I am trying to connect firebase to my python app. I need realtime database because I will build another mobile app using flutter and connect it to that database. I need this data in realtime. The problem is that during creating this database, when I get to the rules section, it keeps loading and never create it, when I refresh the site, it shows that it has been created, but it just keeps loading. Is there something wrong or this is from my side?
I have an existing project in firebase and the data are displayed in the run of the site but I want to view in a real-time database in the firebase console do not see the data
I am writing an Android/Cordova/Firebase app which needs to work offline. I have data objects which are updated; I simply update them and use Firebase Database's offline features so that they are uploaded when the app comes back online. That works fine. The problem is that the items also involve blobs which I need to upload to Firebase Storage. I want to somehow be alerted when a pending update is sent to the server, so that I can initiate the upload to Firebase Storage.
Of course I can manage the online/offline status myself with a queue of pending Firebase Storage uploads, but is there any way to have Firebase tell me when a pending update to the database has been made?
There is nothing built into the Firebase SDK to signal when it is completely in sync with the server. In the past I've recommended writing a dummy value from the client when it's back online and having a listener that wait for that dummy value to show up. Once you get that dummy value, you're guaranteed to have also received updates that were written before it.
I am using firebase realtime database in my iOS application.
I am using insert into database and find user depending on filter query in my application.
It all works fine.
Sometimes suddenly my ipad and iPhone stop responding to firebase queries.
Many a times it happens that same application runs perfect on one device and doesn't work on other .
Or same build when deleted and installed stops working on ipad/iphone.
To troubleshoot this I generaly recreate my firebase authentication client id and replace my GoogleServiceInfo.plist.
But this is not the solution as sometimes it works and sometimes not.
Can anybody help regarding this issue?
I had similar problems, it seems that there is a bug for GET request from the database. What I have done is send a Post request i.e.
var rootReference = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
Where values are any dictionary of say type [String:String], this writes to the database and it seems to unlock the database and you can read form it.
I'm writing an iOS app that uses data collected from websites. A large amount of data is retrieved when parsing the content so it needs to come from a backend server where data can be collected and added to the database once rather than parsed on the device.
I've looked at BaaS frameworks like Parse and am considering using this, but I'd like to know if it is possible to add records to CloudKit externally from say a Linux server? I've looked everywhere and can't find anything other than adding records programmatically (from the app) or via the dashboard.
You could create an OSX app (no other platforms are supported yet) that is communicating to the same CloudKit container. But then that app also needs to be signed and submitted to the app store. You don't have to make it public, you just need to submit it.
I build apps that bundle up JSON data. I want to switch to Firebase as my backend, but I need to ensure I can access the data even if firebase is offline. There's no guarantee that the user will have an internet connection at the time they launch the app. The data consists of a fairly large JSON blob.
I heard that firebase does cache data on iOS for offline access, and that's great. I just need to know how to bundle the data for that first time the app is ran, so the user can use the app prior to getting to a network connection.
As it sounds like you discovered, the Firebase Obj-C client does have beta support for offline access / disk persistence. Details can be found here.
But that doesn't address your desire to "seed" the app with initial data so that it has data available before the app has ever been able to connect to Firebase. Unfortunately, there's no direct support for that.
One hacky solution you could attempt with Firebase is to just do a setValue with the data in question, in order to seed the cache. This should work but will eventually try to write that data to Firebase, when the app gets connected, so you'd probably want to have security rules to prevent the user from actually modifying that data. As I said, it'd be a hacky solution.
For now it might be best to just handle this with special logic in your app that pulls data from some other data source (hardcoded values or an embedded file or whatever) until the first time you get data from Firebase.
Sorry there's no direct support for this at the moment. We'll take a look to see if we could support this more directly in the future.