NavigationBar item / icon hidden on App Store - ios

We just uploaded a new version of our App on the App Store. And to my surprise, the icon to our search-function via the navigationBar was not visible.
When I run the app via Xcode, the icon is visible on all devices and iOS versions (which the app supports).
How can the icon just disappear? I'll try uploading the same build again against the App Store and see if there is any difference. But I doubt it...
Anyone experienced something similar before or know what this could be due to? Confused
The icon is just added via the StoryBoard in the project directly as a navigationBar item with an icon


Why is my app's icon displaying incorrectly on the apple App Store?

I recently released an app on the apple App Store however I have an issue with the app icon not displaying correctly. It displays fine on the App Store when viewed from a MacBook however when viewed from an iPhone the icon is fully black like so:
The same app listing on the App Store viewed from a MacBook:
Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? The icon displays correctly in Xcode and on apple connect yet when viewed from an iPhone on the App Store it turns all black.
Try resubmitting your app. I think it's a current bug with App Store Connect.
When you go into App Store Connect, ensure the icon is displaying properly under the build (on the main version screen). And when you submit the app the for review, also ensure it's displaying properly.
I had the same black icon issue, and after uploading the app a few times, I finally got it to display with the proper icon on the main version screen. And when I submitted for review, it also displayed the proper icon (not the blacked out icon). It took a few attempts.
I managed to fix the issue. The problem was that I was using the flutter package flutter_launcher_icons to generate the app icon and for some reason it did not generate all the right sizes causing the app icon to show up on some devices but not on others. Apple still approved the app which made me think that it was an issue on their side rather than mine. I fixed the issue by using this app icon generator instead which generated all the right sizes and now the app icon shows up correctly on every device.

App icon not appearing in app switcher in ios

I have recently developed a set of icons for my ios app using This provides a folder of appropriately sized images. I then have dragged each of these images into the appropriate slot in the AppIcon section in Assets.xcassets. The icon shows up fine in on my phone screen but not in the app switcher (see circled in image). There are no errors showing.
I have:
- Cleaned build folder and rebuilt
- I have restarted my iPhone
- I have manually placed all the images in the slots
- I have also tried replacing the original AppIcon folder with the one provided by make appicon
All to no effect. Be grateful for any suggestions.
Uninstall App → Restart Device → Install App
Just putting here for the sake of working answer !
As #cobberboy has mentioned in comment, doing above works - verified
I have been trying to figure out this issue, as I multiple times changed the icons removed the build, took new builds etc, but the app switcher icon was the default icon.
I have tried the app on a new phone and the desired icon was showing. So my guess is that the app switcher, (also apple watch OS's app switcher) has some sort of hardcore cache machanism.
If anyone coming from Google facing this issue, not sure how to flush this cache, but you can go ahead and ship your app, as this cache is only on your device.
Good luck!
Ensure you have provided icons for all sizes, deploy, then restart the device to clear any caches.

iOS app showing old app icon even after change

I am changing app icon for my app and had below issue.
Even though I changed app icon still at times when I quit the app the animation shows old app icon and then transforms to new app icon. And also in Siri suggestion I still see old app icon. Will this be there even after app release or is it just a issue with running through Xcode. Is there anyway I can remove this app icon caching? I tried deleting old app and restarting device and then installing new app that solves this issue, but actual users won’t be doing this. Can anyone suggest any solution for this issue?
I am using Xcode 11 and I am on iOS 13.
Clean build and delete derived data, and that should take care of your issue. But users downloading app from App Store will not experience this issue.
1) Product > Clean build folder
2) XCode > Preferences > Locations > click on arrow for derived data
The iOS Springboard caches the app icon. So as soon as you change the app icon it won’t reflect in Siri suggestions and few app quit animation may still show old app icon. Gradually as user starts using the app with new logo and when iOS springboard caches the app icon again it will start showing the new app icon. So, don’t worry gradually all your users will start seeing the new app icon.

Apple Watch notifications - icon not showing

I have an app I'm developing. But when my iphone is locked and the push notification goes to the iwatch it doesn't show my app icon. Rather it shows the default app icon. I tried adding the watch app icons to the App Icon file. but it still only shows the default icon when the push notification goes to the iwatch.
Are you sure you put them in the AppIcon in the images.xcassets folder in the WatchKit App target? There are 8 sizes you'll need to supply.
Be sure all the image in the xcassets are in the correct dimension in pixels (be sure no warnings from Xcode). After change or add images in my App I removed the App from iPhone and Watch and reinstall all. Then all icons were OK.
You need to add AppIcon in "WatchKit" Assets.xcassets file. Then remove your old build and install new one. Now you can see app icon.
I had same problem...
All images and assets were correctly in place
I even did a clean build, deleted the watch app and reinstalled it (via Xcode debugger sequence)
But: The app icon still would not show up in the listing or glance
Note..important clue, the icon WOULD show up if I use the simulator.
Fix: After installing the latest and greatest update, REBOOT THE WATCH.
i.e. I held the side button until the Apple Icon reboots
Voila..the icon now appears correctly..go figure..

Remove Icon Gloss in itunesconnect for App Store (not in app)

Since the 1024x1024 pixel update in iTunesconnect we've been trying to remove the icon gloss from the App Store icon.
Our app icon looks fine on iPhone or iPad (prerendered icon flag is OK), but the icon we upload to itunesconnect gets the gloss added. This is what we mean:
We already experienced this with our lite version: the icons on iOS look fine, but there does not seem to be a way to disable gloss for the App Store icons.
Does anyone have an idea how to disable gloss for the App Store as well or is this changed in the App Store update?
[we used the search, but haven't found an answer to this question]
The App Store icon is styled according to your application info.plist. Apple use the 'gloss' effect by default in iTunes Connect because your binary hasn't been upload and processed yet. Once your app goes live you icon should be displayed correctly (according to your info.plist). If you still have issues your only course of action is to raise it as a bug with Apple.
After adding a new version of my app (with 1024 high res icon) it was also adding the gloss effect in iTunes Connect, it stayed there till I released it. It's showing fine in the AppStore and on iPhone and iPad.
