Getting an empty response from Google mybusinessinformation api - google-my-business-api

I am able to get the list of accounts for Google mybusiness api but when I try to get the list of locations in an account through{account_id}/locations?&readMask=title
I get an empty array with 200 ok status. I know there are locations under the account. I am not sure where I am going wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.


Get Google Plus friend list using Google + API / Google People API iOS

I'm trying to retrieve the list of friend list using Google + API. but it returns an empty list every time. Have they disabled it? Used to test this.
Since The Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated, I tried to use Goggle People API. But it returns the whole contact list (not Google + friend list). Also without the email addresses of the contacts. Tried with,
(If we can not get only the Google + friend list then I can show all the contact list instead of Google + friend list. But I need to get the email addresses of the contacts.)
Can someone please help.
the People.list endpoint itself, has been deprecated:
The Google+ People API list endpoint has been deprecated. In the past,
the scope allowed access to
a list of people in the user's circles in addition to their name and
profile information. Starting in September 2016, new grants of the
plus.login scope will allow access to only the user's name and profile
info; calls to the API return empty circle data for those new
sign-ins. In 2017 Q1, you will get empty circle data back for all

Instagram api not returning any followers although response code is 200

I am using instagram to recieve the list of people i follow and although api returns the status code 200 I recieve absolutely no data.I tried using postman client instead of my code and even from there no data is being returned I am hitting the following service.
one thing to be noted is my application is in sandbox mode and this same access token is working and fetching other information about the user including media shared by the user and its basic information etc and user follows and is followed by several users.
Please suggest the solution thanks in advance.
I may have answer to this question since I was facing the same issue on my WinRT project yesterday.
You may need the relationship scope instead of 'follower_list' scope.
I am assuming that you have provided the scope as 'follower_list' in the authorization URL and logged in as yourself or through your own Instagram account(the same account with which you have created your Instagram app). And now if you are hitting the above service it will return nothing in data since you are requesting if the user is following you or not(so obviously you are not following yourself)!! So if you try logging in with someone else's Instagram account and hit the above service with follower_list scope it will return your Instagram account in data if the logged in person is following you.
The above service will return all the users that are following you AND present in your sandbox users list. (Or at least that is my conclusion on this)
For further clarification try for hitting this service there they are using the relationship scope.

Google Place Api for getting autocomplete sugggestion for places

I m using google api for autotext completion. but i m getting could not fetch places. request Denied. I have tryed with also server and browser key. but still getting same responce.
You need to create browser key, and leave the site blank.

YouTube Api Explorer Usuage as ContentOwner: forbidden

I'd like to get the impressionBasedCpm from the Api Explorer ( and later from my app).
I can log in with an youtube partner account and toggle the oauth switch. I set all scopes to checked.
Then I try to enter
ids: contentOwner==NAME_OF_CONTENT_OWNER (not the id, retrieved from the content API,
metrics: impressionBasedCpm
start-date: '2015-05-01'
end-date: '2015-06-01'
The output still tells me:
You do not have permission to execute this method.
Can someone help me?
My guess is that when I authorize the application I seam to still login as a channel, so the query as a content owner is not allowed. I picked the main one with the email address. But when I'm on youtube I can switch to a specific Content-Manager Channel/Account.
Even when I try to just get the 'likes' for the contentOwner it doesn't work. If I try to get the likes based on the channel_id it works. But I like to get reports for a youtube partner that uses youtube's cms.
This query won't work because it does not follow the semantics of the API. You need to provide the ID of the contentOwner in order to get a 200 OK response. Name of Content Owner cannot be unique and hence would lead to erroneous results.

Instagram API hash to return all follows no longer works

For months, I have used the following hash to get all follows of a given logged in users back from the Instagram API:
The count=-1 being the key parameter to achieve that.
My app started to return empty dictionaries back from the Instagram API from one day to the next.
I found out that this was linked to the count=-1 no longer working on the Instagram API.
Would anyone know what the new syntax might be now?
I couldn't find anything on other web sources.
Just update the url to
USERID - your user id
TOKEN - the access token
COUNT - how many users you want get
