How to assign Telerik RadComboBox selected value to TextBox inside RadGrid Edit Form - textbox

In RadGrid Edit Form template, I have a RadComboBox and a textBox. I want to assign the selected value of RadComboBox to TextBox while in RadGrid Edit Form, Is that possible. If yes, then how can one achieve this?
I can describe in picture below:
As shown in picture above, If i select comboxValue1 from RadComboBox, then it should be automatically shown in textBox Below, Is that possible in codebehinde .cs file?


Hide and show other controls based on the drop down value using Orbeon Builder

How to create form using Orbeon builder, where user can select value from a drop down and based on the selection the user can see other controls get rendered (probably hidden/shown).
First, give a meaningful name to that dropdown field; say gender.
Click on the Edit Choices icon for that field, just below the Control Details icon, and in the dialog assign meaningful values to each choice. Those are the values you'll refer to in step 3.
Finally, in the Control Details for the other field, under the Formulas tab, if you want that field to only be shown if the value of the gender field is female, enter the XPath expression $gender = 'female'.

Value from dropdown on IconTabBar empty

change view (XML) contains IconTabBar with 3 IconTabFilters, which contain input controls (input, combobox, datePicker...). These input controls have pre-filled value from OData model. On the bottom of the view is button "Save". When I click on "Save" button, in my "onSave" function I am reading values from input controls from all IconTabFilters, but only values from the input controls on the first IconTabFilter are filled. Values from the rest of the fields are empty.
When I click on all IconTabFilters (without changing values), click "Save", then I'm getting all values correctly.
Please what I'm doing wrong? Odata model contains all required values, and also IconTabFilters contain all required values. But I can't read them from input controls before clicking on all IconTabFilters.
The Controls on the tabs only get initiated when they have to be displayed. This is done to improve the felt performance of the UI.
Since you are already using model binding, you should take the values out of the model instead of the input fields.

In MVC how to create available and selected Listbox

I am a novoice and I like to know an example working model, view and controller where I can display available options in a listbox and select and add to a selected options to a selected listbox and finally submit the form with selection list box options in a mvc as shown in the screenshot. Please provide code example code for controller, model and view

Pass table row values to struts action class which uses display: column tag

I have a struts table which displays data using <display:column> tag.It has many rows and checkbox for each row. But for only one column I need to show as text fields which I did using <display:column><input type ="text"..../></display:column>. Now the problem is I need to submit only the value of the text fields for the rows which have been selected by checking the check box. The submit button is outside the display tag. Can anybody please suggest how to achieve this.

Update values set in autocomplete dynamically created textbox

I need ideas to handle the mouse click selection and the hand written text in an autocomplete textbox to be saved through a controller in JQuery.
Im clear with the saving part, the issue im facing isthat when I select (click) on any option in the autocomplete box, the onblur is called and it only takes the first word ive typed and tries saving it to the database.
Whereasif i comment out the select event in autocomplete and only handle onblur of the textbox, the handwritten value is saved and the clicked value from the autocomplete isnt saved.
Any ideas ?
