Error when trying to use COPY in Dockerfile - docker

I have files in the same Directory than a Dockerfile. I am trying to copy those four files to the container, in a directory called ~/.u2net/
This is the Dockerfile code
FROM nvidia/cuda:11.6.0-runtime-ubuntu18.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list || true
RUN rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-ml.list || true
RUN apt-key del 7fa2af80
RUN apt-key adv --fetch-keys
RUN apt-key adv --fetch-keys
RUN apt update -y
RUN apt upgrade -y
RUN apt install -y curl software-properties-common
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
RUN apt install -y python3.9 python3.9-distutils
RUN curl | python3.9
WORKDIR /rembg
COPY . .
RUN python3.9 -m pip install .[gpu]
RUN mkdir -p ~/.u2net
COPY u2netp.onnx ~/.u2net/u2netp.onnx
COPY u2net.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net.onnx
COPY u2net_human_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_human_seg.onnx
COPY u2net_cloth_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_cloth_seg.onnx
ENTRYPOINT ["rembg"]
CMD ["s"]
I get the following error
Step 18/24 : COPY u2netp.onnx ~/.u2net/u2netp.onnx COPY failed: file
not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat
u2netp.onnx: file does not exist ERROR
The file .dockerignore contains the following
Any idea why I can't copy the files? I also tried the following without sucess
COPY ./u2netp.onnx ~/.u2net/u2netp.onnx
COPY ./u2net.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net.onnx
COPY ./u2net_human_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_human_seg.onnx
COPY ./u2net_cloth_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_cloth_seg.onnx
I an deploying the container to google cloud run using the command gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT2}/${SAMPLE2}
As I am alrady copying everything with COPY . . , I tried to move the files with the following commands
RUN mv u2netp.onnx ~/.u2net/u2netp.onnx
RUN mv u2net.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net.onnx
RUN mv u2net_human_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_human_seg.onnx
RUN mv u2net_cloth_seg.onnx ~/.u2net/u2net_cloth_seg.onnx
But I got an error
Step 18/24 : RUN mv u2netp.onnx ~/.u2net/u2netp.onnx
Running in 423d1e0e1a0b
mv: cannot stat 'u2netp.onnx': No such file or directory


Creating a dockerfile for a .deb file

I want to create a dockerfile for a debian file extension which runs on ubuntu 18.04. So far I've written this
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
WORKDIR /Downloads/invisily
RUN apt-get install ./invisily.deb
All phases run fine except the last one. It shows this error:
E: Unsupported file ./invisily.deb given on commandline
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get install ./invisily.deb' returned a non-zero code: 100
I'm new to docker and cloud so any help would be appreciated thanks!
I solved it by putting the dockerfile and the debian file in the same directory and using COPY . ./
This is what my dockerfile looks like now:
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
WORKDIR /invisily
COPY . ./
USER root
RUN chmod +x a.deb && \
apt-get install a.deb
A few things,
WORKDIR is the working directory inside of your container.
You will need to copy the file invisily.deb from locally to your container when building your Docker image.
You can pass multiple bash commands in the RUN field combining them with multilines.
Try something like this
FROM ubuntu:18.04 AS ubuntu
WORKDIR /opt/invisily
#Drop the invisily.deb in to the same directory as your Dockerfile
#This will copy it from local to your container, inside of /opt/invisily dir
COPY invisily.deb .
RUN apt-get update && \
chmod +x invisily.deb && \
apt-get install invisily.deb
in your WORKDIR there isn't any invisly.deb file, so if you have it you can copy it the container like this:
FROM ubuntu ...
WORKDIR /Downloads/invisily
RUN apt-get update
COPY ./your invisly file path ./
RUN chmod +x ./invisily
RUN apt-get install ./invisily.deb

upload the ssh folder with keys to docker

I need to throw the ssh folder with the keys in docker.
FROM python:3.6-alpine3.12
RUN mkdir /code && mkdir /data
ADD . /code
RUN pip3 install -r requirement && apk add git
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh && -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh
RUN apk add -y wget
Error when building:
/bin/sh: illegal option -
The command '/bin/sh -c -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh returned a non-zero code: 2
The shell does not recognize the command -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh
Try this:
FROM python:3.6-alpine3.12
ADD . /code
RUN pip3 install -r requirement && \
apk add -y git wget && \
mkdir /data
COPY $HOME/.ssh /root/.ssh
PS: I added some Dockerfile's optimization for you
Copying sensitive data into your container is not a good idea unless you really know what you are doing.
If your application needs to connect to a remote server you own it would be better to generate new keys for it specifically and distribute them on your server (public key).

Docker build command fails on COPY

Hi I have a docker file which is failing on the COPY command. It was running fine initially but then it suddenly crashed during the build process. The Docker file basically sets up the dev environment and authenticate with GCP.
FROM ubuntu:16.04
## ENV Variables
ENV BUCKET_NAME='detection-sandbox'
ENV DIRECTORY='/usr/local/gcloud'
# Update and Install packages
RUN apt-get update -y \
&& apt-get install -y \
curl \
wget \
tar \
xz-utils \
bc \
build-essential \
cmake \
curl \
zlib1g-dev \
libssl-dev \
libsqlite3-dev \
python3-pip \
python3-setuptools \
unzip \
g++ \
git \
# Install Python 3.6.5
&& tar -xvf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz \
&& rm -rf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}.tar.xz \
&& cd Python-${PYTHON_VERSION} \
&& ./configure \
&& make install \
&& cd / \
&& rm -rf Python-${PYTHON_VERSION}
# Install pip
RUN curl -O \
&& python3 \
&& rm
# Add SNI support to Python
RUN pip --no-cache-dir install \
pyopenssl \
ndg-httpsclient \
## Download and Install Google Cloud SDK
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/gcloud \
&& curl > \
&& bash --disable-prompts --install-dir=${DIRECTORY}
# Adding the package path to directory
ENV PATH $PATH:${DIRECTORY}/google-cloud-sdk/bin
# working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY requirements.txt ./ \
testproject-264512-9de8b1b35153.json ./
It fails at this step :
Step 13/21 : COPY requirements.txt ./ testproject-264512-9de8b1b35153.json ./
COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder942576416/testproject-264512-9de8b1b35153.json: no such file or directory
Any leads in this would be helpful.
How are you running docker build command?
In docker best practices I've read that docker fails if you try to build your image from stdin using -
Attempting to build a Dockerfile that uses COPY or ADD will fail if this syntax is used. The following example illustrates this:
# create a directory to work in
mkdir example
cd example
# create an example file
touch somefile.txt
docker build -t myimage:latest -<<EOF
FROM busybox
COPY somefile.txt .
RUN cat /somefile.txt
# observe that the build fails
Step 2/3 : COPY somefile.txt .
COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder249218248/somefile.txt: no such file or directory
I've reproduced issue... Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:3.7
## ENV Variables
ENV BUCKET_NAME='detection-sandbox'
ENV DIRECTORY='/usr/local/gcloud'
# working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY kk.txt ./ \
kk.2.txt ./
If I create image by running docker build -t testImage:1 [DOCKERFILE_FOLDER], docker creates image and works correctly.
However if I try the same command from stdin as:
docker build -t test:2 - <<EOF
FROM alpine:3.7
ENV BUCKET_NAME='detection-sandbox'
ENV DIRECTORY='/usr/local/gcloud'
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY kk.txt ./ kk.2.txt ./
I get the following error:
Step 1/6 : FROM alpine:3.7
---> 6d1ef012b567
Step 2/6 : ENV PYTHON_VERSION="3.6.5"
---> Using cache
---> 734d2a106144
Step 3/6 : ENV BUCKET_NAME='detection-sandbox'
---> Using cache
---> 18fba29fffdc
Step 4/6 : ENV DIRECTORY='/usr/local/gcloud'
---> Using cache
---> d926a3b4bc85
Step 5/6 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
---> Using cache
---> 57a1868f5f27
Step 6/6 : COPY kk.txt ./ kk.2.txt ./
COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder518467298/kk.txt: no such file or directory
It seems that docker build images from /var/lib/docker/tmp/ if you build image from stdin, thus ADD or COPY commands don't work.
Incorrect path in source is a common error.
COPY ./directory/testproject-264512-9de8b1b35153.json /dir/
instead of
COPY testproject-264512-9de8b1b35153.json /dir/

How do i launch my jenkins-cli through docker?

i have created the docker image that installs java,jenkins,jenkins-cli. now i need to pass some argument through jenkins-cli, so i need to launch jenkins-cli. How do i do it? i have no idea how it launches.
Here is my script
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt update; \
apt upgrade -y; \
apt install -y default-jdk curl wget git maven nano unzip; \
apt-get clean
RUN apt-get autoclean $$ apt-get clear cache
RUN apt-get -yqq update
RUN apt-get -yqq --no-install-recommends install git bzip2 curl unzip
RUN apt-get update
# copy jenkins war file to the container
ADD /opt/jenkins.war
RUN chmod 644 /opt/jenkins.war
# configure the container to run jenkins, mapping container port 8080 to that host port
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/opt/jenkins.war"]
RUN mkdir /jenkins/
RUN echo 2.107.1 > /jenkins/jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.state
RUN echo 2.107.1 > /jenkins/jenkins.install.InstallUtil.lastExecVersion
#jenkin-cli installation
RUN cd /tmp && curl --insecure -OL
ADD /tmp/jenkins-cli.jar /opt/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar
RUN chmod 644 /opt/jenkins-cli.jar
WORKDIR /opt/jenkins
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "jenkins-cli.jar", "-noCertificateCheck", "-noKeyAuth"]
CMD ["--help"]
this is error:
Step 19/24 : RUN cd /tmp && curl --insecure -OL
---> Using cache
---> 9a6210009f84
Step 20/24 : ADD jenkins-cli.jar /opt/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar
ADD failed: stat /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder945232568/jenkins-cli.jar: no such file or directory[1]
This error is causing me for may other build too,if i can find best solution i can solve my all other problems.
2nd question is, is my scripting for my current problem is right? How can i modify?
Can anyone help me with this..?
thank u in advance
You forgot to create the /opt/jenkins folder
ADD /opt/jenkins.war
RUN mkdir /opt/jenkins
ADD /opt/jenkins/jenkins.war
Given your cli tool is available from within your container with a simple command such as cli-tool_command this should work:
docker run --rm -it {container_image_name} {cli_tool_command} {cli_tool_args}

docker-compose: Service 'web' failed to build

I'm trying to install apach2, libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 and openssl in the container. I've removed some packages and fix typos in Dockerfile but the error is still there.
When i run docker-compose build my setup is running ok, until it hit the part in the Dockerfile where I'm initializing this install and I've got this error:
E: Unable to locate package RUN
E: Unable to locate package apt-get
E: Unable to locate package install
ERROR: Service 'web' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 curl dpgk-sig RUN apt-get install -yq openssh-server' returned a non-zero code: 100
You can check the whole installation process here, and this is my Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
FROM python:3.5
RUN cat /etc/passwd
RUN cat /etc/group
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
apache2 \
libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 \
RUN apt-get install -y openssl
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache
RUN mkdir /code
ADD requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /code
ADD config/apache/000-default.conf /etc/apache/sites-available/000-default.conf
ADD config/ /tmp/
ADD src /var/www
RUN chown -R root:www-data /var/www
RUN chmod u+rwx,g+rx,o+rx /var/www
RUN find /var/www -type d -exec chmod u+rwx,g+rx,o+rx {} +
RUN find /var/www -type f -exec chmod u+rw,g+rw,o+r {} +
#essentially: CMD ["/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
CMD ["/tmp/"]
Can someone explain me why is this happening, and how to fix it, thanks.
Your problem is this line:
libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 \
The \ is a continuation and the next thing it sees is RUN so is treating that like a package (which it can't find). Lose the \ and it should work fine.
