Mobaxterm ssh browser doesn't load and uploads get stuck at 0% - upload

As said on the title, when connecting to my university's server using mobaxterm, the ssh browser doesn't show anything and when I put the mouse on it, it appears as loading(the mouse with the blue circle). Also when I try uploading a file, it gets stuck at 0%.
I've seen other threads with the same stuck at 0% problem, but the solutions like changing from sftp to scp or reloading the terminal don't work on me and no one mentioned the ssh browser blank and loading so I'm guessing this is a different issue from the ones being discussed in the other posts.
P.D: Don't know if this is gonna help identifyng the problem but i'm using a private key to connect to the computer on my university. If you need more info about what I'm using/settings please ask.


How to print (to a printer) from Docker

I am using Docker Compose, which will run on a Linux tablet in production. I have a container serving up a web GUI. The user will click a "print" button in the GUI, which will result in some kind of request (probably HTTP to Flask in another container, which will maybe forward it to some other container), and that request will result in some data being sent to the printer.
My first step, I can only imagine, is to be able to send data to the printer from inside a Docker container. Any Docker container. I can then use that knowledge, of how to send something to the printer from Docker, to incorporate the printing into my system.
So, that's the infrastructure I'm working with. It can be simplified as simply "I want to print to a printer from a Docker container." I'm working on a Mac, and I can print from the Mac using lp. So I know the connection to the printer is working.
I've tried a few containers, including olbat/cupsd. lpstat -r pretty much always says the Scheduler is running, but lpstat -v always shows that no destinations are set up.
My DevOps guy and I have been banging our heads against the wall all day on this. There are various articles and repos about setting of CUPS in Docker, but they all have holes somewhere, where they say "Use the fooglesplatter to connect to the printer" without telling you what a fooglesplatter is. Or (for a more concrete example) they'll talk about how you set up the CUPS dashboard to add your printer on your local machine, and then say "Voila! You can print!" without telling you what to do in the container. Or they'll refer to a conf file that doesn't exist on my machine. Or something else that leaves us completely baffled.
Can someone who has accomplished this please post (or direct me to) a step-by-step guide that basically treats me like I've never touched a computer before? That assumes no knowledge whatsoever and spells out every step? We are wise Docker users, and my DevOps guy is a much smarter guy than I am, but we are both at a loss.
I know this is a crazy request. Maybe it's not an SO appropriate question. Close it if you must. But we are incredibly stuck and I really hope someone can help us.

Application in foreground of victim computer

For a "hack it yourself" workshop I am giving I would like to show the (not to technical) audience how easy it is to hack. I'm going to use a simple W7 VM with a vulnerable application to spawn a reverse shell on my Kali machine.
I then have full system privileges on the machine, but as these are not technical people I want to show some sparkle etc. So what I want to do is either:
Open browser navigate to a youtube "you got hacked!" video (this might be difficult)
Open a video that I already put on the machine
Open calc.exe in the foreground.
So my problem here is that I don't know how to open an application that shows in the foreground of the victim machine. So that it actually shows up on the screen!
Can anyone help me with this?
So to answer the question (just for clarity instead in the comments).
Thanks to Maximilian Gerhardt who gave the answer (I will set you as best answer if you want but I can't just from the comments!).
There are two ways that are good for this:
Download psexec.exe onto the "victim" pc and use that with psexec.exe -s -d -i [here the session token "1" works for me] calc.exe
If using a meterpreter shell you can use incognito mode ( And then use the impersonate_token method. This works great, but I cannot go back to being SYSTEM (getsystem doesn't work as there are no privilege escalation vulnerabilities present). So I have to exit and reuse the exploit. But for the workshop this works beautifully!
For those interested I use SLMail 5.5 on a W7 machine to show how easy "hacking" can be and what a hacker then can do with a computer. This for an awareness workshop, which is bigger then just this "show and tell" part.
nmap scan on port 110 with version detection to see "hey what is this? SLMail?"
google SLMail to find "Oh noes a buffer overflow, hmmmmm let's look into that!"
this is metasploit a tool hackers can use to exploit know systems (I have the manually made exploit with more explanation for interested people after the workshop with buffer overflow explained)
search in metasploit for SLMail, we find it and say use
"it works how cool! What can we do with it?" show webcam capture! (that is scary stuff :D).
Go to shell and show with whoami for the tech people that we are indeed system. then go to incognito mode and steal the token from the user that we see on the screen.
open up youtube with "hackerman" video (well had to choose one :D)
explain a bit that it is that easy for a script kiddy to get in if you don't update etc. etc. etc.
let awareness kick in and next time they do something dumb they might think: "o wait let's not do that!"

Is it possible to access printer installed in network in Google Chrome Packaged App?

I am building a Google Chrome Packaged App. I have a requirement to access printer available via a "Closed" Network (not connected as USB). Obviously Chrome Cloud Print API is NOT my option, since I'm talking about "Closed" network, hence no internet access (besides I need to print very fast, so even if I had internet I could not afford to go via Cloud and wait few seconds to print.). I have done my research, so far this seems to be NOT possible in Google Chrome Packaged App. Please let me know if I've overlooked something, or if there's a workaround.
Thanks very much.
If the printer is available in the same network, you can access it using Network Communications with the Sockets API.
If you're OK with requiring user confirmation before printing, then you can use window.print(), which works in Chrome apps with a couple of limitations: 1) There was a bug that could cause crashes on OS X (, and while this bug is fixed in the Canary and Dev versions of Chrome, it will take a few weeks for the fix to make its way to the Beta and Stable versions; 2) On Window and Linux/Chrome OS, the size of the print preview panel is limited to the size of the window being printed, so you need to make sure that window is large enough to make all of the print preview UI accessible to users.
Because window.print() has not been used very much so far in Chrome apps, you may run into issues with it that have not been seen by others. If you do, please report them at
If you need the print to happen without user confirmation, your program may have to use the sockets API to communicate directly with your printer or print server (as described by xmarcos in another response to this question). You will probably need to use something like pdf.js (as described at Converting canvas to pdf) to convert what you want to print to something your pinter will understand.

remote desktop connection programatically simulate windows c++

My question is: How you can create same basic functionality with the remote computer, like using the same mouse, so when i take move on my computer that will appear at same moment on remote computer, like on the team viewer. Can anyone explain what is the philosophy behind all remote desktop shared programs, how i can see what I'm done on the remote computer...
Codes & link's will be appriciate too... :)
You could take a look at the code of mRemote, a remote connection manager for a number of protocols (RDP, VNC, ssh and more). Maybe that will answer some of your questions?

TFS Build Server drop location error

We're using TFS Build Server to ensure that all files checked in by developers are going to compile to a working source tree, cuz there's nothing worse than a broken build!
Anyway we've having some problems with the drop location that Build Server wants to use, we keep getting this error:
TFS209011: Could not create drop location \build-server\drops\project\BuildNumber. No more connections can be mades to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept
Since this is being used in a pilot program at the moment we only have 2 projects which are using the Build Server. I've checked the network share and the allowed number of connections is about 100 so I don't really get what the problem is.
Only occationally does the problem raise it's head, quite often we'll not have one for days, and then we'll have a bunch in a row.
I can't seem to find much info on this either.
I'm pretty good with TFS - but a dev not a network guy. I would GUESS that while the NETWORK SHARE itself allows 100 connections, is it possible the underlying server it is running on doesn't have some sort of limitation?
Have you checked event logs?
This problem seems specific enough I would encourage you to post to the official Microsoft forums.
It looks like the problem is to do with our install of Windows 2003, we have "Web Edition" installed and it is limited to just 10 connections.
I ended up with a post of the MSDN forums in which I got this answer:
