence - Official 12 Second Trailer HD
When I make the query:
The first two videos show up, but the second two do not. Even though the search term is clearly in the title of the video.
Any ideas why those movies aren't being returned?
Just needed to add &order=date

How to get the title and description of a channel?

I want to get the channel list description and its title like
will show this information:
channel title: top 50 english songs 2014
channel description: pop slow romance the best (Y) top 50 songs
arrange randomly :) hope u enjoy my first playlist
This is the link I'm using, but it doesn't contain the channel description and channel list title:,contentDetails&maxResults=50&pageToken=&playlistId=PLzvCFYRLS3sJcpeaY2FECjhYOKGqW2ZDW&key=[youtube-api]{YOUR-API-KEY}
Will get you information for a specific playlist. You can grab the title and description from the items that are returned.
"title": "top 50 english songs 2014",
"description": "pop slow romance the best (Y) top 50 songs arrange randomly :) hope u enjoy my first playlist",

Simulating Summary / drill down columns in OBIEE without actually changing Subject Area/Repository

I have a requirement where I need to group certain columns and simulate drill down (expansion and collapse) for them without doing any changes in Subject Area / Repository.
We have measure columns revenues and a two geography columns Continent (values are Europe, Asia) and Country (Singapore, India, Japan, France, UK) in Subject Area.
Continent is heirarchial column. Europe includes France and UK. Asia includes Singaore, India and Japan. We need to create a Summary Region SIUK (containing Singapore, India and UK) and another Region FJ (containing France and Japan). Analysis output should not show original Continent names. Analysis output needs to have three columns Region, Country, Revenue. When region is expanded then Country column should show the different countries.
Example (Result before expanding i.e. clicking + )
Region Country Revenue
---------- ----------- --------------
SIUK(+) ALL 600
FJ(+) ALL 400
Result after expanding i.e. clicking +
Region Country Revenue
---------- ----------- --------------
Singapore 100
India 200
UK 300
France 150
Japan 250
How can I do this?
You can use groups:
1 - Click the "New group" button in the results tab
2 - Use "SIUK" as Display Label and select Country from the "Values From" list
3 - Manually select the countries that belong to the "SIUK" regiĆ³n
4 - Repeat 1-3 for "FJ"
5 - Preview the report; notice that you can drill down to Country by clicking the group
