WireShark Decrypt TLSv1.2 with existing .pcap - wireshark

I received a copy of a session. I can see Client random keys as well as pre-master key while inspecting the Client Hello, and Server Handshake packets.
This is an existing session to analyze so I'd have to create a log file without capturing more packets. I tried pasting the keys in NSS format and saving the file as a .log---- imported into the TLS preferences but cannot decrypt.
knowing these restrictions, How can I go about decrypting this information?
**** Update-- The cert is encrypted using AES256-GCM-SHA384 cipher suite. Is this helpful? ****


Delphi SSL connection using a certificate on a smart card

I'm trying to access a certain API and I have been provided with a smart card which contains the certificate that I'm supposed to use to establish a SSL connection with the said API. I'm trying to do this through a Delphi appliction.
The following is the info of the certificate:
The certificate used to establish a secure connection is stored on a
smart card and it can be accessed from the PKI Applet using PKSC#11
API. The certificate is loaded in the slot / token structure on the
PKI Applet. After the certificate is extracted from the smart card (in
DER format) it can be used as a standard X.509 certificate for TLS/SSL
and HTTPS protocols.
I'm able to extract the certificate (via pkcs11CertificateStorage tool from SecureBlackbox) but I'm hvaing trouble using it for a SSL connection with Delphi.
Here's a simplified version of what I'm doing to attach the certificate to the request (using ipWorks REST component):
CertStorage: TsbxCertificateStorage;
ipwREST1: TipwREST;
// ...
CertStorage.Open('pkcs11://user:' + Pin + '#/' + StorageFilename + '?slot=0'+ RO);
ipwREST1.SSLCertEncodedB := CertStorage.Certificates[0].Bytes;
The error that I get from the REST component:
273: Could not acquire security credentials: error 0x8009030E
Which led me to the error explanation by the component developer:
When using a certificate for client authentication, ensure the certificate's private keys are accessible. The certificate in the Windows certificate store must contain the corresponding private keys, and be marked as exportable.
and I'm not sure how to interpret this.
I've tried saving the certificate in a file, using openSSL to convert to PEM and attaching it in other ways but with no success.
I feel like I'm missing something in my approach. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

What is the file with .p8 extension? (APNs Auth Key / JWT)

I think it is a little ridiculous but it's hard to find information about what is this file. I've found a lot info how to get this Apple Push Notification Authentication Key, but i also want to know exactly what is it.
Here is some info i have found:
No need to re-generate the push certificate every year;
One auth key
can be used for all your apps;
Same for sandbox and Production.
From Apple Docs:
Token-based provider connection trust: A provider using the
HTTP/2-based API can use JSON web tokens (JWT) to provide validation
credentials for connection with APNs. In this scheme, you provision a
public key to be retained by Apple, and a private key which you retain
and protect. Your providers then use your private key to generate and
sign JWT provider authentication tokens. Each of your push
notification requests must include a provider authentication token.
You can use a single, token-based connection between a provider and
APNs can to send push notification requests to all the apps whose
bundle IDs are listed in your online developer account.
Every push notification request results in an HTTP/2 response from
APNs, returning details on success or failure to your provider.
Further check Token-Based Provider-to-APNs Trust section.
What is actually the .p8 file?
What programm can open it? (Keychain didn't work for me)
Is there a way to convert it to .pem or .p12?
A little flow-out question in order to not create a new topic: Does the server side operate with .p8 the same way as .p12 or it should be additional tools added?
The following is the state of my research:
The APNS .p8 file contains the PRIVATE KEY that is used to SIGN the JWT content for APNS messages.
The file itself is a pure text file, the KEY inside is formatted in PEM format.
The part between the -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY----- is a base64 formatted ASN.1 PKCS#8 representation of the key itself. Some can use the following web service to extract its contents (ASN1JS).
The KEY itself is 32 bytes long and is used to create the required ECDSA P-256 SHA-256 signature for the JWT. The resulting JWT looks like this '{JWT header base64 encoded}.{JWT payload base64 encoded}.Signature (64 bytes) base64 encoded'.
There are a lot of web services to decode such tokens, but some couldn't check the signature, as the corresponding PUBLIC KEY isn't known (Apple keeps it secret when providing the PRIVATE KEY).
EDIT: It seems, that the PUBLIC KEY is also included in the .p8 file, it can be extracted via OpenSSL (and is visible when decoding the ASN.1 content: the 520 bit stream).
openssl ec -in AuthKey_123ABC4567.p8 -pubout -out
File extensions are just a convention, but most likely the .p8 extension is used to indicate that it is a PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo (or EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo).
I'd expect the Keychain program to be able to open it as "a key", but not having a mac at hand I can't say. It should open with SecItemImport (kSecFormatOpenSSL, kSecItemTypePrivateKey).
Is there a way to convert it to .pem or .p12?
Assuming you mean "certificate" by .pem, no. If you mean PEM encoded, sure. It's either "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" or "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY", depending.
It can also, technically, be converted into a PKCS#12. But Apple's PKCS#12 importer won't import (last I saw) private keys that it can't figure out what certificate they belong with (from the same PKCS#12).
This is just a private key, there's no certificate (thus no expiration). So certificate-based approaches don't make sense.
Does the server side can operate with .p8 the same way as .p12 or it should be additional tools added?
This depends entirely on the details of the protocol, which I don't know. If the protocol transported the certificate then different machinery is involved with the conversion. If it just transported a signature and the server looked up the public key for verification then nothing changed server side.
It's a text file! The .p8 extension signifies a simple text file containing public/private key. You can open it with any text editor (TextEdit, vim, Sublime Text) to see your key.

Tab not found in Wireshark

While reading an article about TLS decryption, I found this image
where a tab named "Decrypted SSL Data" in wireshark exists. But, in my Wireshark(version 2.2.5), I cannot find this tab. How can I find this tab or something that may show me the decrypted ssl data?
Since Wireshark version 1.6 you can also use so called (Pre)-Master-Secret file that can be generated by Chrome or Firefox.
There are some details on Wireshark wiki what needs to be done.
Using the (Pre)-Master-Secret
Please note this will not work Diffie-Hellman cipher, and this must be disabled in your browser. There some instructions how to do it here:
Walkthrough: Decrypt SSL/TLS traffic (HTTPS and HTTP/2) in Wireshark
There are many more resources on the net about the subject.
Please try those links below:
Decrypting TLS Browser Traffic With Wireshark – The Easy Way!
Decrypt HTTPS traffic with Wireshark and Fiddler
Using Wireshark to Decode SSL/TLS Packets
If (Pre)-Master-Secret file approach does not work for you please try Fiddler which use a proxy approach and you should be able to decrypt SSL traffic with dedicated certificate that needs to be installed on your device. You can find quick guide here: Configure Fiddler to Decrypt HTTPS Traffic
You have to first supply the RSA encryption key to Wireshark so it can decrypt the SSL traffic for you. You can refer to the Wireshark SSL wiki page for how to do that.

iOS Security: Web server and File system

I have gone through apple developer videos on Security they have mentioned to use ssl https certificates and keychain to deal with security.
My iOS app will be giving access to sensitive paid files. so hackers should not get access to these files. I will be using in app purchase, so that user can buy these file.
1) My first question is: Should i host my files on apple server (Hosted Contents) , is the apple to client communication secure enough or should i implement my own server code with certificates and ssl authentication.
2) i want to know or get idea on how to encrypt files using private key on my desktop machine and then upload it on my server. When asked for by my iOS app pass the public key and encrypted file and save the public key in Keychain for further use. I want this feature so as to save the file on disk without anyone getting access to it by jailbreaking or other hack.
3) What should be used as public and private keys and what type of encryption to use. Currently i have come across AES looks good enough but is there a better way? Can certificates itself used to encrypt data or pass keys?
4) Which certificate authority to contact for most secure certificates.
Thanks in advance...
Main purpose to achieve is to download pdf and that pdf should not be accessible to user outside the app.
1) I have decided to use root certificates from CA and https to transfer content, to avoid MINM.
2) On app side i will generate public private key pair.
3) Save Private key in keychain.
4) Send Public key to server.
5) Server will encrypt pdf using MAIN-AES-Key.
6) MAIN-AES-Key will be encrypted using Public key sent by app.
7) Encrypted-pdf and Encrypted-MAIN-AES-Key will be sent to app.
8) Encrypted-pdf will saved to disk with secure write options just incase.
9) Encrypted-MAIN-AES-Key will be saved in keychain.
10) To decrypt pdf: Private key generated by app will be used to decrypt Encrypted MAIN-AES-Key and MAIN-AES-KEY will be used to decrypt pdf.
11) Finally will be trusting Apple-KeyChain to keep Private-Key secure.
The solution is unnecessarily complicated. The more complicated, the less secure due to more potential errors/over-sights.
Do use https with a CA signed certificate
To avoid MITM pin the certificate on the app side
There is no need to further encrypt the data being sent over https
Encrypt the file on the device and save:
Create an encryption from random bytes
Save the key in the Keychain
Create an iv from random bytes
Add the iv to the beginning of the encryption buffer
Encrypt the data with AES, CBC mode and PKS7 padding into the buffer following the iv
Save the data into a file the the app file area, possibly under the Documents or Library directory
Decrypt the file on the device and use:
Get the key from the Keychain
Read the encrypted data file
Get the iv from the beginning of the data
Decrypt the data starting just past the iv
Do not ignore the server
Use two factor authentication.
Properly hash with a salt any passwords
Use good user authentication
For the app data encryption consider using RNCryptor instead of writing the encryption portion yourself.

how to configure TIdHttp with TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL to use certificates of type USB key

Good morning,
I wonder how to configure TIdHttp with TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL to use certificates of type USB key, because it is only possible using key file type.
This key is an Alladin, and I wish I could select the key to be used as various certificate if any certificate keys.
thank you in advance
OpenSSL does not natively support using USB keys. Although OpenSSL does have APIs for loading certificate data from memory, Indy does not expose that functionality yet. So at this time, you can only load certificate files from disk. If the USB key has a drive letter assigned to it, and contains certificate files in PEM or ASN.1 format, you can try pointing Indy directly to the USB key's files, otherwise you are basically SOL.
