Dockerized Solr not updating configsets - docker

I have a Dockerized Solr and I have to update a configset. The file I modified is under this path: solrhome/server/solr/configsets/myconfig/conf and is called DIH_ContentIndex.xml. After that, I deleted my Docker images and containers with these commands:
docker container stop <solr_container_id>
docker container rm <solr_container_id>
docker image rm <solr_img_id>
docker volume rm <solr_volume>
I rebuilt everything but Solr is not taking changes, as I can see when i go in the Files section. So, I decided to add a configset, that we will call newconfig with my changes at the same level of the other one. Redid everything and restarted. But nothing. So, I decided to enter the container with docker exec -it --user root <solr_container_id> /bin/bash and decided to change the files manually (just to test). Stopped, restarted the container but still nothing. After deleting again everything about Docker, I can still see my changes from inside the container. At this point, I think either I'm not deleting everything or I'm not placing my new config in the right directory. What else do I need to do for a clean build?
Here is the fragment of docker-compose I'm trying to launch, just in case this is the fault.
container_name: "MySolr"
build: ./solr
restart: always
hostname: solr
- "8983:8983"
- my-network
- vol_solr:/opt/solr
- configdb
- zookeeper
ZK_HOST: zookeeper:2181
Of course, everything else is running fine so there is no error witht he dependencies.
It is not a problem of browser cache. I already tried cleaning the cache and using a different browser.
Some updates: it actually copies my config inside the fresh-built image.. But still, can't select it from the Frontend. Clearly, I'm placing my config files in the wrong path.
Thank you in advance!

Solved! All I had to do was:
enter the Solr container, with this command:
docker exec -it --user root <solr_container_id> /bin/bash
entering as root to be able to install nano
copy my pre-existing config somewhere (in the same path of bin for convenience) and modify the file DIH_ContentIndex.xml
apt update
apt install nano
nano DIH_ContentIndex.xml
Go to solr/bin pload to ZK, using this command:
solr zk upconfig -n config_name -d /path/to/config_folder


Sharing data between docker containers without making data persistent

Let's say I have a docker-compose file with two containers:
version: "3"
image: someimage:fpm-alpine
- myvolume:/var/www/html
image: nginx:alpine
- myvolume:/var/www/html
The app container contains the application code in the /var/www/html directory which gets updated with each version of the image, so I don't want this directory to be persistent.
Yet I need to share the data with the nginx container. If I use a volume or a host bind the data is persistent and doesn't get updated with a new version. Maybe there is a way to automatically delete a volume whenever I pull a new image? Or a way to share an anonymous volume?
i think its better for you to use anonymous volume
- ./:/var/www/html
You would have to be willing to drop back to docker-compose version 2 and use data containers with the volumes_from directive.
Which is equivalent to --volumes-from on a docker run command.
This should work fine. The problem isn't with docker. You can use volumes to communicate in this way. If you run docker-compose up in a directory with the following compose file:
version: "3"
image: ubuntu
command: sleep 100000
- vol:/vol
image: ubuntu
command: sleep 100000
- vol:/vol
Then, in a 2nd terminal docker exec -it so_one_1 bash (you might have to do a docker ps to find the exact name of the container, it can change). You'll find yourself in a bash container. Change to the /vol directory cd /vol and then echo "wobble" > wibble.txt", then exit` the shell (ctrl-d).
In the same terminal you can then type docker exec -it so_two_1 bash (again, check the names). Just like last time you can cd /vol and type ls -gAlFh you'll see the wibble.txt file we created in the other container. You can even cat wibble.txt to see the contents. It'll be there.
So if the problem isn't docker, what can it be? I think the problem is that nginx isn't seeing the changes on the filesystem. For that, I believe that setting expires -1; inside a location block in the config will actually disable caching completely and may solve the problem (dev only).

Mounted directory empty with docker-compose and custom Dockerfile

I am very (read very) new to Docker so experimenting. I have created a very basic Dockerfile to pull in Laravel:
FROM composer:latest
RUN composer_version="$(composer --version)" && echo $composer_version
RUN composer global require laravel/installer
WORKDIR /var/www
RUN composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel site
My docker-compose.yml file looks like:
version: '3.7'
context: .
dockerfile: laravel.dockerfile
container_name: my_laravel
network_mode: host
restart: on-failure
- ./site:/var/www/site
When I run docker-compose up, the ./site directory is created but the contents are empty. I've put this in docker-compose as I plan on on including other things like nginx, mysql, php etc
The command:
docker run -v "/where/i/want/data/site:/var/www/site" my_laravel
Results in the same behaviour.
I know the install is successful as I modified my dockerfile with the follwing two lines appended to it:
WORKDIR /var/www/site
RUN ls -la
Which gives me the correct listing.
Clearly misunderstanding something here. Any help appreciated.
EDIT: So, I was able to get this to work... although, it slightly more difficult than just specifying a path..
You can accomplish this by specifying a volume in docker-compose.yml.. The path to the directory (on the host) is labeled as device in the compose file.. It appears that the root of the path has to be an actual volume (possibly a share would work) but the 'destination' of the path can be a directory on the specified volume..
I created a new volume called docker on my machine but I suppose you could do this with your existing disk/volume..
I am on a Mac and this docker-compose.yml file worked for me:
version: '3.7'
container_name: my-nodemon-test
image: oze4/nodemon-docker-test
- "1337:1337"
- docker_test_app:/app # see comment below on which name to use here
docker_test_app: # use this name under `volumes:` for the service
name: docker_test_app
driver: local
o: bind
type: none
device: /Volumes/docker/docker_test_app
The container specified exists in my DockerHub.. this is the source code for it, just in case you are worried about anything malicious. I created it like two weeks ago to help someone else on StackOverflow.
Shows files from the container on my machine (the host)..
You can read more about Docker Volume configs here if you would like.
It looks like you are trying to share the build directory with your host machine.. After some testing, it appears Docker will overwrite the specified path on the container with the contents of the path on the host.
If you run docker logs my_laravel you should see an error about missing files at /var/www/site.. So, even though the build is successful - once Docker mounts the directory from your machine (./site) onto the container (/var/www/site) it overwrites the path within the container (/var/www/site) with the contents of the path on your host (./site) - which is empty.
To test and make sure the contents of /var/www/site are in fact being overwritten, you can run docker exec -it /bin/bash (you may need to replace /bin/bash with /bash).. This will give you command line access inside of the container. From there you can do ls -a /var/www/site..
Furthermore, you can also pre-stage ./site to have a random test file in it (test.txt or whatever), then docker-compose up -d, then run the same commands from the step above docker exec -it ... and see if the staged test.txt file is now inside the container - this gives you definitive evidence that when you run volumes, the data on your host overwrites data in the container.
With that being said, doing something like this and sharing a log directory will work... the volume path specified on the container is still overwritten, the difference is the container is writing to that path.. it doesn't rely on it for config files/app files.
Hope this helps.

How to implement changes made to docker-compose.yml to detached running containers

The project is currently running in the background from this command:
docker-compose up -d
I need to make two changes to their docker-compose.yml:
Add a new container
Update a previous container to have a link to the new container
After changes are made:
NOTE the "<--" arrows for my changes
build: .
restart: always
command: ['tini', '--', 'rails', 's']
RAILS_ENV: production
- db:mongo
- exim4:exim4.docker # <-- Add link
- 3000:3000
- .:/usr/src/app
image: mongo
restart: always
exim4: # <-------------------------------- Add new container
image: exim4
restart: always
- 25:25
EMAIL_PASSWORD: abcdabcdabcdabcd
After making the changes, how do I apply them? (without destroying anything)
I tried docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d but this destroyed the Mongo DB container... I cannot do that... again... :sob:
docker-compose restart says it won't recognize any changes made to docker-compose.yml
docker-compose stop && docker-compose start sounds like it'll just startup the old containers without my changes?
Test server:
Docker version: 1.11.2, build b9f10c9/1.11.2
docker-compose version: 1.8.0, build f3628c7
Production server is likely using older versions, unsure if that will be an issue?
If you just run docker-compose up -d again, it will notice the new container and the changed configuration and apply them.
(without destroying anything)
There are a number of settings that can only be set at container startup time. If you change these, Docker Compose will delete and recreate the affected container. For example, links are a startup-only option, so re-running docker-compose up -d will delete and recreate the web container.
this destroyed the Mongo DB container... I cannot do that... again...
image: mongo
restart: always
Add a volumes: option to this so that data is stored outside the container. You can keep it in a named volume, possibly managed by Docker Compose, which has some advantages, but a host-system directory is probably harder to accidentally destroy. You will have to delete and restart the container to change this option. But note that you will also have to delete and restart the container if, for example, there is a security update in MongoDB and you need a new image.
Your ideal state here is:
Actual databases (like your MongoDB container) store data in named volumes or host directories
Applications (like your Rails container) store nothing locally, and can be freely destroyed and recreated
All code is in Docker images, which can always be rebuilt from source control
Use volumes as necessary to inject config files and extract logs
If you lose your entire /var/lib/docker directory (which happens!) you shouldn't actually lose any state, though you will probably wind up with some application downtime.
Just docker-compose up -d will do the job.
Output should be like
> docker-compose up -d
Starting container1 ... done
> docker-compose up -d
container1 is up-to-date
Creating container2 ... done
As a side note, docker-compose is not really for production. You may want to consider docker swarm.
the key here is that up is idempotent.
if you update configuration in docker-compose.yaml
docker compose up -d
If compose is building images before run it, and you want to rebuild them:
docker compose up -d --build

How to update a Docker container from a newer image?

I have a project with the following file structure:
- Dockerfile
- app/
- file.txt
- uploads/
The file.txt file contains Hello 1.
The Dockerfile generates the app image and is quite simple:
FROM busybox
COPY ./app /var/www/app
VOLUME /var/www/app/uploads
The generated image is pushed to Docker Hub on the michaelperrin/app-test repository.
On my server where the app is deployed, I have the following docker-compose.yml file:
version: '2'
image: michaelperrin/app-test:0.1.0
working_dir: /var/www/app
- /var/www/app
image: nginx:1.11
- app
working_dir: /var/www/app
It defines two containers:
The app image.
A Nginx server, that has access to the app files.
The app is run with the docker-compose up -d command.
Running docker-compose exec nginx cat test-file.txt will therefore display:
Hello 1
Now, suppose I do the following steps:
Update the content of file.txt with Hello 2 on my local machine.
Build a new image of my app (that copies the new version of file.txt)
Tag it and push it on Docker Hub as version 0.2.0.
Change my docker-compose.yml file on the server to tell that I now use michaelperrin/app-test:0.2.0 for my app.
Run docker-compose up -d (and docker-compose restart to be sure).
Then the terminal outputs:
Status: Downloaded newer image for michaelperrin/app-test:0.2.0
Recreating apptest_app_1
Recreating apptest_nginx_1
And here is my problem:
If I run docker-compose exec nginx cat test-file.txt it will still display Hello 1, and not Hello 2.
The only solution I found was to do the following:
docker-compose stop app
docker-compose rm app
docker-compose up -d
Is there any better solution?
The problem with the rm solution is that it will remove all other files that could have been created inside the app container by my app, in the /var/www/app/uploads directory (despite the fact it is declared as a volume in the Dockerfile).
I think (and really hope) that this is not possible. You create an instance (container) from your image with the state it has in the moment as it was built. You'd have unintended side effects when the creation of a new image has an effect on the containers.
Therefore you should remove the old containers and build fresh ones with the new image.

Difference between docker-compose and manual commands

What I'm trying to do
I want to run a yesod web application in one docker container, linked to a postgres database in another docker container.
What I've tried
I have the following file hierarchy:
The docker-compose.yml looks like this:
build: database
build: api
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting
- PGHOST=database
- PGPORT=5432
- PGUSER=postgres
- PGDATABASE=postgres
- database
- api:/home/haskell/
- "3000:3000"
Running sudo docker-compose up fails either to start the api container at all or, just as often, with the following error:
api_1 | Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit
api_1 | yesod: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
personal_api_1 exited with code 1
If, however, I run sudo docker-compose database up & then start up the api container without using compose but instead using
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -itv /home/me/projects/personal/api/:/home/haskell --link personal_database_1:database personal_api /bin/bash
I can export the environment variables being set up in the docker-compose.yml file then manually run yesod devel and visit my site successfully on localhost.
Finally, I obtain a third different behaviour if I run sudo docker-compose run api on its own. This seems to start successfully but I can't access the page in my browser. By running sudo docker-compose run api /bin/bash I've been able to explore this container and I can confirm the environment variables being set in docker-compose.yml are all set correctly.
Desired behaviour
I would like to get the result I achieve from running the database in the background then manually setting the environment in the api container's shell simply by running sudo docker-compose up.
Clearly the three different approaches I'm trying do slightly different things. But from my understanding of docker and docker-compose I would expect them to be essentially equivalent. Please could someone explain how and why they differ and, if possible, how I might achieve my desired result?
The error-message suggests the API container is expecting input from the command-line, which expects a TTY to be present in your container.
In your "manual" start, you tell docker to create a TTY in the container via the -t flag (-itv is shorthand for -i -t -v), so the API container runs successfully.
To achieve the same in docker-compose, you'll have to add a tty key to the API service in your docker-compose.yml and set it to true;
build: database
build: api
tty: true # <--- enable TTY for this service
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting
