Visual Studio Locks - visual-studio-mac

I don't really know how to describe my problem but sometimes it locks and shows a preview like box (as in screenshot) and then I can not edit my project. Escape key does not work. What is that and how can I overcome thank you.


Visual Studio 2013 Solution Explorer Not Showing Files

I am trying to start a side-project to learn some MVC coding.
I am having some weird behaviour when I have reopened my MVC project.
The classes I created "Backpacker" and "Booking" are not showing up in the solution explorer. I have tried pressing the "Show all files" button, but this does not help.
As you can see in the screenshots, I have the class file open, and the path is pointing to the current project. Also you can see that my classes are in the same directory as the other classes that are visible in the models folder.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? It is hugely frustrating and I feel like maybe I have not configured something correctly?
Thanks in advance
Darn it - I tried the "Show all files" once more and this time it seemed to "almost" work... see the newest screenshot.
However Visual Studio is still obviously not connecting them to the project correctly.... does anyone know why? or how to fix/prevent this in future?
Alright so this problem was my own fault. I overlooked something I had done without realising what was actually happening.
When I added my new classes through solution explorer, that was all done fine. However When I closed visual studio and had the following prompt:
I clicked "no" because I usually work with XSLT which doesn't require saving the solution for my changes to be kept.
When you add references to new class files in your project, the project needs to be saved or you will lose this data (duhhh).
To fix this issue I did the following:
And then made sure I SAVED THE SOLUTION changes.
Thanks for your help - hopefully this may be of use to other people.

How do you stop visual studio 2012 trimming white space on save

this is really giving me headaches, ever since I installed the last update pack, visual studio[2012] keeps removing white space at the end of each line when I save a file.
it's fine if I'm working on personal projects, but not when working on team projects where code changes are reviewed that gives reviewers hard time for so many changes made turn out to be white spaces
I can't find any settings that turns this off, there're some posts online mentioning about injecting a piece of macro in the IDE to stop this from happening. Seriously? I can't believe Microsoft delivers such a bad feature that there's no way to turn it off...
can anyone here help me out please?
please note it's Visual studio 2012

Xcode autocomplete to show suggestion when "Contains" rather than"Start with"

Being a .Net developer I've vastly worked with Visual Studio and Jetbrains Resharper.
When using Resharper and VS, autocomplete suggestions appear when suggestions contains word being typed rather that start with. I've seen similar behavior in Jetbrains AppCode.
but Xcode, with default settings, just shows suggestion when the suggestions start with the word being typed!
Just wondering if we can somehow modify this behavior to suggest words containing rather than starts with.
I've looked at Xcode >> Preferences >> Text Editing, but couldn't find anything.
P.S. Why I'm not using AppCode if I need this feature? My 30 days trial evaluation is up!
As this question come in first place in search engine, i give a solution for people want this feature:
just go to Xcode organizer and delete Derived data.
Clean Trash.
Restart Xcode.
It will working fine.

Can ReSharper always jump to view's .cshtml in ASP.NET MVC project instead of asking me?

I'm talking about this menu, which appears when I press Ctrl+B:
In 99.99% I want to see a .cshtml, could it be made a default option (so that resharper would open the file without asking)?
I don't know if it comes with Visual Studio or ReSharper but there is a shortcut named Go to View.
CtrlM + CtrlG
Maybe not the answer you are looking for but it's quite useful.
So, the answer is: there is no such feature in ReSharper yet (I posted an issue and they added it to 8.1 backlog).

Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET MVC: Create Strongly Typed View Not Showing My Classes

For some reason, when I create a new view and select 'Create Strongly Typed View', when I try to select a view data class from my project I find that its not in the list?
Classes from all my project's references (external references) are there, but NONE of mine?
I know this can be done manually, but (bloody) visual studio wont allow me to select a page template unless a view data class has been selected. Im sure this is something I have forgetten or changed somewhere by mistake. Hope someone can help!
This is probably a stupid suggestion, but the only time this has happened to me has been when I've created a new ViewModel and tried to create a strongly typed view without building the project first.
I had this exact same issue, could not find the solution anywhere, and i really searched google, read many sites answers/suggestions, but nothing helped me, until i did this below.
Ok, you may have already figured out the answer by now, or even tried what i am about to suggest, but, save project, build project, just to be sure, then close project, then close vs altogether, then RUN VS AS ADMINISTRATOR, then open your project and add view, i bet you can now see the data classes in the View data class drop-down...!
Let me know if this worked for you.
//edit: just fyi, I don't think you would see this behavior in say Windows XP for instance, it must be due to the uac in Vista and 7, so I am assuming you are using one of these two. In my case i am using 7. I may have gotten this totally wrong, pardon me if i did, but it solved this issue for me, thanks.
//another edit: In fact, i think many problems with vs and sqlsrvr are related to permissions in vista and 7... just my thoughts.
Jimbo - again 'stupid suggestion'. but are you checking for the fully qualified name of the project.classname?? So if you're looking for 'Albums' in the class list from the 'zulu' project, you'd have to scroll down to 'zulu.Albums'...
just a thought
I need to close this question as the problem is gone now - the solution?
Install Visual Studio 2010 - sorted :)
If anyone does find out why this happens, please just drop me a comment here and I will re-open the question for a successful answer.
I had similar issue. I try all the suggestions but installing Visual studio seems big process,
Why not try rebuild the solution , then it show all the classes in the project ..Hope it definitely works
