Error in plugin: Invalid JSON provided, unable to parse - influxdb

I'm using docker to bring up Telegraf,InfluxDB,Grafana.
I'm using amqp_consumer input plugin in Telegraf conf file.
I'm getting the error
E! [inputs.amqp_consumer] Error in plugin: Invalid JSON provided, unable to parse.
I have enabled debug level log in Telegraf conf also but I cannot see what is the json input Telegraf is receiving.
Can someone point out how to view the JSON messages received to Telegraf.


getting error as "Failed to find user name [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM]" during informatica installation

Getting above error in the logs, while installing informatica server 10.4, this is happening while i am in the create domain menu
then i get this error
when i check the logs, I am seeing this error.
OutPut : [ICMD_10033] Command [generateEncryptionKey] failed with error [[INFASETUP_10000] [FrameworkUtils_0006] The encryption key file cannot be generated. [[FrameworkUtils_0022] Failed to find user name [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM] during Informatica service startup, and so cannot grant read and write permissions on the node configuration directory to the user. Verify that the user that started the Informatica service is valid. If you are a Local System User, you can ignore this message as you inherit the read-write permissions.]..].
I am not getting where this [WORKGROUP\SYSTEM] user name is coming up

error while dumping sequence files from hdfs

I want to dump my sequence files from hdfs to local and i tried with seqdumper.
How to resolve following error?
I am using mahout 0.12.0 version.
I got the same error with clusterdump as well.
The error message "Unexpected -s" tells us that the "-s" flag you're using is not expected by the job. Perhaps you mean to use "-i" for input? The expected options are listed after the error message.

JRuby / OpenSSL error when attempting to start Rails server:

When I attempt to start my Rails server, I receive an error that reads:
OpenSSL::X509::StoreError: setting default path failed: Invalid keystore format
I suspect that my machine's keystore has somehow become corrupted. Does anyone know how I might go about resolving this issue?

could not load Twitter source data into Flume

I am getting the following error while running import twitter source data
could not find or load main class flume.node.Application error
can anyone help me resolve this issue?
Take a look at Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.flume.node.Application - Install flume on hadoop version 1.2.1 the error your getting similar to that. Its might not be about twitter the error that your getting could be more about how to run flume
After that you can take a look at Configuring Flume to use Twitter as Source for twitter integration

ERROR Failed to start Neo Server

I have to use neo4j for my rails application.
So I started installing the neo4j server.I followed steps to install here on linux.
But when I run
./bin/neo4j console
It gives
ERROR Failed to start Neo Server on port [unknown port] Bad value 'conf/neo4j-http-logging.xml' for setting 'org.neo4j.server.http.log.config': HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
org.neo4j.graphdb.config.InvalidSettingException: Bad value 'conf/neo4j-http-logging.xml' for setting 'org.neo4j.server.http.log.config': HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
I am unable to start the neo4j server.Help me how to resolve it.
Thanks in advance.
The error message very clearly mentions the root cause:
HTTP log directory [/opt/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/log] is not writeable.
So check file permissions and fix them so the user running neo4j can write to that directory.
