Yup compare fields validation with react hook form - react-hook-form

I've been using React hook form and have a compare validation written on the input itself.
I need to move over to Yup validation lib as others on the project are using it so for consistency. Here is what I currently have that is working but having problems when I use a yup.schema.
const {
formState: { errors, isValid },
} = useForm({
mode: 'onBlur',
defaultValues: {
password: '',
compare: '',
{...register('password', { required: true })}
{...register('compare', {
validate: (value: string) => {
const { password} = getValues()
return password === value || ''
As I said this above works but now I thought I could add a schema but that breaks all what I have so I'm trying to figure out how I can achieve this using yup schema.
const schema = yup.object().shape({
password: yup.string().required(),
compare: yup.string().test(
(field) => {
... not sure how to compare against another filed here ?
const {
formState: { errors, isValid },
} = useForm({
mode: 'onBlur',
resolver: yupResolver(schema),
defaultValues: {
password: '',
compare: '',


Set a form value using react-hook-form within React-Admin

In my React-Admin app, I'd like to leverage react-hook-form's useFormContext for various things, such as, for example, setting the default pre-selected choice in this custom input field:
import {
Create, SimpleForm, SelectInput
} from 'react-admin';
import { useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
const MyInput = () => {
const formContext = useFormContext();
formContext.setValue('category', 'tech');
return (
<SelectInput source="category" choices={[
{ id: 'tech', name: 'Tech' },
{ id: 'people', name: 'People' },
const ItemCreate = () => {
return (
<MyInput />
This sets the pre-selected value of the field, just as intended. But it throws a warning: Cannot update a component ("Form") while rendering a different component ("MyInput")...
Is there some way to achieve this without getting the warning?
Note: The only reason I'm using a custom input field here is because when I put useFormContext() directly into the component that contains SimpleForm it returns null (similarly described here).
The warning is related to the fact that the entire body of the MyInput() function is executed during each render, you need to call the setValue() function inside the useEffect hook.
Got this working by moving formContext.setValue into a useEffect hook:
import {
Create, SimpleForm, SelectInput
} from 'react-admin';
import { useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
const MyInput = () => {
const formContext = useFormContext();
// moved the setValue into a useEffect
useEffect(() => {
formContext.setValue('category', 'tech');
return (
<SelectInput source="category" choices={[
{ id: 'tech', name: 'Tech' },
{ id: 'people', name: 'People' },
const ItemCreate = () => {
return (
<MyInput />

submitCount keeps reseting unexpectedly

I have a simple form that submits an update request to a server. I would like to display a success/error message for a few seconds after the form is submitted and then reset the form. However, if the user happens to submit subsequent requests in between the last submit and the end of the delay to perform the reset, then I don't want to perform the reset.
To accomplish this I was hoping to use the submitCount found in the FormState. However, I am finding that the submitCount is resetting automatically - even when I don't call reset at all. Also when I call reset and pass to it keepSubmitCount: true
Here's a skeleton of what I'm doing:
import { IToolPanelParams, SelectionChangedEvent } from "ag-grid-community";
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";
import { FieldValues, SubmitErrorHandler, SubmitHandler, useForm, useFormState} from "react-hook-form";
interface MyFieldValues extends FieldValues {
note: string;
export const MyToolPanel = (props: IToolPanelParams) => {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState<Record[]>();
const { register, handleSubmit, reset, control } = useForm<MyFieldValues>();
const { errors, submitCount, isSubmitting, isSubmitted, isSubmitSuccessful } = useFormState({ control });
const onSaveSubmit: SubmitHandler<MyFieldValues> = async (data, e) => {
return peform_update();
useEffect(() => {
if(isSubmitted) {
console.log(`successful? (${isSubmitSuccessful}) submit on #${submitCount}`);
const currSubmitCount = submitCount;
setTimeout(() => {
if(!isSubmitting && submitCount == currSubmitCount) {
console.log(`reset after submit #${currSubmitCount}`);
keepValues: true,
keepDefaultValues: true,
keepSubmitCount: true
}, 3000);
}, [isSubmitted, submitCount, reset])
const onError: SubmitErrorHandler<BulkEditNotesFieldValues> = (errors) => {
console.error(`BulkEditNotesToolPanel::onError - errors.note. type: ${errors.note?.type}. types: ${JSON.stringify(errors.note?.types)}. message: ${errors.note?.message}`);
return (
<Spin spinning={isSubmitting}>
<h2>Bulk Edit Records</h2>
{ !!selected?.length && (<>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSaveSubmit, onError)}>
<label htmlFor="Note">
{...register("note", {
required: { value: true, message: 'Note required'},
pattern: { value: /[^\s]/, message: 'Note cannot be empty'}
{ errors?.note && (
Save { selected?.length > 1? 'Records' : 'Record' }
{ isSubmitted && isSubmitSuccessful && (
<SuccessMessage>Successfully Updated The Selected Record(s)</SuccessMessage>
{ updateError && (<>
<Error>An error occurred while attempting to update the selected records...</Error>
While I can of course create my own submit counter via useState, I was hoping to figure out why react-hook-form's submitCount is resetting on me and how to prevent that? Thanks!

How to dynamically disable the button of antd modal using button props

I have an antd Modal, i am trying to validate a field and provided validation to it. How can i enable/disable the Ok button based on the validation. If the validation is successful then button should be enabled else disabled.
okText="ADD FIELD"
onOk={() => onAddFieldHandler(fieldName)}
<p>Please provide name</p>
rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Please enter name' }]}
placeholder="Field name..."
onChange={(event) => setFieldName(event.target.value)}
You can use onFieldsChange from Antd Forms API togehter with geFieldsError and the okButtonProps from Antd Modal API.
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const [buttonDisabled, setButtonDisabled] = useState(true);
return (
okButtonProps={{ disabled: buttonDisabled }}
onFieldsChange={() =>
form.getFieldsError().some((field) => field.errors.length > 0)
Here is a working Stackblitz.
In my case I had Form inside modal and there is onFieldChange prop when you can pass function to perform some operations due to changes on from so you can sth like that:
const SomeModal = ({ visible }) => {
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const [buttonDisabled, setButtonDisabled] = useState(true);
const handleOk = () => form.submit();
const handleAfterClose = () => {
const handleCancel = () => ...some action to hide modal;
const handleFormFinish = (values) => {
... some logic here
return (
title={"Some title..."}
okButtonProps={{ disabled: buttonDisabled }}
...initial values here
onFieldsChange={() => {
const actualFieldValues = form.getFieldsValue();
const anyError = form.getFieldsError().some((field) => field.errors.length > 0);
.. some logic if error etc..
if (anyError) {
else {
and of course there is need to have some validators on fields
type: "string",
validator: async (rule, value) => inputFieldValidate(value, "custom message")
and validator looks alike:
const inputFieldValidate = async (value, message) => {
if (someCondition)) {
return Promise.reject(message);
return Promise.resolve();
here is some nice to know that validator isasync and to make it work without any warnings just handle promises
Having the Form inside the Modal, a way to update modal button status would be just running form instance's validateFields, but there are two things to take into account:
This function is a Promise, so the state must update after an await with the validation results.
I've experienced some looping issues when using onFieldsChange (maybe the validation triggers some kind of field update). Instead, onValuesChange has worked good enough for me.
Running the validation into a setTimeout callback seems to be mandatory. Doing it without the setTimeout returns a validation error even when all the fields are valid because of an outOfDate: true. It seems to be because of how the Antd Form update lifecycle works, and waiting until this process has ended (what we can easily achieve with the setTimeout) solves that problem.
A succesful validation returns the form values object, a failed one returns an errorInfo object with the errors list, the outOfDate status and the current form values. You can use the errors list in the latter to get the validation messages returned by Antd to display more descriptive and specific feedback.
In the end, my approach has this structure:
const MyModal = ({onFinish, ...otherProps}) => {
const [canSubmit, setCanSubmit] = useState(false);
const [form] = Form.useForm();
return (
disabled: !canSubmit
onValuesChange={() => {
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => {
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
.catch((err) => {
values: {
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
errorFields: [
{ name: ['password'], errors: ['Please input your Password!'] },
outOfDate: false,

How to trigger field validation at Ant design form with custom validation func

I have password reset form:
props.form.getFieldDecorator('currentPassword', {
rules: [{ min: 6 },
{ validator: maybeMustBeRequared }
})(<Input type="password" />),
label: tUsers.currentPassword,
props.form.getFieldDecorator('newPassword', {
rules: [{ min: 6 }],
})(<Input type="password" />),
label: tUsers.newPassword,
props.form.getFieldDecorator('confirmPassword', {
rules: [
{ min: 6 },
validator: compareToFirstPassword,
})(<Input type="password" />),
label: tUsers.confirmPassword,
my goal revalidates password password field when newPassword or confirmPassword is not empty.
const maybeMustBeRequared = (rule, value, callback) => {
console.log('rule', rule)
if (!isEmpty(props.form.getFieldValue('newPassword')) || !isEmpty(props.form.getFieldValue('confirmPassword')) ) {
// there I want trigger passwor field validation { min: 6}
} else {
Although I think you don't need such validator in your case, both rules min: 6 are enough.
But still you can try this:
passwordLength = (rule, value, callback) => {
const { form } = this.props;
const confirmPassword = form.getFieldValue('confirmPassword');
if (value || confirmPassword) {
} else {
callback('Im Here');

Relay uses initial variable during setVariables transition, not "last" variable

I have a page where a bunch of file ids get loaded from localStorage, then when the component mounts / receives new props, it calls setVariables. While this works and the new variables are set, the results from the initial variables is used during the transition, which causes an odd flickering result.
Why would Relay give me something different during the transition at all? My expectation would be that this.props.viewer.files.hits would be the same as the previous call while setVariables is doing its thing, not the result from using the initial variables.
const enhance = compose(
componentDidMount() {
const { files, relay } = this.props
if (files.length) {
shouldUpdate((props, nextProps) => {
if (props.files.length !== nextProps.files.length && nextProps.files.length) {
return true
export { CartPage }
export default Relay.createContainer(
connect(state => state.cart)(enhance(CartPage)), {
initialVariables: {
first: 20,
offset: 0,
filters: {},
getFiles: false,
sort: '',
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Root {
summary {
aggregations(filters: $filters) {
project__project_id {
buckets {
fs { value }
files {
hits(first: $first, offset: $offset, filters: $filters, sort: $sort) {
Ah I finally figured this out. prepareParams was changing the value
export const prepareViewerParams = (params, { location: { query } }) => ({
offset: parseIntParam(query.offset, 0),
first: parseIntParam(query.first, 20),
filters: parseJsonParam(query.filters, null), <-- setting filters variable
sort: query.sort || '',
const CartRoute = h(Route, {
path: '/cart',
component: CartPage,
prepareParams: prepareViewerParams, <--updating variable
queries: viewerQuery,
