how can I show selected image in Photos app - ios

currently in my app I'm fetching the images from Photos app and showing them in my app.
in my app when user click the image
I want to open Photos app with selected image ,is there any way to do this?

You can't do that.
Also, There is not officially documented way to open Photos App as well.
You might, still open the Photos application using photos-redirect:// url scheme but this is also not documented by Apple to use so you might face some problems with it during the review process.
Opening to certain pre-selected photo in the Photos application is not possible.


Image sharing in iOS

In iOS I noticed you can select a photo in your Photo app and then share it using other apps (eg. Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.). I would like to implement the same functionality in my app, but I don't know where to start. Can you help me? The things I don't understand are:
how my app can be listed between the apps that can share images;
how my app "knows" what to do when a user selects an image;
I know this is basic, maybe trivial, but I searched a little maybe using the wrong keywords, I dunno.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is a reference on accessing images iOS:
Open gallery with photos and videos
Here are some references on sharing images with iOS:
Sharing and Actions
App Extension Essentials

How to reuse default iphone app feature in my app?

My app need to create user avatar. During the process, it allows user to edit the selected image. I found that in Apple camera app has edit image feature. How can i reuse that feature in my app?
You can't reuse Apple's APP but SDK. As I'm aware Photos and PhotosUI were designed for photo display and edit. Just search them in Apple Developer Website.

Is it possible to integrate iPhone Photos Edit options to a custom app

Is it possible to integrate iPhone's Photos Edit option to your own application as follows?
Actually you can edit library photo in custom app and can save it in library as different image but the actual library photo can not be modified.

Detect if an app is available in app store and is installed on the device

I am trying to accomplish the following:
Check to see if an app is installed on the device
Show user details of the app such as description, rating etc.
If it is installed, give user an option to launch it. Else give an option to download it.
Something like the image below. I see many apps showing this standard looking UI. I am not sure if it is provided by the platform.
I looked at how to programmatically detect and launch app using known URI schemes. But I don't see anywhere how to get the description, rating, get the download URL for the app.

ios 7 background sync uploading pictures

I have studied the background syncing and multitasking capabilities of iOS 7. What cant figure out is the possibility to upload new photo's taken with the camera app.
The part to upload a file in the background isnt the hardest part, but what delegates do i have to use to detect wether a photo is taken and upload this particular latest photo?
Possible duplicate: iOS - Background uploading of photos
I think you can use Photos Framework to do it. There is a delegate method to callback if one photo is edited or added.
First Photos Framework only supports iOS8+;
#import Photos;
Implement PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver protocol;
- (void)photoLibraryDidChange:(PHChange *)changeInstance {
if (![collectionChanges hasIncrementalChanges] || [collectionChanges hasMoves]) {} else {}
If I understand correctly, what you want to do just cannot be done on iOS (Apple security limitations).
If you want to upload a photo each time user takes a photo with Camera app (the OS built in Camera app), you would have to implement something such as folder scanning, to detect there is a new image in Photos folder. That would require access to complete file system, including files of all applications, which cannot be done due to Sandbox restriction.
In iOS, each application has it's own directory and you are allowed to write only to that directory. Access to files outside of it is always rejected (unless you are super user on a jailbroken phone).
Read more about iOS Sandbox:
What is Sandbox in ios , Can i Trans data between in one App to Another App in iPhone,if possible how
So what you can do on iOS, is to open a Camera picker view and allow the user to take a photo. After that you can easily access the photo and upload it to your server. Read more about it on the links below:
opening camera in iphone app programatically
