error while using ESP-IDF MQTT TCP example (0x8006 & 0x8004) - mqtt

I am trying to use example from esp-idf protocal/mqtt/tcp
I changed the user name and password using menuconfig
then after erasing flash using --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
After build I uploaded the code to ESP32 using build -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash
And when I monitor it -p /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor
It Showed the following error
I (4609) esp_netif_handlers: example_netif_sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (4609) example_connect: Got IPv4 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address:
I (5609) example_connect: Got IPv6 event: Interface "example_netif_sta" address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:7ae3:6dff:fe18:eeb8, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL
I (5609) example_common: Connected to example_netif_sta
I (5619) example_common: - IPv4 address:,
I (5619) example_common: - IPv6 address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:7ae3:6dff:fe18:eeb8, type: ESP_IP6_ADDR_IS_LINK_LOCAL
I (5639) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Other event id:7
E (14809) esp-tls: [sock=54] delayed connect error: Connection reset by peer
E (14809) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32772
E (14819) mqtt_client: Error transport connect
E (14829) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last error reported from esp-tls: 0x8004
E (14829) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last error captured as transport's socket errno: 0x68
I (14839) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last errno string (Connection reset by peer)
E (83319) esp-tls: [sock=54] select() timeout
E (83319) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32774
E (83319) mqtt_client: Error transport connect
E (83329) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last error reported from esp-tls: 0x8006
But when I using wifi/getting_started example from esp-idf doing the same as above it works perfectly fine
I am a newbie so I am finding it hard to understand the error
ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_FAILED_CONNECT_TO_HOST (0x8004): Failed to connect to host
ESP_ERR_ESP_TLS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT (0x8006): new connection in esp_tls_low_level_conn connection timeouted
As per hardillb's suggestion I used ESP32 as access point :-
after using one ESP32 as access point wifi/getting_started/softAP
when I am trying to use the same example on second ESP32 :
I am facing error
E (562605) esp-tls: couldn't get hostname for getaddrinfo() returns 202, addrinfo=0x0
E (562605) transport_base: Failed to open a new connection: 32769
E (562605) mqtt_client: Error transport connect
E (562615) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last error reported from esp-tls: 0x8001
I (562625) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Last errno string (Success)
I (572635) MQTT_EXAMPLE: Other event id:7


Docker option2, transport is closing error

I was trying the simple chain code, with membersvc and validation peer running in Docker for Mac. I got this error when running the chain code example 2:
CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=mycc CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:30303 ./chaincode_example02
16:58:41.242 [shim] DEBU : Peer address: localhost:30303
16:58:41.244 [shim] DEBU : os.Args returns: [./chaincode_example02]
16:58:41.244 [shim] DEBU : Registering.. sending REGISTER
2016/08/22 16:58:41 transport: http2Client.notifyError got notified that the client transport was broken EOF.
16:58:41.245 [shim] ERRO : Received error from server: rpc error: code = 13 desc = "transport is closing", ending chaincode stream
Error starting Simple chaincode: rpc error: code = 13 desc = "transport is closing"
This issue is resolved with the latest docker build with the latest docker-compose file.

Failed to open TCP connection

While attempting to open a TCP connection to, I receive the following error:
Failed to open TCP connection to (getaddrinfo:
Name or service not known), conn_port, #local_host, #local_port)
rescue => e
raise e, "Failed to open TCP connection to " +
"#{conn_address}:#{conn_port} (#{e.message})"
Help me with this error
I'm using omniauth with Rails 5.0.0.beta3
Start by checking your network configuration.
Run this command on your terminal:
dig +short
If you do not get any IP address, your system don't know how to resolve this and the problem is not related to Ruby.
In addition to that as mentioned by Dawood Awan in his comment, opening a TCP connection to the port 443 is usually not a good idea, I am pretty sure facebook is excepting an HTTPS Connection.

Failed to establish connection SQLSTATE: HY000[DataStax][Hardy] (22) Error from ThriftHiveClient: connect() failed: errno = 10061

I am using Datastax enterprise edition and in cluster one is Hadoop/Hive .I am trying to connect to hive with datastax hive odbc connector.I am getting error like :
Connector Version: V1.0.0.1007
Running connectivity tests...
Attempting connection
Failed to establish connection
SQLSTATE: HY000[DataStax][Hardy] (22) Error from ThriftHiveClient: connect() failed: errno = 10061
The error 10061 means connection refused
Seems like you have not started the hive service on your Analytics node therefore nothing is listening on TCP 10000
Please login into one of your DSE Analytics node and execute:
dse hive --service hiveserver
Then try again your test from your Windows system

Unable to install grails plugin mongodb

I am using grails-2.0.4 version with GGTS ide. When i tried to install mongodb some errors occuring. I have tried in two ways.
**1)compile ":mongodb:1.0.0.GA"**
Then it is getting this error:
| Loading Grails 2.0.4
| Configuring classpath
:: problems summary ::
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
| Error Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information):
**2) grails install-plugin C:\Documents and Settings\marao18\Desktop\gorm-mongodb-0.5.4**
Then it is getting this error: Please help me anyone.
| Loading Grails 2.0.4
| Configuring classpath.
| Environment set to development.....
| Resolving plugin C:\Documents. Please wait...
:: problems summary ::
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
| Error resolving plugin [name:\Documents, group:C, version:and]. Plugin not found.
| Error Plugin not found for name [C:\Documents] and version [and]

Flume agent throws Connection refused

I have been using flume for a while now, I have got agent and collector running on same machine.
agent: exec("/usr/bin/tail -n +0 -F /path/to/file") | agentE2ESink("hostname", 35855)
collector: collectorSource(35855) | collector(10000) { collectorSink("/hdfs/path/to/sink","name") }
Facing issues in the agent node:
2012-06-04 19:13:33,625 [naive file wal consumer-27] INFO debug.InsistentOpenDecorator: open attempt 0 failed, backoff (1000ms): Failed to open thrift event sink to hostname:35855 : Connection refused
2012-06-04 19:13:34,625 [logicalNode hostname-19] ERROR connector.DirectDriver: Expected ACTIVE but timed out in state OPENING
2012-06-04 19:13:34,632 [naive file wal consumer-27] INFO debug.InsistentOpenDecorator: open attempt 1 failed, backoff (2000ms): Failed to open thrift event sink to hostname:35855 : Connection refused
2012-06-04 19:13:36,635 [naive file wal consumer-27] INFO debug.InsistentOpenDecorator: open attempt 2 failed, backoff (4000ms): Failed to open thrift event sink to hostname:35855 : Connection refused
and then empty ACKs will be sent continuously
2012-06-04 19:19:56,960 [Roll-TriggerThread-0] INFO endtoend.AckListener$Empty: Empty Ack Listener began 20120604-191956958+0530.881565921235084.00000026
2012-06-04 19:20:07,043 [Roll-TriggerThread-0] INFO hdfs.SeqfileEventSink: closed /tmp/flume-user1/agent/hostname/writing/20120604-191956958+0530.881565921235084.00000026
I dont understand why the connection is refused. Are there any system level changes that needs to be done ?
Note: the collector is listening to the port but agent is unable to send data through the 35855 port.
Can anyone help me with this problem.
If you are running both the agent and the collector on the same box, you should be using localhost as the address.
agentE2ESink("localhost", 35855)
